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So What's Your Snake(s) Called?

Arby, how is Charl doing?

Hi Charl....:wavey:

I think Charl is Hot Hot Hot!!

LMAO, you don't give up do you :p

And, in keeping on topic.. We have a new snake now. Charl picked her, it's an.. Aztec... something. Amel I think. She named her "Ellie", after Ellie Sattler(sp?) from Jurassic Park, which Charl is a big fan of :D.
Here's the names of mine.

Tiaga - My daughter Rebecca came up with the name(don't know the sex of him/her)

Bree - We just liked the name (found out later we did well with giving her a girly name)

Brogan - got him from a reptile show, and on the way home once again Rebecca came up with the name(sorta) in the car. She said Rogan but with the road noise I thought she said Brogan and it stuck.

Rogue - Another reptile show find and my other daughter(rebecca's twin) Rachel came up with that one.
My girl is named Maximus, is a name formed from the Latin term for "greatest" or "largest."

Named her after Maximus Decimus Meridius from the movie Gladiator.

I didn't know she was a she, until a month ago. Still gonna keep the name thou.
My snakes name

I have a wild cought normal. My wife named it Houdini because the first night I got it home it disappeared for four days. Then it reappeared. But now I think it might be a Houdina. As the tail tappers.
Because of the most definate "Y" on the top of her head, her name is YOLANDA and she is the most beautiful okatee/creamsicle, I have ever seen.
Two new Bredli's called. Joe and Josie, after Joe Bredl who discovered them...
They are to go with another female we got called Roberta, named after Joe Bredl's son, Rob Bredl (The bare foot bushman)
No really interesting story here, my corn's name is Bourbon. I already had a cat named Whiskey and thought I should continue the trend. My boa's name is Tequilla.

I don't drink! *hic* I swear! :p
"Mitch" from the python in the movie "Roadtrip" ... UNLEASH THE FURY MITCH ...
found out after about 1.5yrs that "he" was ovulating but the name stuck ...
I was just on a couple of weeks ago, saying my one and only snake was "Nagini". Well, we have a new snake arriving next week, and we've named him "Neville Longbottom". Another Harry Potter name... which makes perfect sense (I think) if you have one already named Nagini.
accidental priest(ess)

Here's the story of my 1st corn's name.

I'm usually quick with names, but after 2 days I still hadn't found the perfect name for my amel. My son is in California studying the Korean language, and I asked him what the Korean word for "pretty" might be. He responded that it was "yohsong." (I'm spelling it phonetically.) About a month later, when I was totally used to calling her Yohsong, he asked about her name. I told him what it was. He informed me that "yohsong" did NOT mean pretty.

My next question, obviously, was "What does it mean, then?" He said he didn't know but would look it up. I heard pages rustle, then laughter. It seems that I have inadvertently named my little darling "Evil-working Buddhist Priest." Ah, well, at least it's unique!
It seems that I have inadvertently named my little darling "Evil-working Buddhist Priest." Ah, well, at least it's unique!

That is REALLY funny! At least you weren't going in for a tattoo when you asked for "pretty" in Korean. LOL
My ghost is named Nagini [Really unoriginal I know, but I'm a little Harry Potter obsessed.] He should be due for a name change though, because as it turns out, the 'she' we were sold is in fact a male. Chances are, his name won't change though.

Our little snow corn is named Calypso. I don't know where it came from, just struck me as pretty, and she had already gone 2 days without a name, we call her 'Cally' for short.

The next snake I get is going to be named Trua [Icelandic for 'believe'] regardless of it's gender :)
My ghost is named Nagini [Really unoriginal I know, but I'm a little Harry Potter obsessed.] He should be due for a name change though, because as it turns out, the 'she' we were sold is in fact a male. Chances are, his name won't change though.

From one obsessed HP fan to another (and also the owner of a snake named "Nagini"), I think the name Nagini is unisex. (even though the HP snake was a female) Or at least that's what I told my husband when we were picking up a snake. I intended to name it Nagini, whether it was a male or female. It just happened that the one we picked was a female.

But just my opinion, I don't think you need to change his name.
Nagini's always struck me as a more female name, but his name most likely won't change. I've gotten so used to saying "Hi Nagini" (yeah, I talk to my snakes :p ) every time I walk into my room that changing it would just throw me off.

I wonder how many people have snakes named Nagini?
I wonder how many people have snakes named Nagini?

I'm guessing a lot. Already a few snakes on this thread have that name. Seems like the obvious choice for a snake lover who likes Harry Potter.

Probably like owning a rabbit named Thumper. I had one of those too. Apparently I'm not so original when it comes to naming my animals.
Naming snakes can be fun and frustrating, but always something I will continue to do. If I ever have to resort to numbers or letters for my keepers, I'm getting out of corns as that will mean I no longer care about them like I used to.

I totally agree! I've named a lot of critters over the years. Corns are my new passion. Don't worry, I'm not a flavor-of-the-month type; it will last long term. I intend to breed them and am already planning "family" names based upon each female. For instance, my amel Yohsong's name is Korean, so her babies with have Korean names. The butter's name is Doree, French for "golden." Tulip's keeper babies will have botanical names. I haven't firmed up the name for the anery hurricane mot yet - my husband gets to name her since he picked her out.

Purchased males will get names that are individual. So far I've ordered one, a snow motley stripe. His name is Boz, which was Charles Dickens' nom de plume when not using his own name. Why? Well, he just looked like a Boz!

Caring about them is why we do this, right!