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Obama Youth?


Is this the beginning of the Obama youth program? You know, I am not saying that the guy is going to commit some type of genocide, it is just spooky the number of similarities this man has with Hitler.

And I checked, this is in the General Chit Chat forum, so it is ok for me to start a non-cornsnake related thread.

This is crazy to watch for me. Right wingers are the new liberals! When the liberals were out of power Bush was Hitler now that right wingers are out of power Obama is Hitler. Stomping ones feet and calling the other side Hitler doesn't address real issues, just steals from the evil and horrors of the
real Hitler and his evil actions.

"Red"? I assume you are saying Obama is communist and socialist right?

Our version of capitalism is dependant on communism and socialism. Right wing capitalism means out source and turn this country into a "service economy". Right wing free market capitalism has taken American loving jobs and out sourced them to Communist China. Then sold the communist supported products back to us. So when capitalism loving Americans buy from China they are supporting communism, right? Where do we get the money to buy all these Communist China products? We borrow it and China lends it. We have needed China's money to keep us afloat for a long time now. We were turned into Chimerica long before the democrats took total control and the right wing played a heavy hand in it too. It's funny right wingers still defends turning us into Chimerica. Why do anticommunism right wingers support free trade agreements with Communist China? Seems ironic to me?

Here's a short version of our capitalism and why we are so financially "great". http://images.google.com/imgres?img...ree+trade+Republican+cartoons&hl=en&sa=G&um=1

As for socialism, I read a good definition. Socialism is when the government decides to have a minimum standard of living for its population. Socialism is welfare. America has adopted the idea of socialism in many sectors. We have adopted socialism for the poor and disabled. The poor have a minimum standard of living with food and health care. We have a minimum standard of living for our retired workers in income and health care. Business used to pick up grandma and grandpas cost in pension and insurance, but now most retirees have no choice but enter our socialism program for retirees.

I'm gonna step on some toes now. America has a minimum standard in fire prevention. That's right our fire fighting heros are part of American socialism. If you can't afford to pay for someone to put your fire out, that's ok the government will do it for you! That's welfare too. Are fire fighters and the fire fighting system of socialism trying to endoctrinate you into communism? I don't think so. American public school system is a system of socialism! It is welfare too. We have a minimum standard of education in this country. If you can't afford it that's ok the government will pay it for you. A public teachers wage and benefit package is as large as it is because of that minimum standard. A public teacher gets payed because of "Redistribution of Wealth"! Public teachers are direct benefactors of socialism. Are public teachers trying to steal your kids for Obama or are they trying to teach our kids that Obama is the new Hitler? I hope neither!

Just out of curiosity when Bush spoke to students and passed No Child Left Behind was he trying steal the kids minds and turn them in to terrorist fighting, service economy following, Industrial Military Complex loving Bush zombies?
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The anger is because more and more is taken from the productive members of society and given to the users in society who do nothing to work with it. Wht would a productive member of society continue to work hard if it means more and more of his money just keeps going to people that refuse to work? Heck, even my wife and I have taken jobs for less than what we could get elsewhere because we don't see the point. Why worker harder (and be more productive) just to give more to the lazy ones that won't work? We have enough now. More and it'd just mean we give MORE to those that do nothing. ...and this is why socialism fails.

So I take it your a productive member of this society, pay a lot in taxes and I take it you don't receive welfare? Let me get this straight. You work for less than your worth and aren't striving to better yourself because you don't see the point? Isn't that what you dislike about lazy people on welfare, they don't want to better themselves because they don't see the point? Did your taxes go up since Bush left office? Are you paying more now under Obama so he can pay for lazy welfare people than you where under Bush? My taxes haven't gone up yet, maybe yours have?

