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How do you feel about God.

I believe that there are aliens out there. Why would anyone believe any different? It is highly improbable that human beings are the only creatures that have evolved intelligence in this universe. Also, I doubt that all life has evolved on earth like planets. Just because our planet is in the key zone for our form of life, does not mean that other planets out there have not evolved their own types of life that are adapted to various climates/atmospheres, or are not carbon based. I believe in possibilities, because it is the possibilities that keep pushing our own understanding of our universe and science...

Very Well Stated. Agreed 100%

My down fall....I have a great deal of difficulty putting my thoughts into words.
I have not read all 52 pages. I probably won't because that is a big number of pages.

But, I will say this. Aliens most certainly do exist (though nobody really knows), but that also they most certainly have not visited this planet.

According to a book published in 2011, there were, at the time of writing said book, 763 observed planets in our galaxy orbiting stars other than our sun.

Infact, most of the stars that we have looked at in our galaxy had planets, and there are about 100 billion stars in our galaxy. Furthermore, there are about 100 billion galaxies. That ends up being 10,000 billion billion stars (about 10% are like our sun). There are of course other factors to consider, but the numbers alone suggest that life would have developed, no matter how unlikely, somewhere else in the universe.

So why have they not visited us? The nature of how astronomy works is that, because light only travels so fast, what we observe now with telescopes is actually light that has travelled across the universe, from some long time ago. For example Proxima Centauri is bout 4 light-years away, so when we 'see it' now in 2013, we're seeing light that originated there 4 years ago, back in 2009. it is like looking back into time. So if it blew up in 2011, we wouldn't know about it until 2015.

The same holds true for any creatures elsewhere in space observing us. I do believe there is a planet in the so-called Godlilocks zone about 20 light years away (planet called Gliese 581 c), but the general argument made by people more educated than myself is that should life exist elsewhere in the universe, and they point their telescopes at Earth, the odds are they're going to observe earth during the dinosaur era or earlier because these aliens are so far away. They will peer back in time regarding Earth, and so for them, there is no 'intelligent' life on Earth. Why bother visiting an empy planet? What could Earth offer to them they couldn't find closer to their own home?

I'm not sure anybody should ask how I feel about God, but there are my 2 cents on aliens.
I believe that there are aliens out there. Why would anyone believe any different? It is highly improbable that human beings are the only creatures that have evolved intelligence in this universe. Also, I doubt that all life has evolved on earth like planets. Just because our planet is in the key zone for our form of life, does not mean that other planets out there have not evolved their own types of life that are adapted to various climates/atmospheres, or are not carbon based. I believe in possibilities, because it is the possibilities that keep pushing our own understanding of our universe and science...
Well said! I agree 100%.
It's a BIG universe. But in it are laws..the laws of physics. And there is no room in these laws for magic or the super-natural. So, all things are possible...within these laws.
I have not read all 52 pages. I probably won't because that is a big number of pages.

But, I will say this. Aliens most certainly do exist (though nobody really knows), but that also they most certainly have not visited this planet.

According to a book published in 2011, there were, at the time of writing said book, 763 observed planets in our galaxy orbiting stars other than our sun.

Infact, most of the stars that we have looked at in our galaxy had planets, and there are about 100 billion stars in our galaxy. Furthermore, there are about 100 billion galaxies. That ends up being 10,000 billion billion stars (about 10% are like our sun). There are of course other factors to consider, but the numbers alone suggest that life would have developed, no matter how unlikely, somewhere else in the universe.

So why have they not visited us? The nature of how astronomy works is that, because light only travels so fast, what we observe now with telescopes is actually light that has travelled across the universe, from some long time ago. For example Proxima Centauri is bout 4 light-years away, so when we 'see it' now in 2013, we're seeing light that originated there 4 years ago, back in 2009. it is like looking back into time. So if it blew up in 2011, we wouldn't know about it until 2015.

The same holds true for any creatures elsewhere in space observing us. I do believe there is a planet in the so-called Godlilocks zone about 20 light years away (planet called Gliese 581 c), but the general argument made by people more educated than myself is that should life exist elsewhere in the universe, and they point their telescopes at Earth, the odds are they're going to observe earth during the dinosaur era or earlier because these aliens are so far away. They will peer back in time regarding Earth, and so for them, there is no 'intelligent' life on Earth. Why bother visiting an empy planet? What could Earth offer to them they couldn't find closer to their own home?

I'm not sure anybody should ask how I feel about God, but there are my 2 cents on aliens.

Your Galactic facts are spot-on! But your assuming, All "Alien" life started..out there...somewhere...your Assuming these aliens have progressed technologically at the same pace we have.

