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How many Snakes do you have??

Oh come on Dave share lol.

I have just around 100 snakes. All corns except 1 boa. Only about half of them are keepers and the rest are hatchling that will be available soon. I want so much more though. Just out of room and money for now. Went to the FIRE Show today and I didn't come home with anything living, but man I wanted too so bad. I was good though.

I also have 10 cresties.

I posted on page 6 post 57
I think I have about 25? I haven't done a head count lately. One is a milk snake and the rest are corns. Three are here on loan and a handful of them will be available soon and by handful I am talking 5 or so.
Everyone, this is amazing!!! I need more snakes in my life! Looking in to a snake rack as we speak. I really don't know anyone who could help make one, so I'm trying to find one at a good price!

Racks look better in pairs, just saying!!
Racks look better in pairs, just saying!!

Ooooooh you're so right!!!! Haha I don't think I would want more then 10 snakes though! Let's see how I can handle that at first. I'm doing pretty good with 2 so far, & the obssession keeps growing! :-D
Enough that we needed another room. Solution: Get daughter married off to another snake breeder! Voila another room!
Enough that we needed another room. Solution: Get daughter married off to another snake breeder! Voila another room!

LMFAO LOL I love it. I got 2 daughters so I can get 2 more rooms. And the older one shares my interest in snakes. Perfect!!!
I have 3 snakes. 2 corns...Checkers an anery and Slinky a snow. And1 ball python...Sloan. They are so addicting. I have a small walk in closet not being used at the moment. I was going to turn it into a small reading nook and place to keep all my books...I have a small book obsession too, but the snake obsession is winning out lol. The closet has adjustable shelves from top to bottom on the back wall with enough room for a few more shelves and still be able to walk into it and move around very comfortably...I'm planning to convert it to a snake room :)
I have 3 snakes. 2 corns...Checkers an anery and Slinky a snow. And1 ball python...Sloan. They are so addicting. I have a small walk in closet not being used at the moment. I was going to turn it into a small reading nook and place to keep all my books...I have a small book obsession too, but the snake obsession is winning out lol. The closet has adjustable shelves from top to bottom on the back wall with enough room for a few more shelves and still be able to walk into it and move around very comfortably...I'm planning to convert it to a snake room :)

Sounds really cool!!!
My adult racks are Animal Plastics Economy Plastic. They are not listed on the website, but they are not custom. You just call or e-mail Allie and say, hey, these are the racks I need. The bins are not supplied, and are from Target, and do NOT have that flip up handle modification that makes all the other Sterilites suck.
We have 6 corns now. 4 are 2011 yearling and two new 2012 babies. They are all in tanks on a metal shelf unit in my bedroom. I am still working on getting the organized and the led lights mounted. All of em are guys and we love them all!!