My local schools get payed $8,000 per kid per year to educate them. If parents don't pay at least $8,000 in taxes per year per kid they are on welfare! I bet there are a lot of anti-welfare people on welfare and just don't realize it. Hard working parents who don't make enough to cover the cost of their kids public education are sucking the system dry just like the lazy ones.
Jeezus Christ,
I am sorry but those who thinks this is a major conspiracy, you folks have your heads up your asses. Sorry but jeez louise. Lets wait until its over and see what happens before we start to panic and set our couches on fire.

If you want to see endoctrine, why take a good look around us right now, Our kids are so conditioned to buy the cool things and are like cattle when it comes to spending money. They are already programed via tv, the internet and their piers. We all gotta have the cool things or we are not cool.

You know before I start to panic here, I think I will wait until after the event and actually see what he has to say. And you know what, if kids tell him stuff what is the big whoop?? Why not hear it from a child and instead of an adult who is conditioned with garbage and is already has their mind set.
Maybe he wants to hear the main concerns of the children and not us adults. Maybe these kids are more concerned about global warming? The energy issue? what close he is actually wearing??
Seriously, I would love to hear the view point of a child about the world than instead of many adults here.

So do not set your couch on fire and unbunch your panties and take a deep breath and see what happens. then lets hear your opinions.

And when you also look up make sure the sky is really falling.
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Thanks just wrong, Jazz. I think I'm going to need some Nutribac for the upcoming regurg. Blech!
:p You know I disagree with a lot of Obama's domestic policies but comparing him to Hitler in any kind of serious manner is a bit... laughable. Are there similarities? Sure. I bet there were just as many similarities with any other national leader. Politicians are SUPPOSED to make a lot of "caring about the youth" gestures XD
As far as internment camps-- err, prisons and political prisoners -- go though I think Bush has the worse track record :p

But I don't hate Bush, I just think he was an incredibly poor leader. He had no new ideas or vision - unfortunately I don't much like Obama's "let the government do it!" ideas either.

Also, the american health care system isn't really "a capitalist system", or rather, it's the worst of both worlds between a capitalist and a socialist system. When was the last time you (if you are an american) shopped around, compared prices and quality, and paid up front for any health care? It's almost impossible to, no one will give you a price quote. And they have to treat you for free at the ER even if you can't pay. The government does NOT reimburse. Not saying that's WRONG to treat emergencies regardless of ability to pay, but it's not capitalist, and it sends everything out of whack.
Also, if you're poor there's medicaid and if you're old there's medicare and if you're a vet there's the VA and if you're employed your employer's supposed to cover the tab. *rant rant rant* Everyone likes to act like "health" is priceless but no one wants to foot the bill. (and of course I'm not getting into the difference between "health" and "health care"...) If you ask me the first two things that need to happen are tort reform (to bring down malpractice suits and unnecessary testing) and requiring health care providers to give price quotes up-front if asked (to allow a little Capitalist Competition to come in to play and bring down prices like it's supposed to!). KISS (keep it simple, stupid)

I'm not against socialism in other places, I'd just rather have a different system here in America - one that's more about a level playing field combined with personal responsibility and keeping the government out of the way, not telling everyone what to do.
:p You know I disagree with a lot of Obama's domestic policies but comparing him to Hitler in any kind of serious manner is a bit... laughable. Are there similarities? Sure. I bet there were just as many similarities with any other national leader. Politicians are SUPPOSED to make a lot of "caring about the youth" gestures XD
As far as internment camps-- err, prisons and political prisoners -- go though I think Bush has the worse track record :p

They are? Where's that law? Please provide a link.

But I don't hate Bush, I just think he was an incredibly poor leader. He had no new ideas or vision - unfortunately I don't much like Obama's "let the government do it!" ideas either.