It's Been Said..By Those Smarter than Myself.... that if you look at Humans...compared to all other life forms on earth....we are the only ones that don't "Fit".
I think that humans are of alien origin. I believe this because we were all on a relatively simple path of evolution, along with several other hominid species, and then the next day we were building pyramids and cutting stones so precisely that to this day they stand sturdy, and all the other hominids disappeared. Evolution doesn't just explode that quickly. I think we were altered to be the way we are, and I think the other species were wiped out through a sort of "flood" because we were the desired results.
I don't remember where it is, but there is a whole city on a flattened mountain (in an area where this is not a naturally flat mountain) and it was built far before the dawn of what we would consider modern man. I think that people really might just be one big on going science experiment.. an alien ant farm.
You all can disagree, but it just makes sense to me, and that is what matters.
Not Bad! Actually made it to the 1:12 mark.

Look, I'm not saying god doesn't exist....i'm Just saying GOD is Alien in origin.

It's just more logical.

Why did god create stars,planets, solar systems Billions of light years away?

they are of no use to humankind. We'll never reach them. and certainly

they have no effect on our well being. but they ARE there. Seems wasteful.

And Surely GOD would have known that we would never reach those

distances. Because if we did, perhaps, we'd create our own adam & eve

elsewhere. Where in time, when we went back to visit...those Beings evolving

there would look up to the heavens...and refer to us...the astronauts...as

Gods and Angels...descending from the heavens...

Sounds eerily similar....does it not?
I think that humans are of alien origin. I believe this because we were all on a relatively simple path of evolution, along with several other hominid species, and then the next day we were building pyramids and cutting stones so precisely that to this day they stand sturdy, and all the other hominids disappeared. Evolution doesn't just explode that quickly. I think we were altered to be the way we are, and I think the other species were wiped out through a sort of "flood" because we were the desired results.
I don't remember where it is, but there is a whole city on a flattened mountain (in an area where this is not a naturally flat mountain) and it was built far before the dawn of what we would consider modern man. I think that people really might just be one big on going science experiment.. an alien ant farm.
You all can disagree, but it just makes sense to me, and that is what matters.

Agreed!!! i think they call it "the Big Bang of the brain" theory. where, as you stated...Hominids were just milling about one day...the next we are building monuments. all the sudden, we have Speech, over night...we have artistic abilities (Cave Drawings) etc. We are able to do mathematics. Don't see too many apes following the stock market...

we didn't evolve from apes.....

Doesn't make sense to evolve to lose 90% of your body hair...only to put clothes on so that we wouldn't freeze to death.

nature doesn't work like that.
Fast Forward to about 6 minute mark....

They are called "Cargo Cults"

Tribal people, cut off from modern technology during WWII, thought of the US air force as GODS. Built Monuments to them. Prayed for their return. they even wrote a "Bible" where their GOD's Name is John Frum. "Frum" being the way the soldier introduced himself. "I'm John from (State)"

Perhaps, When we were "Visited" this is how we formed our religious beliefs.

Agreed!!! i think they call it "the Big Bang of the brain" theory. where, as you stated...Hominids were just milling about one day...the next we are building monuments. all the sudden, we have Speech, over night...we have artistic abilities (Cave Drawings) etc. We are able to do mathematics. Don't see too many apes following the stock market...

we didn't evolve from apes.....

Doesn't make sense to evolve to lose 90% of your body hair...only to put clothes on so that we wouldn't freeze to death.

nature doesn't work like that.

Sorry, just have to point out a bit of a fallacy here: Our species evolved in a very hot climate where, thanks to our large and delicate brains, we needed to be able to lose heat rapidly. Fur retains heat and our brains don't do well with that at all.

Then we spread out and the ice age happened. And so things got cold. Look at the mammoth: its ancestors would have been near hairless like the modern elephants. We absolutely evolved from apes.

And with regards to fast changes:

Wolves to dogs, for example of biological.

For the intelligence thing, anatomically modern humans have been around for 200,000 years. That's plenty of time for our brains to make little tweaks via evolution that allow for new innovations and our species' success is due in part because we can create variations on innovations and each innovation lets us do significantly more.

Stone tools = learned rock edges sharp. Throw rocks, lets you kill from far away. Sharp sticks good for stabbing. Add sharp rock to stick =tada, spear. An arrow is just a tiny spear.

Pile rocks together, create windbreak. flatter rocks stack better. make rocks flat.
Yeah, we didn't just randomly get smart. It took thousands of years, and we have so many fossils of ancient humans. How would the human aliens crash into earth 200,000 years ago with sophisticated technology enough to land on another planet, then suddenly become cave men and use simplistic tools? Humans don't just forget like that. Our DNA is 95%-99% the same as chimpanzees--how is that explainable with the "alien origins" theory? It's interesting to think about though!
nor can I believe there is just ONE true god.

It has been a religious/cultural evolotion during the last 3000 years from polyteism to monoteim.

Today most religions approach monoteism.
Judaism, Christianity and Islam have all become monoteistic.
Buddhism believe there is one conciousnes that connects everything.
Hinduism believes all gods are one in the Brahma.

