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Whats the deal!

Adults have diverse opinions David and being racist is an adult opinion though in our era its more shocking because we are younger and not as used to these opinions thats all. I don't think Susan is a bad person because she shared her opinion, but if I assumed correct based on her statement its just not an opinion I share. No tattling when you don't agree- just don't agree and leave it at that- thats what maturity is about.
I am not going to PM Rich because obviously he chose you to moderate this forum. Now Susan you are not my parent but I was raised correct and that kind of talk I saw as out of line.
I am not gonna comment for a while but Dean please bring out the mod stick and close it down. I am gonna go fishing mabye when i get back Raptior will be out of surgery
Well I guess we're in English class. You said it would be a double entendre should Obama be lynched because he's black adding humor to the statement. I said thats racist because black refers to his color, and when one finds it more amusing that something bad happens to a member of a different race it is a racially negative comment. I could care less if your views on black people are skewed, but don't deny it or use my poor grammar to deflect your racist opinion- just say yes I'm racist oning it because that I can understand.
"I recognize the unnerving resemblances between Obama and the anti-Christ."

This type of statement really scares me more than words can say. Honestly, could you pick Christ himself out of a line up if he stood in front of you? And do you really have an image of the Anti Christ to go by?
I have never read the bible, but I know that it provides a lot of hope and moral character for some people. I think that believing in Christ can be a great thing for an individual, but those that are usually the strongest willed people are the least extreme in dictating what others should believe.

"That intent at inflection indicates that attempt at humor at not only the possible path of Obama's leadership and the resulting action (as unfortunate as that path would be) but also at the double endendre at the fact that Obama is of negro heritage and such resulting action would be reminiscent of the days when racial lynching occurred ("bonus" to the humor of the statement)."

Bonus to the humor statement? I really need to question this statement, because nothing seemed to be implied as humor, and it certainly wasn't funny.
I could care less if your views on black people are skewed, but don't deny it or use my poor grammar to deflect your racist opinion- just say yes I'm racist oning it because that I can understand.
Thank you for breaking down my thoughts exactly.
Well I guess we're in English class. You said it would be a double entendre should Obama be lynched because he's black adding humor to the statement. I said thats racist because black refers to his color, and when one finds it more amusing that something bad happens to a member of a different race it is a racially negative comment. I could care less if your views on black people are skewed, but don't deny it or use my poor grammar to deflect your racist opinion- just say yes I'm racist oning it because that I can understand.

I don't know Susan and I don't know if she is a racist. Yes, when taken in a certain context, what she said, could be taken as a racist statement, but I think that she was pointing out the irony, in the situation.

Do you know how many times I have been taken out of context or that I have taken someone out of context. Not in a situation so charged or considered racist, but, it has happened. How many times have you written something in this forum and seen replies to it, that had nothing to do with what you were meaning?

The problem I am seeing is that people are seeing the word, "Lynch" and attatching racial meanings to it. I can understand why people would do that. But, I don't find that word any more racially charged then the words "cracker" or "popcorn" (KJ introduced me to that one). It's a word, made famous by the media, during the time, when the KKK was committing brutal crimes against, not just African Americans, but Jews, Catholics, Homosexuals, etc. But they are more notoriously known for their heinous crimes against African Americans.

Before you pass judgment. Try to look at this from all angles. I would hate to see Susan labeled as that, when there is a possibility that she isn't and was just taken out of context.


"I recognize the unnerving resemblances between Obama and the anti-Christ."

This type of statement really scares me more than words can say. Honestly, could you pick Christ himself out of a line up if he stood in front of you? And do you really have an image of the Anti Christ to go by?
I have never read the bible, but I know that it provides a lot of hope and moral character for some people. I think that believing in Christ can be a great thing for an individual, but those that are usually the strongest willed people are the least extreme in dictating what others should believe.

I am not a subscriber, but if you read Revelations and the description of the Anti-Christ, that is contained within. It is eerily similar. Not just the description of the "Anti-Christ" but the state of world, at the time of his coming.

Wayne I do agree with you and held judgement until Susan replied with her intent. Saying the fact that if Obama were lynched (which in it of itself is not racist), it would be a double entendre to the situation because he was black (which is racist) is why I commented Susan may have some inner negative racial issues. I find lynching jokes funny, but I do not find them any funnier if the lynchee is black.
Wayne I do agree with you and held judgement until Susan replied with her intent. Saying the fact that if Obama were lynched (which in it of itself is not racist), it would be a double entendre to the situation because he was black (which is racist) is why I commented Susan may have some inner negative racial issues. I find lynching jokes funny, but I do not find them any funnier if the lynchee is black.

Oh, I agree! I don't find it funny, at all! I was eluding to the fact that I think she was pointing to the irony of the comment, considering the potential racial (I don't agree) implications of the word, "lynch".

Maybe it's her sense of humor that needs adjusting?

Maybe? I am a fan of jokes even ones with racial origins when told humorously and in good fun. I just didn't get the "good fun" feel from her ironic statement and think maybe she was serious in a sense.
Maybe? I am a fan of jokes even ones with racial origins when told humorously and in good fun. I just didn't get the "good fun" feel from her ironic statement and think maybe she was serious in a sense.

As I mentioned, I would hate to accuse her of something that was at least said, in very poor taste, if it was meant as some sort of joke. I'm not a member of this forum or in a position to judge a person or any person. I leave that to whoever we answer to, in the next life!

