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Obama Youth?

Silver, didnt mean to be attacking as that's what you interpreted. I'm sorry you took it that way. you bring up some valid points. When I get on a rant, like you, sometimes the words get a bit muddled and it's difficult sometimes for others to figure out what i meant
:p You know I disagree with a lot of Obama's domestic policies but comparing him to Hitler in any kind of serious manner is a bit... laughable. Are there similarities? Sure.

You say "it is funny to compare him" and then say, "of course their are similarities." The second statement proves you've made the comparison. Still laughing at yourself? (Sorry - I couldn't avoid seeing the irony.....lol.)

Politicians are SUPPOSED to make a lot of "caring about the youth" gestures XD

Here I was thinking politicians are SUPPOSED to do what the people want - not do what they SAY is best for us or just make "gestures."

When was the last time you (if you are an american) shopped around, compared prices and quality, and paid up front for any health care? It's almost impossible to, no one will give you a price quote.

I've had no problems with that in the past. I've always known going into a surgery what the charges were going to be - and what I was responsible for paying. Any problems I've EVER had has came from making my insurance company pay their fair share. I have had a problem GETTING a quote in advance for the surgery itself. I honestly have no clue what you are talking about in this part. Sorry.

if you're employed your employer's supposed to cover the tab.

Isn't that a large simplification of the laws? If you meant that this is what most Americans THINK, then I agree with you. Speaking of which, WHY did we ever START thinking that health insurance should be tied to my job? Really - why isn't it tied to ME so that I can shop around, take it with me when I move, etc. - like car insurance. AFLAC has some rider policies like that, they are actually surprisingly cheap, they come with ME and not my job (although I got access to them via my job), and AFLAC seems pretty successful doing it that way!

two things that need to happen are tort reform (to bring down malpractice suits and unnecessary testing) and requiring health care providers to give price quotes up-front if asked (to allow a little Capitalist Competition to come in to play and bring down prices like it's supposed to!). KISS (keep it simple, stupid)

I agree with the first part. Malpractice suits (the silly ones that have no merit) need to be controlled in some way. Courtrooms SHOULD do that, but they have went insane, too. Maybe judges shouldn't have been lawyers in their past! As far as the unnecessary testing - who decides? If you MIGHT have a disease, is the testing for all of the possibilities then necessary? Or should they just do one at a time and hope you don't die before they figure it out. In my opinion, test me for everything that might help them discover something just in case. I wouldn't want them to do any less for you. So, how do you define unnecessary testing? An example might help elucidate your point some.

I've already said I've never had a problem finding out what something would cost in advance. Like a mechanic our any "repair man," they can't predict what they'll find once they get inside of you. If you have something ELSE wrong, it'll cost more - as it should.

I'm not against socialism in other places, I'd just rather have a different system here in America - one that's more about a level playing field combined with personal responsibility and keeping the government out of the way, not telling everyone what to do.

And that I can believe in with every fiber of my being!
I am speaking for KJ and do not need to do so, but my interpretation of his post is that he is not doing less, he and Kasi ARE STILL WORKING. I think what he is saying is that many people do the bare minimum because they know our government will take care of them.

Thanks, D. I missed that original question. I didn't catch it until I was reading your reply.

Daryl is correct. I'm working. ("I" really means "we.") I'm paying my bills. I've got what I want. Yadda yadda yadda. The more I make, the more the .gov TAKES and gives to those that don't work. Why should I take more to support such a socialistic situation? Think about it. If I want more, I work harder. My desire for MORE is less than my desire to give the government less. The more I make, the higher percentage the government takes. In other words, they harder I work, the less I take home per hour. There is a law of diminishing returns there due to our current tax structure. Want a perfect example? I just accepted a 9 month per year contract and could work additional "overloads" for additional pay. I could work the summers for additional pay. I pretty much said no to the extra overloads and I have no current plans to accept a position during the summers. Why? Because, after taxes, it ain't worth the extra work.

To take an example under Bush's tax laws (which weren't his - he inherited the crooked system), my wife got a 3% raise a couple years ago. Yeah - a raise. My arse. Combined, we lost a couple thousand per year because that 3% raise bumped us into the next level of taxation. Yeah! We would have made money by one of us working less and getting out of that tax bracket. We would have made more by giving up some job duties and getting a lower rate of pay. This is just a simple example, but it shows why working LESS in today's America may be more beneficial. Just think what that means when it because more and more widespread. Calling us lazy when we work enough to give us all we want/need is not justified. What about calling someone GREEDY that wants more than the need...or even the lazy ones that take it instead of working? (Again, I'm not talking about disability since that is a DIFFERENT argument.)

