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In response to all the "ick" comments, did anyone ever stop to think that just because I'm 14, that doesn't mean my bf is too? He's not. And I had him count his "use your imagination" piercings lastnight, and he has 54! Holy shiz! 15 he did himself and 39 are pro done. He also has his nipples pierced. And his tongue and his bellybutton and a whole bunch in his ears. Let me see if I can figure out how to post a pic...frikkin a! Well, it doesn't matter, the pic's too big anyways. Oh and for those of you who got scared, it was of my eyebrow, not my bf. I think we should do what we want with what we want! I also had pink hair for a while, and I think I might dye it back cuz I loved it! I'm insane. But I'm not a punk, I just like piercings and pink hair! And snakes of course...lol...
corny_gurl333 said:
In response to all the "ick" comments, did anyone ever stop to think that just because I'm 14, that doesn't mean my bf is too? He's not.

No offence but if he's 17 or over else its against the law.
And the fact that you have seen his "use your imagination piercings makes me wonder where your parents are. My mom was all over me at that age.

corny_gurl333 said:
I also had pink hair for a while, and I think I might dye it back cuz I loved it! I'm insane. But I'm not a punk, I just like piercings and pink hair! And snakes of course...lol...

And just so you don't think that I was some anal fogey in training, I had deep blue hair for all of college. I loved it, to bad my mom was right about never dying naturally blond hair. I had to shave the blue out.

I just think that there is something to being young thats all. You have all the time in the world to be an adult and make mistakes, as a freshman in high school...well...
just my opinion.

:::gets off soap box, and walks away::
Well, just so no1 here thinks my mom is a bad person or anything, she's not! She wouldn't let me get my tongue pierced so she is only allowing me to go so far. Don't be dissin on my mommy! I wuv her! She's so awesome! Just because she trusts me to not screw up and lets me off my leash sometimes doesn't mean anything. And Some of you might not actually consider this guy my bf since it's over the net. I still think he's awesome.
corny_gurl333 said:
... just because I'm 14, that doesn't mean my bf is too? He's not. And I had him count his "use your imagination" piercings lastnight, and he has 54! ...
Am I alone here, or did anybody else just go: "Phew! I've NEVER been so glad to NOT have a daughter!" :sidestep:
Agreed! I cannot believe a girl at 14 would even desire such things! Lets hope things get better for her.
countMEout said:
It is impossible to have your industrial heal in a week. It might have stopped hurting but there is no way it healed in a week.

Yeah, I have an orbital that is almost like an industrial and I've had it in for over a year and it still gets sore. It takes over a year for cartilage piercings to fully heal. But that doesn't mean they can't feel better!
corny_gurl333 said:
But I'm not a punk, I just like piercings and pink hair! And snakes of course...lol...

I'm not a "punk" and I have quite a few visible piercings that are all tastefully done. I wear diamond studs in my lip piercings and I get a lot of compliments on how "neat" my piercings are. I guesss you could say that I am femanine and all my piercings are femanine. :)
Shep151 said:
Am I alone here, or did anybody else just go: "Phew! I've NEVER been so glad to NOT have a daughter!" :sidestep:

LOL No kidding, I've been enjoying the pics of the tattoos and piercings, but found these posts a little worrying . . . my son will be 14 next month . . . I'd have kittens if I found out he was involved with an older woman over the internet, whether she had 54 piercings including "use your imagination" ones or not.

corny_gurl333, maybe your mommy trusts you a little too much. I'm sorry to say that but wow. Pierce, tattoo, dye, have snakes, sure if your mom is okay with those things, but older men on the internet who want to tell you about their "use your imagination" piercings are bad news.

I'm sure you deserve better than that! :)
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peep_827 said:
LOL No kidding, I've been enjoying the pics of the tattoos and piercings, but found these posts a little worrying . . . my son will be 14 next month . . .

I have to say I did dye my hair blue and I do have tattoos, but I was NEVER allowed to dye my hair until I "legally" owned it lol. As far as my mom was concerned she owned me until I was 18. And I have to say, I now agree with her way of thinking because I will let my kids know who's in charge.
peep_827 said:
I'd have kittens if I found out he was involved with an older woman over the internet, whether she had 54 piercings including "use your imagination" ones or not.

corny_gurl333, maybe your mommy trusts you a little too much. I'm sorry to say that but wow. Pierce, tattoo, dye, have snakes, sure, but older men on the internet who want to tell you about their "use your imagination" tattoos are bad news.

I'm sure you deserve better than that! :)

I actually had a friend who was 15 at the time that started dating a man 10 years her senior. Her mom was so "cool" that she actually moved this man out to MN. That man lived in their house and never worked more than 6 months ever. He was worthless and so is any "man" that would want to date a 14 year old.

Any "man" who is intrested in a 14 year old isn't a man...he's a pedophile.
Just to add to the industrial healing in a week.. it IS medically possible! If the body is in TOP condition and the piercing cared for 100% it WILL heal in a week. My ex fiance is trying for 5000 piercings (an unbeatable world record # in his mind /sigh) His piercings all have healed in less than a month.. including scalpeled genital piercings (he has 300 ish "use you imagination* piercings.. and yes.. It still works =P)

I have had 6 cartilage piercings, 3 took forever to heal, 1 never did... 2 were healed in around a week.

DaemoNox, how was your scarification done? I've done them 3 ways (to others.. not myself) scalpel, medical cautery, and scissors (yes.. scissors... thats how the chick wanted them done, flames around her nipples o_O) Have done some steel impression brands too.. but Ick.. definately NOT my fav thing to do!

