The Rule Of Thirds.
And after two weeks....
....the INR levels took a small dip, down to 2.22, but nothing to be concerned about. Given my love of foods with Vitamin K, however, I'll be asking my Doc if I should just go with an "every other day" regimen, alternating between the 7.5 mg and 5 mg of warfarin a day. (Currently, it's 7.5 mg three times a week, so in essence, it would increase my "average daily intake" from 6.07 to 6.25 mg.)
Meanwhile, I'm hoping I never ever get the phlebotomist I had yesterday. If you looked in the dictionary for the Rat Pack-era word "broad", I swear there'd be a picture of her. Using her Seinfeldian man hands, this tough cookie literally plowed the needle into my arm, but not before """""complimenting""""" me by looking at the veins in my arm and saying, "Wow, ya got a faucet there, yanno??"
It took a good 45 minutes for the bleeding to stop. The gauze pad that was used to apply pressure to the point of the blood draw looked like a miniature flag of Japan.
And finally, the "junkie tracks" from the Lovenox are starting to disappear, so there's no more of this, this, this, or this on my gut. (Just for you, Janine.
Next test in a month. You'll all miss my bumping this thread, I'm sure.
....the INR levels took a small dip, down to 2.22, but nothing to be concerned about. Given my love of foods with Vitamin K, however, I'll be asking my Doc if I should just go with an "every other day" regimen, alternating between the 7.5 mg and 5 mg of warfarin a day. (Currently, it's 7.5 mg three times a week, so in essence, it would increase my "average daily intake" from 6.07 to 6.25 mg.)
Meanwhile, I'm hoping I never ever get the phlebotomist I had yesterday. If you looked in the dictionary for the Rat Pack-era word "broad", I swear there'd be a picture of her. Using her Seinfeldian man hands, this tough cookie literally plowed the needle into my arm, but not before """""complimenting""""" me by looking at the veins in my arm and saying, "Wow, ya got a faucet there, yanno??"
It took a good 45 minutes for the bleeding to stop. The gauze pad that was used to apply pressure to the point of the blood draw looked like a miniature flag of Japan.
And finally, the "junkie tracks" from the Lovenox are starting to disappear, so there's no more of this, this, this, or this on my gut. (Just for you, Janine.
Next test in a month. You'll all miss my bumping this thread, I'm sure.