I am not calling YOU a liar. I'm saying that the wording in your original paragraph means that you are, perhaps unintentionally, calling other people, including Kathy, liars.
If Kathy would never do that, then sunkissed CANNOT have hybrid markers. The two are linked. Either they are hybrids, and Kathy is deceitful, or they are NOT hybrids and Kathy is indeed the wonderful, honest and caring individual we all adore.
It's the same with Diffused. She helped spread that gene, helped name the bloody thing.
And you have not said what these supposed "markers" are. There's a HUGE amount of variation in the pattern of corns. My own Eliel is a rather odd looking ghost and has very small saddles. Is this a sign of being a hybrid? Do we get to plop Carol now next to Kathy?
Frankly, you are the one who needs to calm down. You made a very bold statement as absolute fact, we have refuted the possibility of several and now you're up in arms declaring that I've called you a liar when those words never left my fingertips.