Until he starts preaching hate
What about LISTENING to hate speak geared towards white people for year after year after year. Is that good enough?
Hitler didn't start killing people for YEARS. Think the Jews waited to long to resist? Maybe they should have tried to stop it after the riots FIRST started - not once they were walled in, right?
That's what we fear. What IF we are at the stage where "Hitler" was first elected. Hitler's first 4-6 years did a LOT of good for the country: "he made the trains run right" for example. Then, he instigated gun control, etc. He made the riots stop. (OF course, he started the riots, but that's irrelevant - they stopped.) THEN things turned bad for people. Do you want to wait until the damage is done and say, "we should have resisted 6 years ago BEFORE those people were stomped upon?" Isn't that danger worth hating an administration that MIGHT not deserve it? Remember that hindsight is 20/20, but as you live the present, you have to hope for the best and prepare for the worst.
Again, I'll ask you - if he ISN'T like Hitler, what knowledge are you basing your knowledge upon? The fact that he came from the slums (you mean like Chicago?), that he grew up outside of the country that elected him (you mean like Africa?), etc. Did you know THOSE things about Hitler? What else don't you know - and how many of those things contain similarities of which you are unaware. Those refer to history since the comparisons of policy that have been stated numerous times don't seem to take heart with some people.
Whenever anyone says "Person BLANK is like Hitler," they assume they mean dictatorship and killing minorities. WRONG IN THIS CASE. We are saying he is like Hitler BEFORE Hitler grabbed enough power to start those nasty things that are common knowledge. Most people that say he is NOT like Hitler have no clue what Hitler was like BEFORE the world war. That means they spew out trash without any informative background. Hogwash is all it is. Nobody is saying he is killing whites, or Jews, or anyone - we are just saying he is laying a scary framework that looks like it could be used to start rounding up people for camps LATER. That framework should be stopped NOW - not later - even if HE has no intent to ever use it for that purpose. Even if
Obama is a good guy, that framework in and of itself is evil. Even if I loved
Obama, I would be adamantly against the framework he seems to be "accidentally" putting in place.
No offense to you personally - I'm attacking the whole mindset here.