Also, the American health care system isn't really "a capitalist system", or rather, it's the worst of both worlds between a capitalist and a socialist system.
It's a Fascist System. Perhaps you missed the last 40 years?
When was the last time you (if you are an American) shopped around, compared prices and quality, and paid up front for any health care?
It's been over a decade. I realized I'm getting older, so I got out of the self employment, and resituated myself in a position with a company that provides an attractive incentive to work there for less per hour, but the 80 hours of sick leave per year, plus benes make it a worthwhile trade off. Or was it a rhetorical question?
It's almost impossible to, no one will give you a price quote. And they have to treat you for free at the ER even if you can't pay.
Actually, "they have to" at the county facility. If it's a privately run hospital, they shoot you up with morphine and put you in an ambulance and send you to the county/state run hospital. Then your conditions can become worse during the delay, making way for law suits
The government does NOT reimburse. Not saying that's WRONG to treat emergencies regardless of ability to pay, but it's not capitalist, and it sends everything out of whack.
So you're saying there's an incentive to forget to bring your ID to the hospital, and be a Jane/John Doe, so you can get free health care, like the persons you're so against?
Also, if you're poor there's medicaid and if you're old there's medicare and if you're a vet there's the VA and if you're employed your employer's supposed to cover the tab.
Yeah, it's great to be a vet. Out of the 580,400 soldiers who served in GW1 (the first Gulf War), of them, 11,000 are now dead! By the year 2000, there were 325,000 on Permanent Medical Disability. Yeah, so you'd rather pay $30.- per gallon at the fill up station? Are you sure you want rant on the persons protecting your right to purchase plastic products (made from petroleum), such as bags you use once, and then throw away?
*rant rant rant* Everyone likes to act like "health" is priceless but no one wants to foot the bill. (and of course I'm not getting into the difference between "health" and "health care"...) If you ask me the first two things that need to happen are tort reform (to bring down malpractice suits and unnecessary testing) and requiring health care providers to give price quotes up-front if asked (to allow a little Capitalist Competition to come in to play and bring down prices like it's supposed to!). KISS (keep it simple, stupid)
Running a nation of 300 million+ is so simple when you put it that way.
I'm not against socialism in other places, I'd just rather have a different system here in America - one that's more about a level playing field combined with personal responsibility and keeping the government out of the way, not telling everyone what to do.
They're not telling everyone what to do. Perhaps consider some options you haven't been raised to accept is a good starting place. You don't have to tell anyone how you got the free medical treatments. I like the way you tell all of us what we should do. LMK when you're running for Dictator. You clearly know what's best for all of us.
All Politicians make great campaign promises. Then they get in there and discover it's not as easy as they had assumed when they were making promises. It's easy to shout from the sidelines, rant*rant*rant. When we're finished ranting, do we have viable solutions to fix the perceived problems for every individual? Or is it easier to rant, but never figure out any solutions at all. To develop solutions, it may take more than the 542 elected leaders of our great nation to appease each of the 300+ million of us. So did those campaign promises turn out to be a pack of lies? Regardless, this is the way it has been for Centuries. And we the people fail to see that they've been empty promises for generations. Yet we continue to cling to one major party or the other major party when it's time to vote again. Out of tradition. We learned which side to be on from our elders, and to stray from their dictating of how we should vote would be disrespectful to them. Are we being disrespectful to ourselves in the name of tradition?
They are? Where's that law? Please provide a link.

... guantanimo? Iraq? That's what I was referring to. And the Patriot Act, if you want a law, but that's a little different.

It's a Fascist System. Perhaps you missed the last 40 years?

... only been around for 27 of them, and the first 10 or so I don't remember all that well what was going on with politics :p If you meant have I read up on the last 40 years, I don't get where you're getting "Fascist" from, why do you say that?

It's been over a decade. I realized I'm getting older, so I got out of the self employment, and resituated myself in a position with a company that provides an attractive incentive to work there for less per hour, but the 80 hours of sick leave per year, plus benes make it a worthwhile trade off. Or was it a rhetorical question?
Not a rhetorical question if you've ever done it. I haven't, and when I've tried to help people find some care in their area for a fairly straightforward issue (getting anti-malarial perscription for traveling, checking on a contused shin) it was next to impossible to get a price quote from the major hospitals. Doesn't seem very capitalist to me.

