Austin M
New member
Is this the beginning of the Obama youth program? You know, I am not saying that the guy is going to commit some type of genocide, it is just spooky the number of similarities this man has with Hitler.
And I checked, this is in the General Chit Chat forum, so it is ok for me to start a non-cornsnake related thread.
This is crazy to watch for me. Right wingers are the new liberals! When the liberals were out of power Bush was Hitler now that right wingers are out of power Obama is Hitler. Stomping ones feet and calling the other side Hitler doesn't address real issues, just steals from the evil and horrors of the
real Hitler and his evil actions.
"Red"? I assume you are saying Obama is communist and socialist right?
Our version of capitalism is dependant on communism and socialism. Right wing capitalism means out source and turn this country into a "service economy". Right wing free market capitalism has taken American loving jobs and out sourced them to Communist China. Then sold the communist supported products back to us. So when capitalism loving Americans buy from China they are supporting communism, right? Where do we get the money to buy all these Communist China products? We borrow it and China lends it. We have needed China's money to keep us afloat for a long time now. We were turned into Chimerica long before the democrats took total control and the right wing played a heavy hand in it too. It's funny right wingers still defends turning us into Chimerica. Why do anticommunism right wingers support free trade agreements with Communist China? Seems ironic to me?
Here's a short version of our capitalism and why we are so financially "great".
As for socialism, I read a good definition. Socialism is when the government decides to have a minimum standard of living for its population. Socialism is welfare. America has adopted the idea of socialism in many sectors. We have adopted socialism for the poor and disabled. The poor have a minimum standard of living with food and health care. We have a minimum standard of living for our retired workers in income and health care. Business used to pick up grandma and grandpas cost in pension and insurance, but now most retirees have no choice but enter our socialism program for retirees.
I'm gonna step on some toes now. America has a minimum standard in fire prevention. That's right our fire fighting heros are part of American socialism. If you can't afford to pay for someone to put your fire out, that's ok the government will do it for you! That's welfare too. Are fire fighters and the fire fighting system of socialism trying to endoctrinate you into communism? I don't think so. American public school system is a system of socialism! It is welfare too. We have a minimum standard of education in this country. If you can't afford it that's ok the government will pay it for you. A public teachers wage and benefit package is as large as it is because of that minimum standard. A public teacher gets payed because of "Redistribution of Wealth"! Public teachers are direct benefactors of socialism. Are public teachers trying to steal your kids for Obama or are they trying to teach our kids that Obama is the new Hitler? I hope neither!
Just out of curiosity when Bush spoke to students and passed No Child Left Behind was he trying steal the kids minds and turn them in to terrorist fighting, service economy following, Industrial Military Complex loving Bush zombies?
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