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Have you noticed the changes on the forum?

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I'm a bit disappointed. This thread is about the fact that people are taking it too far at times... and look whats happening... shame.

After 140 posts, a little levity is needed. It's better than many commercials seen these days, you won't have any increased urges to gamble as a side effect, and if it lasts more than 4 hours, report it to your moderator.
After 140 posts, a little levity is needed. It's better than many commercials seen these days, you won't have any increased urges to gamble as a side effect, and if it lasts more than 4 hours, report it to your moderator.

OMG just got it :rofl: you are one funny woman.
For me, it would be much easier to accomplish any breast display by raising my shirt versus dropping the neckline. And to anybody that would actually look...THANKS! And exactly how long were you in prison?
I'm not offended, I'm downright angry. Susan you owe me a new keyboard and monitor, because I just spit my flippn' coffee all over the place. I'm gonna have to clean that dadgummed wall, too...:angry01: ;).

Honestly, I understand some of the concern, and I am even one of the contributors at times. I see a difference between "How YOU doin'?" and "I'd hit that", and I see where one might be offensive to someone while the other would not. I get it.

But I have to say...I still don't think things are as bad as all that. I see alot worse than MOST of this stuff on the Cartoon Network or Nikelodeon, to be honest.

Yes, there is the occasionally phrase, or photograph, that seems not quite right to me. I don't report it because I don't get easily offended, and I seriously believe that the moderators have way better stuff to do than tell a 19 year old she can't post pictures of herself in a "compromisable" situation. While I haven't seen any photos that were actually obscene or vulgar, I have seen several that were extremely inviting of vulgarity, whether intended or not. And of course...people made comments. Men AND women posted pictures, men AND women made comments. So who is at fault? And again...Where do you draw the line? What offends you may not offend me. And what offends me might be ridiculous to you. So...who do the mods protect? :shrugs:

I could give you my personal opinion as to where the line *should* be drawn, but no matter how reasonable it seems to some, it will be too lenient to others, and too strict to still others. So...whose right?:shrugs:

Unfortuantely, stricter moderation is not something that will be conducive to the lively and communtiy-based feeling of this forum. I would HATE to see the General Chit-Chat forum disappear. Personally, I feel there are 1,000 posts that DON'T offend, for every ONE that does. So what are we really complaining about? What do we really want done?:shrugs:

There are certainly worse places to be, both in terms of vulgarity, AND at the other end of the spectrum where strict moderation has removed all the soul and fun...the community from the place. I would hate to see either instance occur to my beloved CS.com. So...what can we do?:shrugs:

I can say this, and only this: I am a joker, and I am a flirt. I do not know if any of my posts in the past or recently have been deemed offensive by any of you. I can say with certainty that being offensive is not something that I desire, nor is it something I strive to achieve. IF I have offended anyone, past, present, or(to save me some time ;)) future...I apologize. Wasn't my intention. I will certainly make an effort to self-moderate, and re-read before I hit that "Submit" button in the future, for sure. But I can't guarantee I won't offend, still...

Dean, Susan, and Mike-
You three are awesome. I do not think this community could have elected a more well-rounded, unbiased, objective and fair trio of moderators. You guys do an incredible job of keeping things in line WITHOUT stomping on anyone's toes in the process. That is an extremely difficult task to accomplish, and the three of you do it better than could have been hoped for...:cheers:
I can say this, and only this: I am a joker, and I am a flirt. I do not know if any of my posts in the past or recently have been deemed offensive by any of you. I can say with certainty that being offensive is not something that I desire, nor is it something I strive to achieve. IF I have offended anyone, past, present, or(to save me some time ;)) future...I apologize.

If anyone claims that you've offended them, Chris, it won't be anyone from the female sector. I can guarantee it. ;) The only ones that might be offended are the ones you haven't hit on. :grin01:

No, but seriously...you're one of the good guys. If anything, you help keep order in this place.
Reply to original post...

Whereas I do agree with your concerns about "protecting the innocent youth", I must comment that I have often found that is the youth (people as young as 13) that are most often in the thick end of the profanity and inappropriate comments! Not only on this forum of course! And of course not ALL young people behave this way. But I have noticed that many (not all) think its very cool and clever to talk about sex etc etc.

However you cannot hold a person starting a thread for other's bad behaviour. Posting normal pics of yourself in a forum shouldn't be a problem...commenting that a woman or a man is attractive shouldn't be a problem. Sure, some people do take it too far, but hey, that's life, it's no different from kids being exposed to "Drunk Uncle Harry" at a Barbeque, point is, acceptable or not, the youth will be exposed to some form of bad behaviour during their life time...

That said, I do believe that all members should be careful what they say on an open forum. Just to make it more pleasant for everyone involved.
I'm not offended, I'm downright angry. Susan you owe me a new keyboard and monitor, because I just spit my flippn' coffee all over the place. I'm gonna have to clean that dadgummed wall, too...:angry01: ;).
So sue me! I'm on my 5th keyboard myself!

But I have to say...I still don't think things are as bad as all that. I see alot worse than MOST of this stuff on the Cartoon Network or Nikelodeon, to be honest.
Personally, I would love to see "Ed, Edd and Eddy" banned. That is one of the most disgusting cartoons ever!

Yes, there is the occasionally phrase, or photograph, that seems not quite right to me. I don't report it because I don't get easily offended, and I seriously believe that the moderators have way better stuff to do than tell a 19 year old she can't post pictures of herself in a "compromisable" situation. While I haven't seen any photos that were actually obscene or vulgar, I have seen several that were extremely inviting of vulgarity, whether intended or not.
When the photo teeters on the edge of pornography or falls right into that classification, it doesn't belong on this forum....period.
Whoa,Whoa,Were was the picture of the half dressed 22 year old with mountains of clevage?:shrugs:please post it again,I missed it.I find it offensive that some people are such uptight prudes and feel that all people should follow their beliefs and standards.I agree,everyone knows why the girls put up the sexy pics.I made some comments about a few of them,but for the sake of the forum I'll now change what I said.Bluebird,in your pics you look like a kind,caring,intelligent..............sorry,can't do it,You just look :devil01:

roflmao...Thanks Hawkin :) It was a valiant effort..lol

I didn't think the pics I posted were too provocative, and the comments directed at my pics were harmless, non offensive, and very flattering for a mother of 2 ;)
I think it's kind of funny that people would be so passionate about preserving their right to post questionable material on a corn snake forum. Equally amusing is the implication that those who do not want to see this kind of material here are prudish. Guess what? I don't want to see pics of corn snakes on the porn sites I visit. I also don't want 11 year olds listening in when I'm talking smut with my lady friends. Get it? :roflmao:
For me, it would be much easier to accomplish any breast display by raising my shirt versus dropping the neckline. And to anybody that would actually look...THANKS! And exactly how long were you in prison?

It's a good thing I did not have coffee in my mouth when I read that! Too bad I repped you on something else! I think you just made my day. Perhaps we should put together a Cornsnakes.com females over 40 calender!
It's a good thing I did not have coffee in my mouth when I read that! Too bad I repped you on something else! I think you just made my day. Perhaps we should put together a Cornsnakes.com females over 40 calender!

CORN COUGARS!!!! :cheers:

After 140 posts, a little levity is needed. It's better than many commercials seen these days, you won't have any increased urges to gamble as a side effect, and if it lasts more than 4 hours, report it to your moderator.

That was a thing of beauty. :cheers:

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