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help my corn is stuck in a log!!

thanks same here :D

hmm foam, perhaps some expanding foam would work in there? any health hazard to him?
That Great Stuff really is awesome and once it's dry it isn't going anywhere I promise! We used it to fill in some holes that the cable guy had left going from outside into my basement. That was 4 years ago and it's still there. Another testament to it.....

My daughter is the absolute worst at not putting her dirty clothes in the hamper. They just get strewn across the floor. Well, every week I was picking up her clothes and it looked like she was taking scissors to her t shirts. This didn't suprise me because my daughter adores cutting stuff up. For weeks I was on her butt about it. Went up there again only to find a very tiny whole in her wood floor and a mouse trying to fit one of her shirts into this tiny hole. Obviously, the shirt wouldn't fit in but he sure did shred it in the process! I had to eat humble pie and apologize to her and then we filled that hole with Great Stuff and it's still there and no more shredded clothing!
What a thread! I'm late on it, but am happy how it turned out!
I havent posted in here but I have been following this from the begining. I didnt post before because you were already getting wonderful help. :) I am so glad he is free! Says a lot about how much you love your snake and I am sure that after getting him free that he 'feels' the same way :)
i think you guys are right, the logs going into the next bonfire we have :)

hes doing alright, hasnt been very active just resting alot. and not even inside his hide but out in the open in some shade. im wondering if he knows that i was helping him and thats why he wasnt trying to bite me in the process or if it was just because he was tired. guess we ll find out next time i take him out for handleing. hes usually good, only snapped a few times at me but usually its for good reason :)
FREE! I guess we were all watching this one, It was driving me nuts sunday night. I'm glad there wasn't much damage.
glad your snake didnt get out nanci, i had mine escape one day, didnt realize he was gone. he made it up a flight of stairs and i found him under a loaf a wonderbread. picked it up, put it down and said hmm, that doesnt look like my countertop,pick it up and there he is looking up at me kidna like what do you want. yeah, no idea he had gotten out. lol. so now evreyday i check to make sure everythign is secure in there :)

update. for the first day or so he layed on the coder side of the tank in the shade of the water bowl. i had to poke at him a coupe times to make sure hw wasnt dead. then all of yesterday he hung out in a coconut in the middle of his home and today he spent the entire day inside his big hide in the hot side. so far so good. i havent seen him climb around yet as im sure hes still recovering. but hes still moving around and thats a good sign. i plan on feeding him early next week. ill update on the feed to see how he eats.
Thanks for the update! I'll be very relieved for you when he eats and then poops!
another update. hes been hiding in his hide for the last 4 or 5 days. i notice he changes positions jsut by glancing into the opening but hes been pretty quiet about coming out. i did however just come into the room hes in and as soon as he saw me he hid back in his hide. not sure why but he seems to have some energy. i think tomorrow or thursday im gonna feed him. ive never seen him get scared by my presence at all so im not sure if hes still not at 100% and doesnt want to be seen by a potential predator or if hes just being weird. ill update with how the feed goes.
another update, hes been really hshy lately. staying inside of his hide so ive been a little weary about feeding him but i think i will tomorrow. anytime that ive seen him out of his hide he hides back in it right away. so we'll see how the feed goes
None. He's been avoiding me. Like I said if he's out and about and sees me walk into the room he hides right away. So I'm giving him some time to come around. Ill see how well he feeds tomorrow. Maybe ill toss on a glove and take him out and see how he reacts to handleing.
He’ll be fine. He has gone through a horrible experience. It will take a little time to reestablish his confidence. He’s had some time to settle down. I think you should go back to your normal handling and feeding routine.
i put food in there about 10 minutes ago, right infront of his hide, he still hasnt come out for it. im not sure if i should pull his hide off him to make him aware of it or just leave it or what.