Self-Admitted Duckoholic
Just to clear everything up: TESSERAS ARE NOT HYBRIDS (period).... there is alot of incorrect information posted on the internet (about EVERY subject) by ill informed people. (There are RUMORS that someone has made Tessera creamsicles- Tessera X creamsicle- but I haven't seen pics of them or info on 'em.
Something for the hybrid forum people (it requires BASIC knowledge of genetics)- Think about how the Tessera gene works- You breed a Tessera to ANY corn and ~1/2 of the clutch comes out Tesseras in first generation.
I have the history posted on my website...Don S has the info/history on his site... and KJ posted a great write up about the history here on cs.com.
Hope that helps.
Actually Graham, you prolly shouldn't say that "they are not hybrids", what you should say "is that there is no reason to believe that they are hybrids". Like others have said, it is impossible to "prove" non-hybrid status, heck even if originating from WC animals.
What we do know about tesseras, is that the non-tessera clutchmates from clutches with tesseras, have to date, shown no indication of being hybrids. There have been no "hybrid markers" or "throwback" animals produced from a tessera.