Actually, "they have to" at the county facility. If it's a privately run hospital, they shoot you up with morphine and put you in an ambulance and send you to the county/state run hospital. Then your conditions can become worse during the delay, making way for law suits

So you're saying there's an incentive to forget to bring your ID to the hospital, and be a Jane/John Doe, so you can get free health care, like the persons you're so against?

Whoa whoa whoa, I'm not against anyone. Where are you getting this? The only perverse incentive is for people to wait until their situation is an emergency to get treatment, if they can't afford care, which is overall more expensive to fix and harder on the patient. :p And makes hospitals with emergency rooms that do treat everyone either have to charge those who can pay more, or go under.

Yeah, it's great to be a vet. Out of the 580,400 soldiers who served in GW1 (the first Gulf War), of them, 11,000 are now dead! By the year 2000, there were 325,000 on Permanent Medical Disability. Yeah, so you'd rather pay $30.- per gallon at the fill up station? Are you sure you want rant on the persons protecting your right to purchase plastic products (made from petroleum), such as bags you use once, and then throw away?

I never said it was great to be a vet. Actually the VA system nearly killed a vet friend of mine - he was staying at our place and had mono (virus), but we weren't sure if it was lyme disease (bacteria, treatable but potentially debilitating disease if unchecked) or something. He'd been vagabonding and camping in NJ. We tried to help him get checked out driving an hour to this @$@#ing VA and they gave him antibiotics - which cause a bad reaction with mono and his throat started to close up. He had to go to an emergency room and got stuck with a huge bill bla bl ablah. Trust me I've seen how messed up the health care system is and have heard more VA horror stories - more reasons I don't want the government running health care?

Running a nation of 300 million+ is so simple when you put it that way.

They're not telling everyone what to do. Perhaps consider some options you haven't been raised to accept is a good starting place. You don't have to tell anyone how you got the free medical treatments. I like the way you tell all of us what we should do. LMK when you're running for Dictator. You clearly know what's best for all of us.

... what?
So I take it your a productive member of this society, pay a lot in taxes and I take it you don't receive welfare? Let me get this straight. You work for less than your worth and aren't striving to better yourself because you don't see the point? Isn't that what you dislike about lazy people on welfare, they don't want to better themselves because they don't see the point? Did your taxes go up since Bush left office? Are you paying more now under Obama so he can pay for lazy welfare people than you where under Bush? My taxes haven't gone up yet, maybe yours have?

My local schools get payed $8,000 per kid per year to educate them. If parents don't pay at least $8,000 in taxes per year per kid they are on welfare! I bet there are a lot of anti-welfare people on welfare and just don't realize it. Hard working parents who don't make enough to cover the cost of their kids public education are sucking the system dry just like the lazy ones.

FIrst, for the record, my daughter will be at school only because it is photo day. HOWEVER, I will be signing her out prior to the speech and we will go to lunch while he addresses the youth of the country. I'll take her back after the speech is over. I was too lazy to quote everyone so I am just including my thoughts. Secondly, I have really lost all faith in the office of the president.

I don't care if he is the president and I am "more influential in my childs life", he has no right at all to address my children. They can't vote and I can, if he wants to address them, then do it through me. Call it what you will, but he IS a socialist and I disagree with nearly everything he does and nearly all his ideas and ideals. Therefore, I do not want him to speak directly to my children.

AS suggested by KJ, those who do not see similarities with him and Hitler LIKELY do not know the history associated with Hitler. As hard as it is to imagine, early in his career, Hitler was a self starter, rose from meager beginings, was educated, a great speaker that galvanizer of the masses and he was likeable. That is not my thoughts, that is what history tells us. He was smart enough to wait until he was in power to really start pushing his true beliefs and ideals home. Does this sound familiar? If you don't think he is a socialist, then sit back and wait, he will try and prove it to you. The man is an idiot, he pushed to bail out GM and Dodge, WHY? No one was buying enough cars to keep them afloat (because of the Unions inflated ego). So, if no one was buying those cars prior to the recession, now more jobs have been lost and taxes are on the way up, so why will people start flocking to buy those cars now? THEY WON'T! In two to three years, we will be discussing what we need to do to bail them out again.

