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I took them all out.. they healed perfectly, some little red marks still.. they've only been out.. erm... 6 months max. I have one in the cartilage still but its got a tiny gold 24 gauge hoop in it now. Other than that.. 12 gauge barbells in the traditional lobe piercings.
I had one of those cartilige piercings when I was like 16, it was always caught in my hair lol. I dont think Im talented enough to have piercings other than the standard.

That was for the first page...I didn't know there were three! Anyways, while I'm here, I wanna tell what I have! Okay, I have 4 in my left ear (two lobe, one helix, and one in the middle of the outside) 5 in my right ear (two lobe, one in the middle of the outside, and two helix) and my eyebrow currently. I did have my lip pierced on the left, which I did myself (three times before I got brave enough to actually keep it in and show my rents! lol!) and I'm still wanting more. My bf is a piercing junkie and has lots of "use your imagination" piercings, but I love them! I think it's awesome. I don't have any tattoos yet, but I will get some when I'm legal...lol...along with a tongue piercing my dad told me he wasn't interested in me having yet....great body art everyone, yall are so awesome and brave!
corny_gurl333 said:
My bf is a piercing junkie and has lots of "use your imagination" piercings, but I love them! I think it's awesome. QUOTE]

ick a 14 year old with "use your imagination" piercings :(
use your imagination as to "guess where's it's at?" or "i made up my own piercing!!"??

I'm 22 and don't have any "use your imagination" piercings!! I don't think I know anyone who has any! ;)
Sorry to rant a litte, but the worst part about a 14 year-old having a "use your imagination" piercing is, :eek1: how did he get it? Do it himself? Ummm....ouch! I thought you needed adults permission to get "major" peircings, and what parent in their right mind would authorize that kind of peircing. I don't want to know them if they did. Sorry, I just can't imagine a 14 year old with those kinds of peircings.

Myself, well I'm kind of a ala-natural kind of gal. I got my ears peirced once when I was 18, but the holes have since closed because I kept losing all my earings and could never decide which ones to wear and the stupid things kept on getting infected and stuff. No tatoos, but I'm not against them, I just never had the desire for one yet. Some are really pretty. That phoenix is breath-taking. If I get one it would be of Bobo, my first ever non-furry pet.
I'm 25 and only have holes in my ears. I'd love a nose piercing, but that'd be as far as I'd go for those 'imagination' piercings.

I have the standard holes in my lobes, and a couple of holes in the cartilage of my left ear.

First one I had done with the punch gun thing, never had a problem till my parrot ripped it out for me. Its hurt too bad to put back in since.

The other was a replacement for that one done with a needle, which the guy said was better because it didn't damage tissue. Well I fought an infection at the piercing site for 6 months before I finally jerked it out. I now have a 'bump' of tissue there. =/

I so want a tattoo, but way too wussy to go have one done just yet. Not to mention, since its kind of permanent, I haven't figured out what I'd like to die with. =P
corny_gurl333 said:
My bf is a piercing junkie and has lots of "use your imagination" piercings, but I love them! I think it's awesome...

...sorry... speechless on the many things wrong about that.
TACEAS: If you EVER get any other piercings including a lobe, make sure you get it done with a needle!! Never a piercing gun!! A piercing gun cannot be sterilized correctly! It's just disgusting thinking how many peoples blood is actually on the gun!! Sorry, I am experienced in piercings and justwant to look out for your health and the comfortablity of your piercing!! :)
Ahhh piercings my teenage obsession. I have had 3 eyebrow, 2 nipple, 2 surface wrist piercing, 1 wrist stapling, 1 frenum. 3 Lobe 2 stretched to 0 gauge. What I have now is the Lobes 6g septum 12 g catlidge and 10g PA. Quite addicting and no tattoos yet just a foot scarification with ink rub.
I dated a guy who stretched his ears huge (could put his thumb through it). I think that can look sexy on the right guy, but I don't think he ever took them out so they stunk :puke01:

I do like piercing...on other people :D

And the use your imagination piercing was a "Jacobs ladder" type dealy :puke01: (He lost a HUGE bet). Don't goggle if your not prepared. :rolleyes:
I have three tattoos (upper arms only) and two pierced nipples. (And I wouldn't leave home without them.)

I have 3 piercings: tongue, eyebrow and industrial in R ear. Here is a pic of my industrial right after I got it pierced for those of you who dont know:


None of my piercings were painful. My industrial healed up in a week. I have a high pain tolerance, lol. I am surprised I dont have more but honestly I dont have any desire to get any anywhere else. I have thought about a tat, but I want it to be perfect so until the idea comes to me, I will wait.
CJBianco said:
I have three tattoos (upper arms only) and two pierced nipples. (And I wouldn't leave home without them.)


HA HA! (how come theres not an out rageous laugh smiley?) I love that. My best friend pierced her nipples right after boot camp. Said the first one was fine, the second hurt like nothing other lol.
ratsncorns said:
I have a high pain tolerance, lol.

lol thats a neat piercing. I have always liked those. I have a high pain tolerance too, but I scar bad so no piercing for me. Plus I'm not the most graceful. I had a cartilage stud and I would always get my hair wrapped around it or catch it on my hair brush.

Tattoos on the other hand. With really beautiful black and white shading mmmm....::Drool::
Right now I have three cartilidge ear piercings in my left ear (used to have 5), my nostril, and my septum (my favorite). I used to have my eyebrow, and two lip piercings. I'd love to get my lip rings back, however working at a nursing home I'm kind of limited to what I get. My hand has also been pierced a few times.

I only have one tattoo at the moment, as it takes a long time for me to decide on what next to get. Its on my left calf:

I also have a few scarifications/brandings. The one on the top of my wrist is a modified chaos star which has some really nice keloiding (raised scarring). Parts were a 3rd degree burn with a slight infection. Unfortunatly it doesnt show up too well in pictures. The one on my finger was just a test to see how well it would scar. The top part of the finger is pretty faded, but the bottom part scarred nicely. Parts of that one got infected too when the blister popped. You can also see a cross like design right below my thumb in a few of the pictures. That was supposed to be an ash rubbing of a chaos star but it didnt work out as well as I wanted it too:

I really like the skeleton. Probably going to :flames: me for this, but it kinda reminds me of the muppet dance where they throw their heads back, arms up and just kinda shake back and forth lol :D (its hard to type the description, but I find it humorous :D)
This is my wifes tattoo group, one paw for each of our hounds.
3 Great Danes and a Grey Hound


and Mine that I need to get coloured before Christmas, it's a Greenman with my Pastel Ball Python woven into it.

