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I have a question for all my corn snake friends?!?!


New member
I am curious? Everyone on here knows about MIN's fight and mine but, I feel like MIN and I both have been ignored alittle! By a select few of you. I really dont understand why Min and my problems are problems between us and noone else! I feel Min has been ignored more then myself I can't tell if people are taking sides but I am starting to think thats what is happing she is almost going to leave the site because of her feelings. All iI am asking I know I became what i would concider friends in daytone if nor a friend atleast someone I could be civil with... You were all friends with her before me please dont't leave her out of the site noone ever responds to her anymore. She has no clue I am posting this I am sure she will find out but Hoping I will find out some of your feelings if you dont want to tell me on here please pm me and let me know! Sorry for sounding like a whiny lil girl.
Hi Matt,
I don't think I have been ignoring Mindy...I have not seen her on here as much lately.
I like her quite a bit....
you on the other hand.........
i know nothing of a fight. i learned as a kid that if it doesnt involve you its not your business. but i love min. shes always there with an opinion and also tries to help out a ton of people. i have noticed now that you point it out that she hasnt been posting as much.
I love Min and have no clue about what fight, but she has tons of friends here and she's so gonna kick your butt for posting this:D
Personally I don't know much about what went down, and I didn't press the matter further out of respect of yours and Min's privacy.

I liked you both before, and I continue to like you both now :)
I also had no clue of a fight, and I honestly don't think people are ignoring her. I haven't seen her post her much as of late, but I respond to her as I would anyone else. Not to drag up any past issue, but who is this "fight" between. I personally like Minlynn's posts a lot for the most part, and definitely wouldn't pass judgment because of a fight that has nothing to do with myself.
Matt, I have to agree, she has not been posting of late.

And I don't think it is smart of you to bring this matter up on the forum.
And from what I now understand ... this is the second dumb thing you done lately. Yeah, get pissed off for saying it but it is!!
Lay low, be good and thank God for what you have a home.
Had no idea ... Of course I have been working a lot, and well, often time the forums politics become rather mundane and boring...

Regards.. Tim of T and J
Hey, Matt. I am only posting because I don't want you to think I've been ignoring anybody. Either of you.
And you know we (you and I....and Mindy and I) have talked. Not much, but we have. I thought everything was getting sorted out.

I go through personal periods where I post a lot, or mostly read. Lately I've been doing mostly the latter.

You're a good enough sport....some of these posts (Beth, Wade, Danielle, Lenny,...) have left me speechless....Yes, me, speechless.
In a good way. And I think, all things considered, you can roll with the punches. I do think CS.com may not be the place...........

However,...I can say this with all sincerity and what little wisdom I have.......I saw facebook as Trouble (with a capital "T") the day I joined the darn site.
Okay,no I had no idea he was going to post a thread about this,but Matt genuinely is conserned about me.

For those who do not know,Matt and I were considering divorce. I was gone for a while and during that time a lot of things got said that shouldn't have blah,blah,blah...Anyway, Matt and I have worked out our problems and have decided that our marriage is worth fixing. We love eachother very much despite EVERYTHING that has happened in the past(I know things that a lot of you think I don't).

It has felt to me lately that whenever I do post a response to something,that I get no responses back. Probably,why I quit posting. When I did post something I was either ignored or in a couple of cases,yelled at. Now don't get me wrong! There are many people here who have been very dear friends to me in my time of need behind closed doors and I thank them from the bottom of my heart. They know who they are!

I couldn't help but feel a little like I was back in high-school today. You know when you have that feeling that everybody is talking about you? Kindda like that. And I was and am still considering just saying "forget about this." I don't know. Matt doesn't want me to leave and I think he did this just to prove to me that there are still people here who care about me. All I know is he didn't do it to stir up trouble so please don't think he did! We've been through a lot the past couple of weeks(and if you want to know the truth,it's been longer than that). We are both trying to move forward and forget the past and make sure that we have a very long future together(not that 8 years isn't long!).
I personally had no idea about your fight or what you did before this fight until now. I don't think you should have made a post about your personal life on this forum, but that is just my opinion. I like Min very much. I have no problems with either of you.
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Now don't anybody be going anywhere. LOL. Mindy, I wish you and Matt all of the best of success. But it's only human nature for folks to feel awkward and not know what to say or how to say it. I've been there, in the position of the primary breaking-up parties, and I could see that people were really just at a loss as to what to say. Of course, that is hard to communicate on line.

Matt, the awkward times.....you just gotta ride 'em out, bro.

Anyhoo, who hollered at you, Sweetie? I don't want to have to open up a six-pack of whoop-@$$, Louisiana style.
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I know you all dont think I should have made a post on the Site about my life but when she gets pm's on here and fb about it every day I had to get to the bottom of it the only way i know how I am also taking care of it on FB But i like more of the people here then I do on Fb and this is where most of it started! And i thank those of you who have forwarded me PM's That people have sent you so I could see the truth about what people thought! But some of you are taking this way out of context and some of you are mad bc i posted it on here you read it it didn't mean you had to comment if you didn't agree with what i did you could have just stayed out of it completly! And never said a word!
Well, that clears things up a little. I wasn't aware of any fight, and definitely didn't think it was about such a personal, in house issue. I think it's great you guys are working things out, and hopefully things move forward in a positive way for you two.
If I had one suggestion, it is that publicly displaying in house issues can be very hazardous to the parties involved. Not to judge, it's just easier to make up if you don't have to reiterate the issues over and over again, and declare the resolved issues over and over again. But heck, it's your life, and being open and honest can sometimes bring in outside help that otherwise wouldn't occur.

Good luck you two, and hopefully this will all be water under the bridge.
Matt - please don't start getting mad.
You asked for people to reply with their thoughts on the matter and you know how highly opinionated some people here are so you can't possibly expect everyone to just agree and say they love you guys...

People are going to voice their opinions whether or not you want to hear them when you start this kind of a thread.

Me, personally, I don't have a problem with either of you. Yes, I know a lot of what was going on although I am sure not everything. Did I agree with it or how it was handled - doesn't really matter if I did or not because it really isn't any of my business. I try to stay out of these kind of personal things as best I can, especially with people I don't know that well.

Bottom line - I hope you guys work out whatever you are working out and have a good life together/separately - whatever the outcome is meant to be. Won't change how I respond to either of you here or on FB or anywhere else. But it probably is a good idea to refrain from any more "personal" type posts on here if you want to avoid the backlash that sometimes come with it.

All good - ok?
That's why I don't post on my own FB wall! Some people want everyone to know the hue of their poo, so they paste it on their wall (hehehe :)).
I wouldn't get mad at anything anyone said but I wanted to clear the air I didn't want min to leave the site and there is alot of behind closed doors I just wanted to put a end to it all and this was the only way I knew how other then us both leaving the site! So no hard feelings with anything that was said on here I am not mad upset with anyone except with one person who posted on here and they know who thay are!
I hope its not me man I was playfully joking. I have been with my man for over eight years with too many ups and downs to discuss and understand what its like to be down. I wish you both the very best:)
I hope its not me man I was playfully joking. I have been with my man for over eight years with too many ups and downs to discuss and understand what its like to be down. I wish you both the very best:)

Danielle it is not you in any shape or form don't worry!

The person I was talking about trust me they know beyond a doubt who they are!