Our only hope is that our senators and reps (whether democrat or not) finally start listening to the people rather than their own agenda. If the people we elect do not start listening to us, then I think another seccesion is at hand and likely required.

Sorry, I am begining to ramble and likely none of this post will make sense. In regards to Autin's post...I am speaking for KJ and do not need to do so, but my interpretation of his post is that he is not doing less, he and Kasi ARE STILL WORKING. I think what he is saying is that many people do the bare minimum because they know our government will take care of them. Do the research, there has been a significant increase in Americans leaving the US to live elsewhere since Ole Barry Boy has taken office. Problem is most countries are worse than we are, but give us time, we are gaining on them.

Sorry again to ramble, I am just so made at reading some of the posts that just do not get how dangerous things are becoming with the way things are going. The majority of the population doesn't want a government health care plan but the democrats just don't care, they want it and they keep pushing for it. When their leader even hinted that he may back off, they becamse angry with him and he jumped right back into the fire. Such will be either our or his downfall

(getting anti-malarial perscription for traveling, checking on a contused shin)

They could have gone to a doctors office for these things. Unless as you say, these "people to wait until their situation is an emergency to get treatment"
he was staying at our place and had mono (virus), but we weren't sure if it was lyme disease (bacteria, treatable but potentially debilitating disease if unchecked) or something

for the vet that was staying with you; are you a doctor? How could You be Sure? Got a testing clinic in the kitchen?

so you've had 3 experiences, and you're ready to reform health care? Well, you've probably got more experience then any president in the last 20 years...
FIrst, for the record, my daughter will be at school only because it is photo day. HOWEVER, I will be signing her out prior to the speech and we will go to lunch while he addresses the youth of the country. I'll take her back after the speech is over. I was too lazy to quote everyone so I am just including my thoughts. Secondly, I have really lost all faith in the office of the president.

I don't care if he is the president and I am "more influential in my childs life", he has no right at all to address my children. They can't vote and I can, if he wants to address them, then do it through me. Call it what you will, but he IS a socialist and I disagree with nearly everything he does and nearly all his ideas and ideals. Therefore, I do not want him to speak directly to my children.

Why are you so paranoid that the president is going to speak to the children during "first" week of school? Are you afraid there will be a secrete transmission sent to those kids to kill their parents in their sleep?

Seriously, this is paranoid talk and crap. What if he is trying to be a good leader and reach out to our children and inspire them. Hell I can tell you most parents do not inspire their kids and the only thing that does is the computer or play station.

So you disagree with the president, heck your daughter has a brain, even though she is a child let her think for herself. Let her decide what to think and then she can discuss that with you afterwards unless you are to narrow minded to talk to your child and let them have decisions for themselves?

You should inspire your child and not lock them away, let them make their own choices but guide them and letting them know you will back them with what they believe.

You know I also want to add to what I said before about Obama wanting to listen to the children. After all they are to inherit the world after we are long dead. Why not give them a voice. How many people here has spoken to their children about the affairs of the earth and the country?? How many really know what their children think about what is going on?? They see it on TV, they see us react to stuff so they must have feelings and ideas on the matters. And to be honest if I was a leader/politician I would still want to listen to them.
A child has not political affiliations only their parents.
They could have gone to a doctors office for these things. Unless as you say, these "people to wait until their situation is an emergency to get treatment"

for the vet that was staying with you; are you a doctor? How could You be Sure? Got a testing clinic in the kitchen?

so you've had 3 experiences, and you're ready to reform health care? Well, you've probably got more experience then any president in the last 20 years...

I really don't understand why you seem to be attacking me on a personal level rather than discussing my ideas, or at least putting forth your own.

