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So What's Your Snake(s) Called?

I thought I had a ghost ended up being a snow though but anyway I named it Poe after edgar allen poe and the ghosts in legend of zelda that are named after ed al poe they are called poes since it was a ghost or at least at the time I thought it was I named it Poe the other snake I have is too long of a story to tell:) its named Bob though.
My Corn is name Kaa after the snake in the Jungle Book. My King is called Charles, tho i rarely call him that. My female Royal Python is Monty (Monty Python), My male Royal is Spotty Norman because he is spotty, after Spiny Norman the Hedgehog on Monty Python.
My Amel's called Salazar (after Salazar Slytherin in Harry Potter), and my female Royal is called Medusa (the Greek mythological creature with snakes for hair lol).
O.K....here we go!!! Again!!! I keep adding snakes between lists just like Jenn and Tim!
Maya: she's an aztec okeetee...maya, aztec...get it?? :)
Acatl: Mayan for slender:aztec/zigzag okeetee
Coatl: Mayan for snake:aztec/zigzag okeetee
Tepin: Amer Indian for reed: aztec/zigzag okeetee
Minuet: normal aztec. She's very delicate like a song
Bazooka Joe: High pink snow....bubblegum character
Lumiere: Stephen's new neon line. Lumiere is French for light
Storm's End or Stormy: Hypo lav: looks like the sky after a storm in the evening
I gave C.S. to a teacher in Illinois. It was short for Christmas Snake since we got him in December. Coincidently, it's also short for cornsnake!
I've got another snake coming from Tim and Jenn...a beautiful aztec that I'm thinking of naming Zipper!

Green tree pythons:
Tempest: Don't know why, just thought up the name and there you go! She's actually the mellowest and sweetest of my animals
Whisper: Again, just something that came to me
Fuego: He was a bright red neonate. Fuego is Spanish for fire
Utari: She already had that name. It's aborigini for something...can't remember!
Brutus: Came with that name and it fits him well...he's a serious attitude with teeth!
Surprise: She was a surprise purchase at the Columbia reptile show.

Katari: Amazonian indian for snake
Ember: A dark reddish orange that reminds me of an ember
Dante: His colors remind me of a volcano

And I'll mention my loaner female since I helped Mike name her: Aurora...she's a bright, colorful female that looks like Dante.
Okay, Ill play along. We actually make a little game here at our house out of "can you name them all"? LOL
Some have kind of a theme, but then you have the ones the girls named and that kind of blows the whole theme thing :grin01:

Selena/Miami female
Santana/Miami male
Poison Ivy/Motley female
Roxanne/Motley female
Layla/Amel motley female
Sixx/Motley male
Challis/normal het hypo female (her 'mate' Dio RIP)
Cobain/normal het Bloodred male
Sliver/normal het Bloodred female
November(Rain)/Anery female
Axle/snow male
Marley/ghost motley male
Matisse/ghost motley female
Pink Floyd/amel male
Evita/Caramel Motley female
Jagger/anery stripe male (Briah calls him Stripey)
Lola/milksnake phase female
Julio/Miami male
Gomez/ghost male
Flame/Amel male (Sierra's big boy)
Pumpkin/Amel female (cuz she's orange?)
Azra/snow female (after one of the girl's friends in AZ)
Polgara/snow female
Peanut/Butter male
Apple/Butter male

Rocker/Cali king male (Chey named him and he does like to 'bang his head')
Sarabi/MBK (Briah just liked the name)

Raven/Black Ratsnake female
Rasputin/Black Ratsnake male
Narina/Bubblegum ratsnakefemale
Mandorallen/Bubblegim ratsnake male
Salmissra/albino yellow rat x speckled king female

Emily Strange
-because I originally named her Valkyrie, however it was too long.
also, when I first got her and I was putting her from her carrier to the cage tried to bite my finger and it was cute seeing her try to get her tiny mouth around my finger

-Named after one of my favorite singers.
My corn snake is a very pink ghost i named him Hema for at least one reason i didnt realise the other till later.
Hema was what the natives in Chile use to call the coloration of the sun sitting on the Hemalyn mountains. Which is pink,yellow and a pink creamy white.
The other one i didnt think about is his mothers name is Hiss and his fathers maze. now the i doesnt quite work but the first 2 letters of each name spells Hima, Hema just sound better
New babies this year;
Belle Starr, my keeper normal het blood, amel, anery
Bonanza, ghost ph blood (lexcorn)
Brett Maverick, anery stripe (Phil Draper)
Cattle Kate, Loveline okeetee (Snake city)
Little Joe, blood het amel (Lexcorns)
Polly Lane, blood ph too many to mention! (Vinman)
Twopersons, okeetee x leach stock (Vinman)
Damien - Damien IMO makes a loverly name, eaither for a human or a pet, i also love the name Damon, but settled with Damien.

Sabrina - Sabrina the teenage witch, something I grew up watching on childrens tv, great program.

Molly - Mrs Weasley from the harry potter books =) A loverly character, someone we would all love to meet if she was real! :D

was listening to Oasis Lilah, but didnt wanna call her Lilah, so went with Lola instead, also she's shed today looks beautiful gotta feed her tomoz:crazy02:
Scarlett is my Amel, I know not original for a red snake but it works lol. Albus is the snow and he is named so because we are Harry Potter fans.
New babies this year;
Belle Starr, my keeper normal het blood, amel, anery
Bonanza, ghost ph blood (lexcorn)
Brett Maverick, anery stripe (Phil Draper)
Cattle Kate, Loveline okeetee (Snake city)
Little Joe, blood het amel (Lexcorns)
Polly Lane, blood ph too many to mention! (Vinman)
Twopersons, okeetee x leach stock (Vinman)

Love the western theme
I trying to think of a theme for my corns and decided on spices:
Basil - 1.0 Ultramel het Caramel ph Mot
Cassia - 0.1 Ultramel het Caramel ph Mot
Chile - 1.0 Sunglow Mot
Mace - 1.0 Rev Okeetee het Caramel
Poppy - 0.1 Amel het Mot
Saffron - 0.1 Butter Mot
Vanilla - 0.1 Snow Mot

Other snakes:
Conan - 0.1 Ball Python
Elvis - 0.0.1Florida Kingsnake

Bearded Dragons:
Brick - 1.0 Red/Citrus x Hypo Tangerine
Citra - 0.1 Citrus
Mango - 0.1 Hypo Snow x Hypo Tangerine

Dogs, all boys, the last four follow my SUV theme:
Chase - Pitzer's Storm Chaser - Whippet
Tripp - Lucky G's Expedition - Whippet
Scout - Sunfire Trailblazer - Swedish Vallhund
Boone - Echota's Pathfinder - Siberian Husky
Gauge - Classic Caliber - Border Collie