recycling goddess
addiction addict
lefty_mussolini said:Ladies with alot of tattoos (esp. sleaves) is the flame to my inner moth. Screw lady-like, Tats are HOT!!!
i agree esp. if it's what she wants to do. personally my tat's are very special to me.
my first (from 7 years ago) is a rose (no pics sorry) and it's made up of triangles and other shapes placed together to make it look like a rose (on my right calf)
then my second is a sea dragon... looks like a lizard, fish, dragon... all the critters i'm into. it's on a very swollen leg the next day, but fortunately i didn't loose any of the colour at all, it's still just as intense! i just love nigel (my tat artist) he's really talented. (gangster ink in chilliwack bc canada - small plug for the artist LOL)

the third is a work in progress, we've done about 6 hours of needlework so far and have approx 5+ hours more to go. she's a goddess with wings on my right sleeve. we used blue instead of black to get the outline and shading and now we are working on adding alot of white and colour... we just did her face and hair, hence the darkness of it at this time. next week we are doing the wings. she is the 'partner' to my hubby's wizard and we got them done to celebrate our relationship together.

the last one is my hubby's first tat. nigel did it as well. my hubby has about 3 more which will get done... but alas... money is a factor in these things. they are not inexpensive! if they were.... oh man, people would be asking "is there virgin skin anywhere?" LOL