As for dating an older man online... good luck LOL. 50% of the guys I've dated online turned out WAY different IRL.. and the other 50%... well.. some turned out to be stalkers LOL.. others turned out to be wonderful... but at 14... umm yeah... *passes you a barbie and an easy bake oven*
I still don't think it's possible for an industrial to fully heal in a short amount of time. It might feel fully healed and not have any problems with it, but for cartilage piercings or anything else pierced in thick skin or somewhere where there is a lot of movement in the area, it won't fully heal in that short of time. I have had tons of piercings (nipples especially) that were said to heal in 6-12 months but didn't cause any pain from the day I got them pierced. But my cartilage piercings such as my orbital still aren't fully healed just because I sleep on that side or my hair gets caught in it or shampoo gets in it. They do take a lot longer to fully heal than people think. (Sorry, I'm not trying to lecture.) :)
I agree with Angle...

I had my Industrial done when I was 16, and the piercer and every caresheet online I've read says the same thing.

Just because you don't feel it, doesn't mean it's not completely healed...
I was 13 when my mom let me dye my hair magenta. Her reasoning was that anything you do to your hair is not going to be permanent. And she was right too, when I turned 15 I shaved it all off lol. I would NEVER have been allowed to pierce anything other then my ears though, and I never would have been allowed to dye my hair either if I wasn't doing well in school and a good kid in general.

As for the older man thing -
I think 14 is to young to be dating, doesn't matter how old the other person is.
...but, when I was 16, I started dating a guy that was 7 years older then I was and I lied to my mom about his age. This is the man I ended up marrying. He is a wonderful father, has had a steady job the entire time we've been together, and we're best friends. Just because an older man has an interest in a younger girl doesn't automatically make him a sleaze in my book (but my daughter will do it over my cold dead body ;) ).

To stay on topic here is a pic of some of my sisters tats.
That was the day she had the humming bird done.
Wish I was Wolverine

The level of blunt trauma that goes into getting something pierced is problematic enough to the body. The fact that a piece of metal is then inserted makes it all the more an issue. I don't care what level or top condition someone is in it isn't going to happen it cannot heal in week. Your body has to go through levels of healing. There is only one person I can imagine is able to heal an industrial in a week that would be wolverine. Anyone else is %$#@ out of luck. Human bodies are not that efficient and if they are that reactive to the piercing it would get hypertrophic scarring or keloiding in an effort of the body to put pressure on the piercing.
Mary-Beth is KoRny said:
As for the older man thing -
I think 14 is to young to be dating, doesn't matter how old the other person is.
...but, when I was 16, I started dating a guy that was 7 years older then I was and I lied to my mom about his age. This is the man I ended up marrying. He is a wonderful father, has had a steady job the entire time we've been together, and we're best friends. Just because an older man has an interest in a younger girl doesn't automatically make him a sleaze in my book (but my daughter will do it over my cold dead body ;) ).

I agree that 14 is to young for pretty much anything. When I was 17 I dated a 23 year old. (I was a senior in highschool BTW). To bad that by the time that I reached 18 I surpassed him in maturity.

All depends on the man probably :D I know that if I ever have a daughter and a 23 year old comes to the door for her I will "release the hounds" lol. I would have no issue being a hypocrate in that situation.
My daughters will definitely "feel the wrath" if they want to date an older man. Not because I am being hypocritical, but because I learned the really hard way. I dated older guys when I was a teen since most of my friends were older in general. But I moved in with a 40 yr old at 17, was married to him by 18 and by 20 stuck in a marriage with someone I had already outgrown. It took me to age 26 to get the guts to leave. I think back on all the things I could have done with that time and I don't want them to miss out. I also now know there is no good reason for a mature stable man to seek out a teen girl. And no woman wants to end up just a trophy wife.
Enjoy your life, don't give it away to soon.
Well... the guys I did my piercing apprentice-ship (they've been doing tats and piercings for well over 40 years) with agree that they CAN heal in a week... and so does my father (a doctor =P) gunna go by personal experience and what the professionals I know tell me =P

Anyone around here have any implantations? I've done a few.. but am thinking about getting some done hehe.. wanna see some pics if anyone has any.. long as they aren't the brazillian type (those are naughty ones that only men can get.. women are said to enjoy them =P)
Wow...I caused lots of controversy on here! I really am a sweet kid! I'm not bad! And the guy, he's just a friend! And it's over the internet! I don't see what the big deal is. There's nothing serious! Nothing at all! If you guys met me, it would be a totally different story! You wouldn't think I was a bad kid or that I have a guy friend with 54 penis piercings. It just hurts me a little that you guys don't even know me and you're making assumptions about me and my mom and my lifestyle. And why is 14 too old to be dating? I'm in highschool, that's like really old when you think about it. I have little cousins that are like 9 and have had bfs since they were like 6! I've never actually had a bf in person, and it's way different over the net. Don't judge me please when you don't even know me.
I don't think it is judgement as much as concern, Kristen. We have all been there and many of us now have our own children. I know us "old people" can seem kind of stuck in the dark ages, but trust me, when you hit somewhere in your 20's a little light will click and you will realize where we are coming from. The same one that hits us all and we realize our parents weren't so dumb after all.(Not a stab at your mom, just parents in general according to their kids.)

Addition: I let my son dye his hair black when he was 13-when he was six I told him he had to wait and he remembered :rolleyes: . My girls have had streaks, but I won't let them do anything drastic until their teens. You might as well have fun with it then since when you grow up and get a job, most likely you'll have to fit the norm.As for piercings and tattoos-when they are legal to get them that is a choice they can make.