Stop and really think. Why should ANYONE work harder for making LESS money per hour (take home) so that others can be given more of their money that they did not earn? If you support that so much, cash half of your paycheck and give it to hoodlums on the street every month. Silly? What's the difference? (For the record, I'm just referencing the welfare system and not disability here for simplicity's sakes.) Nobody wants to do that, but they tell me it is OK for the government to do it for me. This is why socialism fails in the real world. If there is no reword for harder work, "almost" everyone eventually falls back to the least common denominator.

Ever work for a state agency? You start off gung-ho and working hard. After awhile you see how the lazy people get the same money you do, get the same promotions you do, and often get promotions because they DON'T rock the boat by looking better than their bosses. Eventually, you quit or fall into the same trap - almost always. This is what will happen to ALL of America if Obama's current policies are followed through to the end.

You aren't lazy for working just enough to pay for all your needs. You are lazy for continuing to take from others instead of doing your best to earn it for yourself.
What if he is trying to be a good leader and reach out to our children and inspire them.

Then he would instead ask, "What about the presidency inspires you" and "what can you do to help the US?" When he is saying it personally about HIM, then it reeks of Castro with Candy and Hitler's training camps. No, I'm not comparing him to Hitler or Castro again. I'm saying when he starts to speak like their loyalty is to him PERSONALLY instead of the office he temporarily holds (unless he is like Hitler.....lol), then that should be scary. It's been done by the aforementioned, too. It is traitorous to the constitution. It's just plain wrong.

Sure, maybe his wording has been twisted out of context, but I'd rather err on the side of caution than not - and I strongly encourage people to KEEP THEIR KIDS AWAY! Send a message. If anything, maybe this will get to someone that he is losing the American people and force a change in his current policies and plans. If nothing else, this may be a voice to the white house. What the kids don't hear may be secondary to th message we send by keeping them away. ...and what is wrong with that if you DO disagree with him?
And lastly, it has been my understanding that America was founded on the basis that citizens are supposed to question and critique their government.

That was the old America! THIS is the new amerika!

At any rate, I'm not so arrogant as to assume my ideas are the One True Solution for All but I was hoping to discuss them, at least, or hear others. This doesn't seem to be the case, and I'm unsubscribing to this thread. I'll stick to the corn snake parts of the forum - congrats.

I was with you until you threw the tantrum and threatened to take your bat and ball and go home......lol.
What we put into our bodies has much to do with this

Look at the number of foods that have High Fructose Corn Syrup in it. (It was second on low calorie yogurt when I checked!) Yuck! we have one of the worst diets in the developed world, and then we complain that we die young? LOL. You are right, sir.

We breed cattle to have marbling, and then wonder why WE are so fat from eating a lot of fatty meat. That's one often ignored. Americans are addicted to uber-sweet and uber-fatty foods! It is an addiction! Let's not even get on caffeine! I don't agree with some of the pesticide concerns because of the results of testing that I have seen, but I will agree that it doesn't HELP us in any way.

How many people chug down regular sodas while bitching that the doctor costs so much? If you can't switch to water - or even a diet soda! - then the doctor shouldn't even have to see you if he doesn't want to!

Again, we want to separate ourselves from the responsibility of our own actions. It is the amerikan way!
I'm a foodie Hitler myself no pun intended, but what we allow in our food is nothing when we look at what we allow in our drugs and vaccines. Health care isn't America's problem its life style as I have repeated over and over and the chemicals we allow in everything. I think if your average citizen took one afternoon and studied food and medicinal contents it would be enough to scare the crap out of them. Maybe Obama should take that on....oh wait darn lobbiests poisoning America is a real cash cow so that will never happen in our capitlist country,lol Yet some want health care reform what a waste!!!
davesfiles and I talked via PM and calmed down - I actually quite agree with him, but tone does not always convey properly on the internet. I try to avoid situations that make my blood pressure rise without obvious benifit, gotta look after my own health after all ;)

however KJUN I also decided I probably didn't want to be arguing about politics so vigorously in a place I'm trying to sell stuff :p I got way too far off topic of what I originally wanted to say, which is simply that you can find parallels between Hitler and any political figure you want - they're both human, political leaders, etc etc. Unless Obama starts talking about eugenics, I don't think such a comparison is useful.

