Watch out, this post is actually ON topic1 ;-p
My first tat is one of a dragon I designed myself, it's done when I was 22 on my left shoulder. My Chinese birth sign is a dragon, that's why, and I just love them dragons.
Like half a year later I inked the Chinese sing of the draon on my left ankle. Now I think that one didn't really 'add' a lot but it's not bothering me, and it still is very black and sharply lined.
3 years ago I got me a tat of the logo of my favorite band In Extremo on my left upperarm, not only for being a fan but also it looks interesting and mysterious. It's supposed to be carved in wood, so it's meant to be not really perfectly lined.
May 5th of this year I got me a tribal/horse combination 'cause I've been into horse since I was 10. I drawed the horse from a photo, using 'carbon'? paper (put beneath the photo, then following the lines on the photo with a pencil, which copies onto a piece of paper laying beneath it all). The tribals I designed myself by head. The tat-artist adjusted the horse to tattoable and more natural but left the tribals all the same. I wanted purple to color up the tribal and the artist came with this, awesome isn't it? This tat is my biggest proud of them all!