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Have you noticed the changes on the forum?

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"Series of tubes known as the interwebs" LOL! And I mean it, I laughed out loud. Have you been talking to my manager? This sounds like one of his technical explanations. :grin01:
You mean you have seen this phrase before? It was coined by Alaska's Senator Ted Stevens, who frighteningly holds some federal purse strings regarding the 'net.

Here's a youtube clip of his speech. It's been spoofed countless times, even into a dance remix version. Jon Stewart skewered him as well.

You know what's funny? I think one of the most obscene, inappropriate, and revolting photos I've ever seen here was posted by our own admin recently (the naked, fat guy at the PC pic)
Agreed! (Sadly, I'm responsible for that; it was in reference to my "man-boobs" comment.)

Although...can you please point out the irony? I guess a college degree doesn't mean as much as it used to, 'cuz I dont git it. :shrugs:

I did purposely use an extreme example in the same manner that others have. As a matter of fact, texastailfeathers used the exact same type of argument earlier in this thread with her "this is how dull and boring the writing would be on this forum, if it weren't for profanity" example.

The irony being that your earlier example, which I quoted above, used the same type of structure that Dale was suggesting was logical fallacy. That's like someone ripping up your argument and you thanking them for it.
I'm pretty sure he's seen that post. We're pretty tight. He's my sugar daddy, you know. ;)

All of the friends, with none of the benefits. Harrumph.

Although...can you please point out the irony? I guess a college degree doesn't mean as much as it used to, 'cuz I dont git it. :shrugs:

Nor do I. I saw Jennifer's example as satire, whereas I didn't read satire into your post at all.

Furthermore, I saw the response as a PeeWee Herman "I meant to do that", but I may be reading too much into it.

If I remember correctly, the "nice rack" comment was in reference to a photo of an orangutan and was very obviously a joke. If it wasn't, then that person has more serious issues than we can address here and we should offer him our support and sympathy.

Secondly, many women under the age of 30 refer to themselves as "chicks" and therefore do not find the term offensive. I often refer to myself as a "chick" and I've been known to call my husband a "dude". I do not feel that I am disrespecting myself or my peers by referring to our age group in colloquial terms.

Third (and I know this part wasn't in your post), if a woman finds the discussion of her nipples offensive, then she needs to refrain from mentioning that she has them PIERCED. The same applies to a man who mentions his PA. It's difficult to have that conversation without the word "penis" coming up.

Lastly (for now, anyway), a 22-year-old chick that posts photos of herself half dressed with a come hither smile and mountains of exposed cleavage does so with the specific intention of being "ogled" (or "oogled"...both feel really nice). Really. Ask one.

Whoa,Whoa,Were was the picture of the half dressed 22 year old with mountains of clevage?:shrugs:please post it again,I missed it.I find it offensive that some people are such uptight prudes and feel that all people should follow their beliefs and standards.I agree,everyone knows why the girls put up the sexy pics.I made some comments about a few of them,but for the sake of the forum I'll now change what I said.Bluebird,in your pics you look like a kind,caring,intelligent..............sorry,can't do it,You just look :devil01:
Well, there's fanning the flames, and then there's adding a pressurized O2 tank to the flames.

This should be fun. I may even do more watching than snarking.

Well, there's fanning the flames, and then there's adding a pressurized O2 tank to the flames.

This should be fun. I may even do more watching than snarking.

I don't disagree with what you've written here, Stephanie, but is it really relevant to the discussion of what's appropriate on THIS site? I don't mind judicious use of implied or explicit profanity either, but judicious language usage would dictate that I refrain from speaking the f-word in front of my grandmother, my boss, or my friend's ten-year old. I wouldn't write "f*&^ing" in an email to them either. . . . I think you'd agree that there are ways to use non-profane language that are nearly as meaningful as profane language. To me, in mixed company, it is enough to say that something is "absurd in the extreme" rather than "f***ing ridiculous".
I would occasionally use the f-word in front of my fundamentalist christian grandma, in front of my 60-year old advisor, and in front of my 10-year old niece, because for me it conveys that I am passionately angered by the ridiculousness. And I have had cause to communicate that sentiment to all of them at one time or another. However, your point is well-taken. I have not ever had cause to communicate that sentiment to a 12-year old in one of my classes, nor would I do so. I would say the s-word in front of them once I'm not in a teacher-type position anymore, and really I suspect that's the one I might use (probably have used) with asterisks here.

I guess in practice I also agree that you don't have to read it if you don't like it. That's why I stopped reading the picture thread and didn't report anything to the mods. But I also file away who I think is overly vulgar ("I'd hit it" qualifies for me) and try to avoid interacting with them on the boards anymore.
Not flaming,just saying what I think.If you don't like what's in a thread don't read it.Just about all the "problem" threads are in general chit chat,it's not about snakes.
If you've seen any of my posts, the last thing I am is an uptight prude. But to claim:

Hawkin' said:
everyone knows why the girls put up the sexy pics.

...is gonna be scrutinized by anyone who thinks critically.

First off, "sexy" is too subjective of an assessment that I doubt anyone could agree on. More importantly, to claim that "everyone" knows the intentions of the girls is really a stretch.

Since I lived in the town at the time, these generalizations reminded me of Judge Archie Simonson.

Never heard of him? Here you go. Take a look at the article date as well.

I don't mean to be on a soapbox here - but this is a claim waaaay to easy to refute.

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