Why are you so paranoid that the president is going to speak to the children during "first" week of school? Are you afraid there will be a secrete transmission sent to those kids to kill their parents in their sleep?
Actually yes I am afraid of what he may have to say. No, I am not worried about a secret kill your parents transmission but I am worried. You may not like and agree with the coming statement but unless you are my kids parents one day then your ideals don't matter to me. Obviously you are a liberal and Barry supporter so you of all people should understand that I don't HAVE to listen too or like anything your political or social beliefs say.
My son and daughter are 12 and under. Currently they aren't old enough to truly listen to what he would say (good or bad) and then formulate long term ideals and question my ideals. However, they might hear him and then hear a brainless supporter (teacher) then ramble on more about him and then I have to really explain what he was saying and how harmful it could be. If in fact he said something I disagree with. Maybe he is going to just say "be smart, stay in school and stay off drugs and get good grades" but I need to hear that prior to my children. His track record right now doesn't warrant him being able to "speak directly" to my kids. Maybe if my kids were in high school then I might think differently, at that age they MAY be "older and wiser", but for now they are too young for him to be addressing. Like it or not, I'll decide what is best for my kids during their formative years.
For the record, I didn't vote for Obama but once he was elected, I sat my family down and discussed with them that we should now support him and his agenda unless his agenda started going against what we believe. It didn't take long for him to blow that!
Seriously, this is paranoid talk and crap. What if he is trying to be a good leader and reach out to our children and inspire them. Hell I can tell you most parents do not inspire their kids and the only thing that does is the computer or play station.
Well, he has blown the whole trying to be a good leader thing huh? :spinner: So far he has bailed out so many companies that we may never be the same country again due to increasing taxes
So you disagree with the president, heck your daughter has a brain, even though she is a child let her think for herself. Let her decide what to think and then she can discuss that with you afterwards unless you are to narrow minded to talk to your child and let them have decisions for themselves?
I likely will not respond to anything else you have to say for two reasons. One, nothing you say will change my ideals, you can be a liberal if you want and dance in Obama's make believe daisy field of perpetual happiness, but I choose to live in the real world. Secondly, I don't appreciate all of your undertones "unless you are to narrow minded" and "paranoid talk and crap". I am not narrow minded, my kids are being rasied in my home the same way I was raised and no matter if you believe it or not, I am perfectly fine.
You should inspire your child and not lock them away, let them make their own choices but guide them and letting them know you will back them with what they believe.
You are insinuating that I don't inspire my children. Guess what, I do inspire them by leading a good life, working hard and supplying them with clothes, PAID FOR HEALTH CARE, toys, a roof and above all, LOVE. Maybe to you, inspiration comes in the form of just being sympathetic to others ideals and beliefs but to me it goes much deeper than that. Inspiration is being a productive citizen and good parent (not suggesting you aren't, just stating what I believe it is). Simply, I do not think I have to allow my children to watch a speech by Barry to instill inspiration in them. If that is what it takes, then I have lost them anyway.
You know I also want to add to what I said before about Obama wanting to listen to the children. After all they are to inherit the world after we are long dead. Why not give them a voice. How many people here has spoken to their children about the affairs of the earth and the country?? How many really know what their children think about what is going on?? They see it on TV, they see us react to stuff so they must have feelings and ideas on the matters. And to be honest if I was a leader/politician I would still want to listen to them. A child has not political affiliations only their parents.
Alot can be heard if you listen to what is NOT being said by people. I agree with KJ, Barry didn't aks what the children of America thought was "wrong with the country or even what they thought the government could/should do". What he said/asked is for them to tell him what they thought
HE should do. That statment is presented to them as if HE is the ONLY person who can fix things. Do people not understand that? He formed the question as if he were solely responsible for the country.
Just an observation and not meaning to change the topic, but is it just me or do the Liberals and Barry supporters seem more aggresive and non forgiving if others do not agree with their beliefs? Seems to me they are far quicker to lash out and tell me and other conservatives that we are wrong and how simple minded we are and then utilize all the pety catch phrases, "closed minded, what are you afraid of, let him inspire you, let them make their own choices..." Again, just an observation.