Don't want him indoctrinating your kids, totally reasonable. Argumentum ad Hitlerum, ehhh, maybe not.
Unless Obama starts talking about eugenics, I don't think such a comparison is useful.

That's misdirection. Most people who are comparing him to Hitler aren't claiming that he is planning to kill people he doesn't like (yet). We are saying Hitler took a country that was basically a democracy and turned it into a dictatorship in a couple of years using many of the same steps that Obama seems to be following now.

Eugenics aside, is following the same steps used to cause the rise of a third Reich from a "free" country anything we WANT to be following in America? Coincidence or not. Planned or not. Obama evil or not. None of that matters. The steps that Hitler followed prior to his dictatorship are too similar to what we are seeing done now.

Maybe Obama is a great guy. Maybe he has no plans to take freedoms from us, but what about the NEXT guy. What if the NEXT guy takes it the final step based on the platform Obama started - even if Obama hates that idea as much as me? Love Obama or not - what he is doing should scare all of us because of the similarities between what is being done now and what set-up Germany for such an easy take-over by someone who DOES have dictator plans. We should be scared of where it could SO EASILY go as a next step. If not Obama, what about the next guy...or the next...or the next. The platform must be stopped. I believe this whether you like Obama or not. Don't fear him - but fear the loaded gun he is making of our country.

Maybe Obama really is too stupid to know what he is doing. I'll give him the benefit of the doubt this morning. We should still resist the formation of such base for a dictator TO be able to take control so easily. (Plus, Hitler wasn't talking about eugenics quite yet, either....lol)
Why are you so paranoid that the president is going to speak to the children during "first" week of school? Are you afraid there will be a secrete transmission sent to those kids to kill their parents in their sleep?

Actually yes I am afraid of what he may have to say. No, I am not worried about a secret kill your parents transmission but I am worried. You may not like and agree with the coming statement but unless you are my kids parents one day then your ideals don't matter to me. Obviously you are a liberal and Barry supporter so you of all people should understand that I don't HAVE to listen too or like anything your political or social beliefs say.

My son and daughter are 12 and under. Currently they aren't old enough to truly listen to what he would say (good or bad) and then formulate long term ideals and question my ideals. However, they might hear him and then hear a brainless supporter (teacher) then ramble on more about him and then I have to really explain what he was saying and how harmful it could be. If in fact he said something I disagree with. Maybe he is going to just say "be smart, stay in school and stay off drugs and get good grades" but I need to hear that prior to my children. His track record right now doesn't warrant him being able to "speak directly" to my kids. Maybe if my kids were in high school then I might think differently, at that age they MAY be "older and wiser", but for now they are too young for him to be addressing. Like it or not, I'll decide what is best for my kids during their formative years.

For the record, I didn't vote for Obama but once he was elected, I sat my family down and discussed with them that we should now support him and his agenda unless his agenda started going against what we believe. It didn't take long for him to blow that!

Seriously, this is paranoid talk and crap. What if he is trying to be a good leader and reach out to our children and inspire them. Hell I can tell you most parents do not inspire their kids and the only thing that does is the computer or play station.

Well, he has blown the whole trying to be a good leader thing huh? :spinner: So far he has bailed out so many companies that we may never be the same country again due to increasing taxes

So you disagree with the president, heck your daughter has a brain, even though she is a child let her think for herself. Let her decide what to think and then she can discuss that with you afterwards unless you are to narrow minded to talk to your child and let them have decisions for themselves?

I likely will not respond to anything else you have to say for two reasons. One, nothing you say will change my ideals, you can be a liberal if you want and dance in Obama's make believe daisy field of perpetual happiness, but I choose to live in the real world. Secondly, I don't appreciate all of your undertones "unless you are to narrow minded" and "paranoid talk and crap". I am not narrow minded, my kids are being rasied in my home the same way I was raised and no matter if you believe it or not, I am perfectly fine.

You should inspire your child and not lock them away, let them make their own choices but guide them and letting them know you will back them with what they believe.

You are insinuating that I don't inspire my children. Guess what, I do inspire them by leading a good life, working hard and supplying them with clothes, PAID FOR HEALTH CARE, toys, a roof and above all, LOVE. Maybe to you, inspiration comes in the form of just being sympathetic to others ideals and beliefs but to me it goes much deeper than that. Inspiration is being a productive citizen and good parent (not suggesting you aren't, just stating what I believe it is). Simply, I do not think I have to allow my children to watch a speech by Barry to instill inspiration in them. If that is what it takes, then I have lost them anyway.