To answer your questions,
-- I'm a medical student and the person had no insurance and asked me to find out the cheapest way to get said prescription, because the doctors offices in the area wouldn't give a price, or the price was around $200, which seems a bit redic. Unfortunately at the time I did not know about the free clinic I now volunteer at.
-- getting anti-malarial drugs in prep for travel is preventative medicine, so they are not waiting for it to be an emergency
-- we are sure now what my friend had because the emergency department did the test and confirmed it was mono. Funnily enough I have done the test in a school lab and know it is simple and inexpensive, I don't know why the VA clinic didn't do it, the diagnosis on paper from the VA was even "likely a virus" but they gave antibiotics anyway.
-- the presidents of the past 20 years have a lot to deal with and have done many things better than I possibly could have. I don't see why they are specialists in health care, though, none of them were doctors or other health care providers before they were president, and I doubt any of them have been uninsured, and so on. And lastly, it has been my understanding that America was founded on the basis that citizens are supposed to question and critique their government.

EDITED for less butthurt:
At any rate, I'm not so arrogant as to assume my ideas are the One True Solution for All but I was wanting to discuss them, at least, or hear others. But in retrospect I don't like the idea of arguing such controversial stuff on the same forum I'm trying to sell things.
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Silver,the USA ranks #1 in the dollars we spend per person for health care in the world
We rank #37 in the world for longevity
What we put into our bodies has much to do with this
Bleached Enriched White Flour- why would you bleach (which is a carcenogen) flour to take the good stuff out, and then put back into it man made / synthesized fillers to "enrich" it? Those "enrichers" are not real.
When we put any of those cheap fillers in our bodies, which have no nutritional value, our bodies still absorb them.
75% of the USA crop of soybeans is RoundUp resistant. So the factory farms can spray the entire crop with weed killer, and the soybeans resist dying. The weeds die. When plants absorb weed killer, they concentrate the toxins in their seeds, so the next generation of themselves will have more resistance against the illness plaguing their kind. (kind of along the same principle of how all roaches in the 1960s died from being sprayed with Raid, but by the 1970s there were Raid resistant roaches. Intelligent design or evolution is still open for debate)
Have you looked at product labels lately?
Aspartame (2-3 times the FDA reccomended WEEKLY dosage in each 12 ounce diet soda. Turned down by the FDA 12 times, until Raegean came into office. Then it was approved. Why? Because Ronald owned 51% of the controlling stock in the company. It's a fun word to google.
I could go on with all of the 'sugar enhanced' vegetables and fruits available fresh or in the frozen dept. Those "sugar enhancing genes" are human genes. Eat of my body Amen. Blessed food.
So we gorge ourselves on cheap food
Wendys, all fresh meat. Never frozen. A factory milking cow that spent it's 5 year life tied up in a stall being shot full of estrogen and lactating drugs and antibiotics, feasting on pesticide laden food crops, and no sense just sending it to a cow graveyard, send it to Wendy's instead. The meat packing waste goes back out on the cropland, to be reabsorbed into the food cycle again.
All of these horror foods are being shoveled into American gullets every day. Inert ingredients and ingredients with no nutritional value don't appear on the Nutrition Facts label because they have none. But our bodies are absorbing them.
Flouride in the water supply, because the water company cares about our smile; and flouride crystallized on the brain makes us feel complacent. And causes us to need prescription drugs.
But all these things aside, and hundreds more, you can google it and do some of your own research-

Here's a fun game for you:
Next time you're in the grocery store, try to go to a big one on a Friday evening during payday time, when it's very crowded-
spend a couple of hours pushing around an empty cart, and look in other peoples carts. Then look at the physical condition of the other shoppers. Compare what's in their carts to their healthy appearance.
So it's the government's responsibility, all of these medical conditions? It's the governments responsibility when the people are making poor choices? They're adults, but they want someone else to take care of them when so many of their choices were poor choices which led to their poor physical conditions. No personal accountability. Ignorant Americans.
Bawn Appateat.
falling off the soapbox