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I think I am going to die..

...you should happen to meet a patient at the grocery store? If you aren't considered professional enough to control yourself online, how you can be trusted in public at all, lol? (maybe I better not give "them" any ideas!)

I'm not supposed to talk to them any further than to say hello. The licensing organizations prefer that you shop for groceries in a DIFFERENT TOWN than where you practice, just to prevent that very thing. This is not too difficult in large suburban areas, but difficult in rural areas, yet another reason why it's hard to get doctors in rural areas, because they would have to drive long distances to shop or attend church should they be church-going.
I had no idea...

...nurses are supposed to abide by a lot of ethical guidelines, too - but nothing that stringent, at least not back when I was a nurse. Of course, there was no Internet when I worked as a nurse, lol!

I can imagine the difficulties this would present in a very small town where there are only a couple of doctors. The residents would think the doctors pretty snooty if they avoided participating in the daily life of the town and its residents. I don't see how that code of ethics could work in a remote area.
...nurses are supposed to abide by a lot of ethical guidelines, too - but nothing that stringent, at least not back when I was a nurse. Of course, there was no Internet when I worked as a nurse, lol!

I can imagine the difficulties this would present in a very small town where there are only a couple of doctors. The residents would think the doctors pretty snooty if they avoided participating in the daily life of the town and its residents. I don't see how that code of ethics could work in a remote area.

I don't think it works in remote areas. But since I don't practice in one of those, I have to play by the rules. And the ethicists say that social networking sites simply pose too much of a risk of "boundary violations", in that patients are not supposed to learn anything personal about the doctor, and that doctors are not supposed to learn anything personal about the patient except through asking the patient.

So we can say "How many children do you have?" but if we find out on FB that the patient has 2 children, that's a boundary violation because the patient didn't have the chance to REFUSE to tell us how many kids they have. And ethicists feel that physicians should be blank slates to patients. They can know where a doctor went to school, but not whether the doctor has children, or what church the doctor goes to, if any, or anything else except "name, rank and serial number".

Nice, huh? Anyway, although I figure I am breaking some rules by hanging out here, it's not FB, and the chances of meeting a patient here are slim to none.
But if you didn't add anyone from your town and closed all the outside links so no one could look at your profile, what would be the harm.
If I google it my mom will think i drink it!:nope::rolleyes:

That's a good reason, actually, and I appreciate the honesty! It's a distilled liquor originally from Mexico, made from fermented cactus juice, traditionally coming with a picked cactus worm in the bottle. A great way to get a bad hangover.
I have tried tequila, but didn't find it very tasty. But I don't care much for most alcohol. As for the worm - don't think I would like it at all! But if I had to make a choice, I would drink a worm long before I would drink thawed mice!