You know I also want to add to what I said before about Obama wanting to listen to the children. After all they are to inherit the world after we are long dead. Why not give them a voice. How many people here has spoken to their children about the affairs of the earth and the country?? How many really know what their children think about what is going on?? They see it on TV, they see us react to stuff so they must have feelings and ideas on the matters. And to be honest if I was a leader/politician I would still want to listen to them. A child has not political affiliations only their parents.

Alot can be heard if you listen to what is NOT being said by people. I agree with KJ, Barry didn't aks what the children of America thought was "wrong with the country or even what they thought the government could/should do". What he said/asked is for them to tell him what they thought HE should do. That statment is presented to them as if HE is the ONLY person who can fix things. Do people not understand that? He formed the question as if he were solely responsible for the country.

Just an observation and not meaning to change the topic, but is it just me or do the Liberals and Barry supporters seem more aggresive and non forgiving if others do not agree with their beliefs? Seems to me they are far quicker to lash out and tell me and other conservatives that we are wrong and how simple minded we are and then utilize all the pety catch phrases, "closed minded, what are you afraid of, let him inspire you, let them make their own choices..." Again, just an observation.


Suck it, Faux News and those of your ilk.

Just sayin'.


Two items of note (for me).

1. Surely a politician (especially Obama) wouldn't lie, surely this is exactly what he will say and not a "cover". Maybe it is, but he has proven I can not trust him right now so I surely will not believe this until he actually speaks ONLY those words.

2. As far as I know, you have never truly contributed to any corn snake discussion, you seem to just jump in, throw some meaningless drivel and then jump back. You post never seem to offer helpful information. At least this time you are attempting to add something to the discussion, congratulations!:D

I didn't see anything too insidious in those prepared remarks (thanks for the link, Dale). I guess I would have preferred two fewer references to a deity in the closing, but what's an atheist in America to do?

Camby said:
Just an observation and not meaning to change the topic, but is it just me or do the Liberals and Barry supporters seem more aggresive and non forgiving if others do not agree with their beliefs? Seems to me they are far quicker to lash out and tell me and other conservatives that we are wrong and how simple minded we are and then utilize all the pety catch phrases, "closed minded, what are you afraid of, let him inspire you, let them make their own choices..." Again, just an observation.

I'm not saying it's just you, but things don't appear this way to me. Political opinions are so polarized right now that I'm sure your perspectives about intolerance and aggression are shared by Liberals and Conservatives alike. It seems that most either demonize or sanctify the president, when the reality must be somewhere in between those points. I listen to a conservative radio show in the morning, and when W's approval ratings were in the teens, the crew dismissed the importance and accuracy of polls. When O's ratings slipped into the forties recently, they couldn't stop gloating and talking about the significance. :shrugs:

The Hitler comparisons seem silly to me. The parallels that are drawn are so general that they're laughable. Hitler was elected, and Obama was elected, so Obama will inevitably lead us in the same direction as Hitler. So I guess that every elected official has the potential to be a Hitler. We should be keeping a close eye on failed art-school majors too. In fact, Hitler and Obama were both born, so they started on almost the same track from the very beginning.
It is not required nor demanded in my district... that is good. teachers can show it if they choose to do so.

my take as a Government and US History teacher...
If a student wants to see it they can at any time... this will be aired online for them to see. I am covering foundations of government, something they need more than a pep talk, I do that myself when I have time.

My take as a parent of a 2nd grader and 5th grader...
I encourage them enough to do the things the pre release of BO's speech encourages them to do so why don't you let me be the parent, you (BO) go get my future GRANDKIDS out of debt mmmkay. One of my kids has missed 3 days in 6 years, the other has missed 3days in 3 years (slacker). I do not send my kids to see speeches, I send them to be taught by highly trained professional educators. If I want my kids to see the speech I will show them together as a fam when I get home from work.

I vote PRO EDUCATION on this one. Let the teachers continue to teach my children their regularly prepared lessons and I will make sure they are properly motivated to do so. That is my job as a parent, it is not the job of the "State".

