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angle0343 said:I have more piercings b/c they are not permanent. And I went in knowing that people are curious and will ask questions about pericings and tattoos. That doesn't bother me at all. I actually have fun explaining the process of how they did it and why I got it and stuff. That is one thing that does annoy me. People who get irritated with people who ask questions about visible tattoos or piercings shouldn't be getting them. It's all part of the deal when you get piercings or tattoos, you get the curiosity from people around you.![]()
I totally agree! I love the curiosity! And I love the look on peoples faces when I tell them that I did my lip by myself! They just give me this look like " really are insane!" LOL!
And the permanence is also one thing why I don't understand why so many people have a problem with my piercings and stuff! I've got 11 as of now, and looking for more (I wanna get my tragus or rook done) and I have all of these relatives that have tattoos, and they have a problem with all of my piercings. One of them is actually a licensed tattoo artist, and he gives me dirty looks about them too. My arguement is, I can take them out if I want, and you can't take out a tattoo on a whim or for a job. (Not that I'm opposing tattoos, as I think they rock, and definitely want one or two in the future) And their arguement is, "Tattoos have meaning !" So do my piercings! Arg!
P.S. I got new lip rings lastnight! I'll take a pic later when I'm not all crappy looking from PE...