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I think I may make a major change....

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i didnt read the rest of the comments as i didnt wanna read a bunch of crap and crap talking. but everyone has a down point in life where you feel like your in a big hole and it just started raining and you cant climb out with all the mud. just remember you still have your shovel and you can make a pile to stand on to get back out if you just to the time to think about it and not panic and mope about it.

seriously though. yeah things cost money, but it brings us joy. i think all the time when i have a bulb burnout on a beardie cage. or my boa get an ri and get all flustered and say im a terrible owner and need to just drop them all. but then i pick up the beardies or just see my boa coming around from being sick and handling them and its all over again. id tell you to share a beer with one of your animals but i dont wanna corrupt a minor (even though i myself am one). i have a beer while feeding my beardies every day after work and its so relaxing to know theyre there to make me happy. i look at the pictures when they were only a few weeks old when i got them. and now look at the beasts. theyre your kids.

after that rant all i have to say is dont dump everything you started because your a bit down. maybe ask you mom if she could do you a favor and take care of them for a week while you take a week off to relax and get things in order. dont give up something so good.
I don't see any REAL reason for negative reactions, although it wouldn't surprise me to see some, lol! But stop to consider that if a 35 year old can get stressed and find himself in over his head, then why be surprised that it could happen to a teenager?

As a matter of fact, it JUST happened to a friend of mine in our local herp society, and she has teenage kids herself! I saw it happening over many months of her indecision on whether to keep some, or any, of her breeding projects. I tried to talk her into thinning them out to avoid total burnout. But she decided against thinning any out after thinking about it for a while. Then, a couple of months ago, she called me out of the blue and told me she sold the entire collection on the spur of the moment because somebody made a good offer. If she had thinned them out earlier, I don't think she would have considered the offer. And she is probably at least 40 years old, and seems to be a well balanced, intelligent mom of several kids. So, after all of the stress reactions I have seen in experienced, fully adult people, I don't think it is very fair to be EXTREMELY hard on a teen. Of course, he does have to know the real story of "that is just the way life is, and we have to learn how to deal with it if we want to be successful adults", lol! But no need to be mean spirited about it.
Its easy to get overwhelmed. The nice thing is, once you know what the issue is, you can do something about it. I was just looking in the photo gallery, in your thread about the photo shoot. You have a MASSIVE list of creatures...I can see how that would be a big responsability. When I was in my last year of highschool, I had 7 fish tanks totaling over 150 gallons to take care of...on top of breeder bettas and all kinds of random 'cute and fuzzy' pets. I gave away the fuzzy pets, sold every last betta i had at rock bottom, giving away the last few and sold the smaller aquariums, keeping the large ones. I now have three fish tanks, the largest is 30gal. smallest at 5gal. one snake. one cat.
When i downsized, they were no longer part of the load that was burying me. they were my escape again.
Just give yourself space and permission to breath.
Thanks Guys. i am going to be keeping them. I don't think there will be any negative reasctions and if there are they will prove immaturity
Thanks Guys. i am going to be keeping them. I don't think there will be any negative reasctions and if there are they will prove immaturity

i have to say, i disagree. it will prove that there are people who feel negativity about you/and/or this thread. if its done in an immature way...that is something else, but i wouldnt expect that. most people are very well spoken here. you are getting mainly support, as you seem kinda down. just dont 'bait' bad comments... by putting up a challange such as this.
I'm pretty much gonna have to say what Elle said. Wait until college and want to have a social life. HA! Like college kids have time for a social life. What with all the intense studying, constant test anxiety, and overall panic in general. Seriously, you wouldn't be overwhelmed if you didn't get something new every other week. And that's not being negative, that's being honest.

So do you want me to leave the worlds smallest violin with you? It's in the bottom right pixel of the period at the end of this sentence. Have fun learning how to play it!
Hey, I'm just sayin'...

I'm a real, 24/7 curmudgeon. Maybe it's inappropriate for me to ID an attention plea when I see one, but, well, I think I'm seeing one. Little Davey's like a young brother to me. If my own little bro had started this thread, I'd have whacked him upside the head with a Kleenex box (and not the kind infused with Aloe!)

My father always said: if you stuff your pockets with French fries, and stand in a McD's parking lot in Rhode Island, then don't curse the seagulls for attacking.

He actually never said that, but there's a point there, somewhere.
Hey, I'm just sayin'...

I'm a real, 24/7 curmudgeon. Maybe it's inappropriate for me to ID an attention plea when I see one, but, well, I think I'm seeing one. Little Davey's like a young brother to me. If my own little bro had started this thread, I'd have whacked him upside the head with a Kleenex box (and not the kind infused with Aloe!)

My father always said: if you stuff your pockets with French fries, and stand in a McD's parking lot in Rhode Island, then don't curse the seagulls for attacking.

He actually never said that, but there's a point there, somewhere.

Damn!! I wasted my rep on the other post!!! :bang:
"...Seriously, you wouldn't be overwhelmed if you didn't get something new every other week..."

You are SO right! When I was a teen, after my dad FINALLY gave into my incessant requests for a snake (or 2, or 3, or ???), I went TOTALLY NUTS! I did anything I could to buy or trade for the next one, and the next, and...and... My dad kept trying to convince me that I should concentrate on nice cages, or enjoying the ones I already had. But what did HE know - he was just an old guy, haha!

Even though he knew NOTHING about snakes, it turned out he DID know something about life. But it took me way past my teen years to understand that. With any luck, maybe David can learn faster than I did. I didn't have such cool people to hang out with, like all of you here, lol!
here is my plan. I am going to cut down on reptile intake. Maybe focus on making the crestie a really nice cage.
Dean, I think you're everyone's favorite troll. :grin01: Now back to your bridge!

This is Dean..

this is a troll.

And this is a puppy and monkey in mortal combat.
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