No fear, just facts.
Currently they aren't old enough to truly listen to what he would say (good or bad)

For the record, I think the same about many of the kids I teach.....lol. The problem is that they have been so ingrained to believe that Teachers and other people with apparent authority wouldn't lie, that they take everything - including subtle words that they might not catch onto consciously - as facts to be believed and not questioned.

I listen to a conservative radio show in the morning, and when W's approval ratings were in the teens, the crew dismissed the importance and accuracy of polls. When O's ratings slipped into the forties recently, they couldn't stop gloating and talking about the significance. :shrugs:

LOL. So? Democrats who yelled about the USPATRIOT ACT are quite about all the more intrusive things Obama is doing...or is that different? :puke01: Plus, when did it slip into the teens? What poll and when? I've seen a 20 approval rating (which is close), but if "teens is close enough," then I can say Obama has an approval rating of 4 and say "that is close enough". After all, I just subtracted one number two. Mine was just in the tens place....lol. ....joking.....but seriously, did it ever actually hit the teens? If so, that really is impressive!

So I guess that every elected official has the potential to be a Hitler.

YES! Seriously, YES. I think MANY would given the opportunity, too. I mean a dictator and not the mass murderer, of course. Again, have you read The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich by William Shirer> It is almost the undisputed best book on Hitler's tactics? Since you don't see more similarities than THAT (you ignore all his criminal associates - another Hitler andChicago association - in your above post, I noticed!), it is pretty safe to assume that you didn't read - or remember - it, Dean. I know you are nowhere near the vicinity of dumb, Dean - far from it. So, that leaves it to you are either uninformed, you are wearing blinders, or I am overly paranoid and put too much importance on numerous similarities.

#3 may damn well be right. I admit that. I'm saying it loud and proud. However, would you rather I was overly paranoid and was wrong or that the people who ignore what I perceive as a risk were wrong? In my case, nothing happens. People get angry over nothing. No harm no foul. In the other case, a tragedy could have been averted!

To all people that want to mold America into a more socialist country, why do you have to ruin it for the rest of us? It's the only government like it (i.e., the constitution - not what it has become!). You have other options (many of them) if you want ot live under that type of rule - we don't. We leave you alone to go where you want to go. We have nowhere else to go. Why can't y'all just leave us alone to live our life the way we wanted - the way we should have been allowed to live it according to our forefathers? Why?
Not sure where I fall on this one yet, but I'll at least address a few things that I have decided on.

I think that anybody who is still saying that those calling Obama Hitler are doing so under the precedence that he is hate mongering and talking of genocide because that's absolute crap and a complete disregard for what they are saying.

Dean, I always enjoy it when you enter a discussion even though I don't always agree with you and I truly mean that. That said I think that you took the Hitler thing pretty petty in this instance. I think that there are some valid concerns because of not only the man but the STATE of the US at this time and its equalities to that of Great Depression era politics that gave rise to Hitler in Germany. If you read Mein Kampf and The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, there are many parallels. Do I feel that the same end will occur and that Obama is looking to murder white christian male americans? No. That's hogwash. I do, however, think that he is employing many POLITICAL tactics that follow those set forth and implemented by Hitler to make sure the Nazi party and, more specifically, He stayed in power. I'm sure this argument was probably used for Bush as well after the 9/11 attacks and his address to America that followed. HOWEVER, Bush didn't speak straight to the children in an environment where their parents are not with them to help explain or question things they are not of an intellect to inquire on, and he didn't speak to them in terms of how they can help HIM and not the US. That scares me.

Now, do I think I would keep my children home from school? Probably not, but then again I'm not yet a parent and don't plan to be for some time. I do think (and I apologize for not remembering who stated this) that attending the class so that you can ask questions of the lesson plan that is supposed to accompany BO's speech (where was the link to that to see what else is going on behind the scenes of the speech Dale?) as well as the speech itself.

As for the whole "Faux News" and continual liberal line that conservatives just hate BO for the sake of hating BO and follow Bush blindly, come on... really? I'll be the first to say that I think Fox is shooting themselves in the foot by continually looking like they're single-handedly trying to bring down BO. It's annoying. But was CNN, NBC, or ABC any better with Bush? I'd say they were multiple times worse to be quite honest. At least Fox hasn't completely fabricated a federal document to try and derail BO. I also would have to suggest that this is probably a load of crap based on BO's polls and Fox News's standings among newscasts. BO hasn't dropped below 50% approval save for a few days here recently (back up to 52% now) so we can safely estimate that he still has the "majority" of the population. Fox news has been the top news show and owned (and I mean dominated) primetime television for YEARS!!! They've gotta be doing something right and I think its because they report more moderately than any other news station out there. But who knows.

