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How do you feel about God.

Yes, facts and evidence can change, but they are pretty much solid. There are facts about chemistry, and biology, and mathematics. They can change, but there are so many indisputable facts. Evolution and natural selection has a crazy amount of evidence. Look at snakes: primitive snakes have vestigial hind limbs (spurs). You know how rosy boas have those? Well, corn snakes obviously don't. They're remnants of hind legs from lizards, and when the snakes evolved more, they lost them (like corn snakes). There are so many facts. The fossil record is amazing.
Yes, what's great is that we can believe whatever we want! But, there are FACTS, and EVIDENCE. Please don't ignore those.

And you've hit on one of the faults of the human mind. People generally place more importance on what they believe to be true rather than the facts and evidence. Even when their beliefs are proven wrong beyond any shadow of doubt many people will still cling to them. It's an evolutionary survival thing.
I can not accept that we evolved from apes nor can I believe there is just ONE true god.

Not to nitpick, but no evolutionist thinks we "evolved from apes," at least I hope not. Simply that there is an extremely high probability that we share a common ancestor. As for one true god, etc., I guess most religion teaches that, and who am I to say one of them isn't right? All I can go on is the evidence I have -most people call that science -and try to be good to people (and other life forms) while I'm here.
What's the difference between a delusion and a religious belief? What is the difference between a delusion and a scientific theory?
Not to nitpick, but no evolutionist thinks we "evolved from apes," at least I hope not. Simply that there is an extremely high probability that we share a common ancestor. As for one true god, etc., I guess most religion teaches that, and who am I to say one of them isn't right? All I can go on is the evidence I have -most people call that science -and try to be good to people (and other life forms) while I'm here.

I didn't mean to imply I was talking about evolutionist. There are people out there that believe we came from apes. I am not one of them. There are people out there that believe in one true God. I am not one of them either.

I try to be the best person I can be. I accept everyone for who they are, what they believe and where they are from. I try to be kind to everyone and everything. I try to love life for its beauty and freedoms. I am thankful for being here and believing in whatever it is I believe in.
Science requires understanding facts and how they relate. Religion requires blind belief in myths which it passes off as facts. How do all the worlds animals fit in a small boat, get fed, watered, etc? Magic. How come there is lightning... magic of Thor, Zeus, Wakinyan... take your pick. Could there be magic? Sure, there could be magic and there could be an invisible pink unicorn typing this as we speak.
Man, I can't type or construct a sentence to well today. Anyways, I have said my piece and grow tired of people that just repeat themselves over and over without adding much of anything.
-and try to be good to people (and other life forms) while I'm here.
What a great world this would be if those with "belief" thought this way. Or better yet if they believed in a God that thought this way. One of the biggest problems with "God" is that all the popular Gods (the God of Abraham for example) are cruel beyond belief.
In my opinion being so closed minded about others believes just shows ignorance and hate.

I agree with this to a point. I could care less who is closed minded about what I believe, but when you call me names because I believe in God, that is when I get a little angry. (not directed toward you BW77)

Just because I choose to believe in a higher power that controls evolution, and what we understand as science. Does not make me ignorant, or an idiot, or "blind". My beliefs are my own, and I will speak them whenever these types of threads come up, because I am firm in my beliefs. Not that it doesn't mean that I will change, just as "truths" in science change quite often, I believe that religion can adapt as well.

With that said, there are people in the science field, that are just like the religious area that refuse to move forward in their beliefs.

I try to be open minded with people of all beliefs, and what never ceases to amaze me is how people who are so "scientifically" minded tend to be so condescending towards those who choose to believe in a higher power.

Just because you cannot seem to understand why myself and people like me believe in God, Thor, etc... does not give you the right to shove your beliefs down my throat, just like I do not have the right to do the same to you.

Now, on the other hand, I have conversations with many scientifically minded individuals that do not start calling names, and are very respectful.

Just like when I hang out with all of my Pagan friends. One of them who does follow the Norse path, a few who are Wicca, and at least 2 Shamans. All of us seem to understand that it is not the religion we follow that defines us, but the spirituality that unites us in our own paths towards the afterlife.
or to call them delusional.

I agree with you Outcast. When I said closed minded I meant not accepting that others may believe differently than you.

As far as God being cruel. Isn't nature cruel in ways? Isn't science cruel? How did they make some of their discoveries? By testing on humans (until it was seen as cruel) or animals (which many still believe is cruel). Science is dumping poisoned rodents on Guam to rid the island of invasive snakes? Is that not cruel?

There is good and evil is everything in this life, it is about balance. I believe the is true in what believe. We can believe in both science and gods.

Maybe I am delusional, but hey it freaking works awesome for me in my life :) I believe in rainbows and unicorns. I believe in leprechaun with their shillelagh stick and my four leaf clovers. I believe in the boogy man and the monster under my bed. I am outstandingly happy about it too! :D
or to call them delusional.

I agree with you Outcast. When I said closed minded I meant not accepting that others may believe differently than you.

As far as God being cruel. Isn't nature cruel in ways? Isn't science cruel? How did they make some of their discoveries? By testing on humans (until it was seen as cruel) or animals (which many still believe is cruel). Science is dumping poisoned rodents on Guam to rid the island of invasive snakes? Is that not cruel?

There is good and evil is everything in this life, it is about balance. I believe the is true in what believe. We can believe in both science and gods.

Maybe I am delusional, but hey it freaking works awesome for me in my life :) I believe in rainbows and unicorns. I believe in leprechaun with their shillelagh stick and my four leaf clovers. I believe in the boogy man and the monster under my bed. I am outstandingly happy about it too! :D

Aliens? Greys? 'Lil Green Men? Lets not forget Where we began. :)
I believe that there are aliens out there. Why would anyone believe any different? It is highly improbable that human beings are the only creatures that have evolved intelligence in this universe. Also, I doubt that all life has evolved on earth like planets. Just because our planet is in the key zone for our form of life, does not mean that other planets out there have not evolved their own types of life that are adapted to various climates/atmospheres, or are not carbon based. I believe in possibilities, because it is the possibilities that keep pushing our own understanding of our universe and science...