If there are a god or several gods then that god or gods must have accepted the thought of monoteism as monoteism developed through history.
I think whatever supreme being there is, would look down at people arguing on the internet and laugh...

From my own limited understanding of my Pagan friends belief system, it seems as though they worship the creator, and all of the aspects of the creator. Giving each of those aspects a different name. I mean, look at Christianity, our Bible states to not put any other gods before God. Yet we split God into 3 categories, Father, Son, and Holy spirit, and worship them at the same time as 3 entities. Christians even state that God is within everything. I personally believe that is what my Pagan friends worship, all aspects of God, separately. But, that is my own observations in this situation.

On the alien thing, There are many alien tampering theorists out there, and many hominid skeletons found in the past, that seem to look like what we would call "greys". Also, many cultures around the world, that did not ever meet until after the expansion of the "civilized world", had similar experiences with space beings. In the Bible it talks of a Chariot of Fire from the heavens, then there is the Mayan god (can't remember his name) carved into stone pulling levers and pushing buttons in an interesting ship like capsule.

Then we have the lost city of Atlantis, just disappeared over night? Who's to say the reason that we have not been able to find this fabled city is that it was a ship that left the planet once they realized that human evolution had been pushed to the point that it could continue on its own, or that the experiment was over?


Okay....Now we are getting somewhere. Clearly 3 separate trains of

thought here. Evolution,Alien Intervention, & GOD.

No one person is right or wrong.

all 3 thought processes are "Possible"

And the really neat thing...

No one on the planet has a freaking clue who's more correct! Lol


I respectfully disagree with you on the "We Absolutely Evolved from apes" comment.

I know we didn't....I seen some apes last time i was at the zoo.

What i didn't see was all the other hominid species that eventually led to

Yeah, we didn't just randomly get smart. It took thousands of years, and we have so many fossils of ancient humans. How would the human aliens crash into earth 200,000 years ago with sophisticated technology enough to land on another planet, then suddenly become cave men and use simplistic tools? Humans don't just forget like that. Our DNA is 95%-99% the same as chimpanzees--how is that explainable with the "alien origins" theory? It's interesting to think about though!

I didn't say that humans ARE aliens, I said that the early hominid species on he planet, of which there were about seven, were deemed as the most intelligent beings on the planet and had DNA altered. The subspecies Homo sapiens sapiens produced the desired results of the DNA alteration. As for humans, the evolution of our abilities to build and create such emense cities and create aquifers, determine all solar events thousands of years in advance, did not evolve with us as quickly as we can see in the historical track. If you look back on the world clock, the evolution of moder man took place much more rapidly than would be expected.

As for dogs and wolves, that is micro evolution, not macro. In the 15,000 or so years we've been domesticating the dog, we have created a new subspecies of Canis lupus and have done opposite of what occurred with humans. We have taken a very smart animal, like a wolf, and made it into a very (for lack of better term) dumb animal. People want to argue that dogs are smarter, but that's only because they learn basic commands some can extrapolate information one step further. But wolves have a 30% later brain than the largest of dog breeds. With people we saw rapid macro evolution resulting in a smarter creature.
From my own limited understanding of my Pagan friends belief system, it seems as though they worship the creator, and all of the aspects of the creator. Giving each of those aspects a different name. I mean, look at Christianity, our Bible states to not put any other gods before God. Yet we split God into 3 categories, Father, Son, and Holy spirit, and worship them at the same time as 3 entities. Christians even state that God is within everything. I personally believe that is what my Pagan friends worship, all aspects of God, separately. But, that is my own observations in this situation.

On the alien thing, There are many alien tampering theorists out there, and many hominid skeletons found in the past, that seem to look like what we would call "greys". Also, many cultures around the world, that did not ever meet until after the expansion of the "civilized world", had similar experiences with space beings. In the Bible it talks of a Chariot of Fire from the heavens, then there is the Mayan god (can't remember his name) carved into stone pulling levers and pushing buttons in an interesting ship like capsule.

Then we have the lost city of Atlantis, just disappeared over night? Who's to say the reason that we have not been able to find this fabled city is that it was a ship that left the planet once they realized that human evolution had been pushed to the point that it could continue on its own, or that the experiment was over?


As for the Biblical text. I agree, there are several books/Passages through out the bible that read as if it were describing Spaceships. Ezekiel in particular.

Of course the Summarian's (Sp?) are said to be the first race of People to develop writing. there are artifacts in european museums of clay tablets dating back well over 4000 years ago....with diagrams of the solar system on them.

ever wonder why some of the "Dead Sea Scrolls" were omitted from the bible?

Ever wonder what the ORIGINAL bible Said?

Does it not makes anyone else Nervous that the ACCEPTED version of the

bible is the "KING James Version"

Wonder What the 'Ole King Omitted From the text because it didn't fit what

he wanted his people to follow?