All I know is that BO is my president and I have tried to support him even though I didn't vote for him. I was quite hopeful that, if anything, his celebrity like status might derail some of the polar feeling that have dominated US politics since Clinton left office. Unfortunately he has made some decisions and run this country in a way that has created even more polar feelings and has shown that he is obviously not the "messiah" we were all promised. What is even more unfortunate (and I say more because I think we all forget that although the President has more media pull, the legislative branch carries the biggest stick on the hill) is that he has a blind herd of sheep that is going to do and vote for just about everything he says in Congress. Be it a liberal or conservative agenda, this country always seems to run best when there is a split in agenda between the President and the Congress. Maybe that's because nothing gets passed and the government grinds to a halt like it should? Hmmmm....
this country always seems to run best when there is a split in agenda between the President and the Congress. Maybe that's because nothing gets passed and the government grinds to a halt like it should? Hmmmm....

Bingo. What seems to always be BEST for this country is the fewest new laws. Go figure. Things get worse and worse, and I believe this IS connected with the fact that more and more new laws get passed and fewer and fewer get taken away. :(
LOL. So? Democrats who yelled about the USPATRIOT ACT are quite about all the more intrusive things Obama is doing...or is that different? :puke01: Plus, when did it slip into the teens? What poll and when? I've seen a 20 approval rating (which is close), but if "teens is close enough," then I can say Obama has an approval rating of 4 and say "that is close enough". After all, I just subtracted one number two. Mine was just in the tens place....lol. ....joking.....but seriously, did it ever actually hit the teens? If so, that really is impressive!

I was relying on my faulty neural wiring for that "teens" figure. W's lowest rating was 25. And while that's the third lowest in history, he holds the record for highest rating: 90. But my point was really about the hypocrisy of opinions and attitudes of those on the far ends of the spectrum. Unsurprisingly, I provided a conservative example. You've presented a liberal one.

YES! Seriously, YES. I think MANY would given the opportunity, too. I mean a dictator and not the mass murderer, of course. Again, have you read The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich by William Shirer> It is almost the undisputed best book on Hitler's tactics? Since you don't see more similarities than THAT (you ignore all his criminal associates - another Hitler andChicago association - in your above post, I noticed!), it is pretty safe to assume that you didn't read - or remember - it, Dean. I know you are nowhere near the vicinity of dumb, Dean - far from it. So, that leaves it to you are either uninformed, you are wearing blinders, or I am overly paranoid and put too much importance on numerous similarities.

I have read that book, many years ago. No, I don't remember much of it. I'd like to revisit it for its own sake, but I probably won't rush to do so for the express purpose of drawing links between the rise of the Third Reich and Obama's ascendency and policies. I also didn't spend much time researching the Bush family's links to the Nazis or the Bin Ladens. Maybe I'm keeping myself in the dark, but I've never been overly interested in conspiracy theory stuff.

(By the way, if you get a chance, or if you haven't already, read: Nazi Seizure of Power: The Experience of a Single German Town 1922-1945 by William Allen. It's an interesting view of the Nazi rise to power from a very local perspective.)

#3 may damn well be right. I admit that. I'm saying it loud and proud. However, would you rather I was overly paranoid and was wrong or that the people who ignore what I perceive as a risk were wrong? In my case, nothing happens. People get angry over nothing. No harm no foul. In the other case, a tragedy could have been averted!

I don't know how to answer that. I'd rather you be wrong, I guess. I'm glad that the paranoid liberals who said that Bush and Cheney would never relinquish power were wrong. I never believed that, just as I don't believe that Obama will be setting up a dictatorship either. :shrugs:

To all people that want to mold America into a more socialist country, why do you have to ruin it for the rest of us? It's the only government like it (i.e., the constitution - not what it has become!). You have other options (many of them) if you want ot live under that type of rule - we don't. We leave you alone to go where you want to go. We have nowhere else to go. Why can't y'all just leave us alone to live our life the way we wanted - the way we should have been allowed to live it according to our forefathers? Why?

To all people who want to preserve big business as the fourth branch of government, why do you want to ruin it for the rest of us who don't think that's right? America doesn't belong to just you and the large corporations.