I give up. There is absolutely no explanation I can possibly give that some of you will accept or even understand. If you want to believe that the statement is racial, be my guest. I don't care anymore. If lynching a communistic dictator that happens to be black is racist, so be it. Had Hillary Clinton won the election, I would lynch her as well if she took this country down the communist path. Is that anti-racist? And I would also laugh at it because she has also been accused of being the anti-Christ. You don't find that humorous? There are several other current dictators that I would like to see lynched, but their populace just doesn't have the balls to do it, hoping someone else will. The U.S.A. took care of Saddam Hussein for the Iraqis at least. I thoroughly enjoyed seeing him hang, but they did it legally. But from his point of view, it wasn't legal as he considered himself to still be in control, so they lynched him too. And Dale is a big fan of irony.

Do I have a problem with the African American subculture in this country? Yes I do. But there are many people of color that feel the same way. I guess they are racist too...imagine that, black people racist against other black people. At least I'm not alone in my thinking. And surprise! I am also prejudiced against certain types of white folks too! The trash that takes advantage of all this country has to give, such as my sister-in-law, who has worked an entire 2 weeks in all her 50+ years because some quack psychologist declared that she couldn't emotionally handle a job. She was a lousy 18 years old and simply would rather go out and party than go to work. Now she gets to live off our tax money, let the state take care of her children (2 of which actually have the same father, the rest are not even sure of who their father is), and uses the money she gets to buy drugs. One small case, you say...BULL HOCKEY!! The trailer park she lives in has hundreds of virtually identical cases. If a tornado came down now and wiped it all off the map, I would not feel remorse, but would probably give a little "yippee" before going back to work to support my family knowing that at least some of my tax dollars will now go elsewhere.

Danielle, re-read your post. I would sure hate to misinterpret it, but there are 2 sentences that are difficult for me to follow. And unfortunately, both of them take up 95% of your post.

Let's see...anything else? Not at this point. Maybe after I go pick up my daughter from the bus stop.
I find the Anti Christ thing as offensive as any racially charged words. It's as crazy to think that Obama is the Anti-Christ, as it was for people to think Hitler was the second coming. He is our PRESIDENT, good god what is wrong with people!
By all other accounts he is an incredible man, a great father, and cares considerably about the welfare of others. I don't feel Bush was the greatest president, but would never put him in the context of the bible's definition of evil, or Anti-Christ.
There are some real whack jobs out there that scare me, and religious extremism is one of the leading categories of mentally disturbed people. How can the bible have described the Anti-Christ as Obama like, when there have been such leaders as Hitler which people interpreted as the second coming.
I am making no connection to Christianity or any other religion in general, as I know that most people use the bible as a guiding light, and incorporate the positive message into their daily lives.
I am not gonna comment for a while but Dean please bring out the mod stick and close it down. I am gonna go fishing mabye when i get back Raptior will be out of surgery

David, I commend you for standing up and stating your opinion in this heated conversation. You are as entitled as anyone to an opinion and to disagree with others opinions. But it take guts to stand up and voice your opinions when you know there are several people looking for a opportunity to slap you down.

On the other hand, Susan is also entitled to her opinions. It is not necessary for you or I to agree with her. If you are allowed to state your opinion, how can you ask for the thread to be shut down because you don’t like what others have said?

You have had several threads locked for a variety of reasons but in this case, heated as it maybe, nobody is breaking rules here. We are having a discussion. Dean has other things to do.
cares considerably about the welfare of others

That would be an opinion, I have the opinion that he could not care less about my welfare. In my opinion, he wants to take my hard earned money and give it to you (not you literally, but you figuratively). Taking my money would reduce my quality of life (welfare).
I find the Anti Christ thing as offensive as any racially charged words. It's as crazy to think that Obama is the Anti-Christ, as it was for people to think Hitler was the second coming. He is our PRESIDENT, good god what is wrong with people!
By all other accounts he is an incredible man, a great father, and cares considerably about the welfare of others. I don't feel Bush was the greatest president, but would never put him in the context of the bible's definition of evil, or Anti-Christ.
There are some real whack jobs out there that scare me, and religious extremism is one of the leading categories of mentally disturbed people. How can the bible have described the Anti-Christ as Obama like, when there have been such leaders as Hitler which people interpreted as the second coming.
I am making no connection to Christianity or any other religion in general, as I know that most people use the bible as a guiding light, and incorporate the positive message into their daily lives.

Michael, you need to know what you are objecting to. If you haven’t read the bible and don’t know what it says about the Anti-Christ, how can you get so upset. Nobody called Bush the Anti-Christ because he doesn’t fit the description in any way. Bro. Obama does, in many ways. I have never considered Hitler as the Second Coming and I think very few have. I am not a religious person so I don’t really get too excited one way or the other, but I have read the bible and I do know what it says. You apparently have not and are upset about what you think it says.
David, I commend you for standing up and stating your opinion in this heated conversation. You are as entitled as anyone to an opinion and to disagree with others opinions. But it take guts to stand up and voice your opinions when you know there are several people looking for a opportunity to slap you down.

On the other hand, Susan is also entitled to her opinions. It is not necessary for you or I to agree with her. If you are allowed to state your opinion, how can you ask for the thread to be shut down because you don’t like what others have said?

You have had several threads locked for a variety of reasons but in this case, heated as it maybe, nobody is breaking rules here. We are having a discussion. Dean has other things to do.

Thanks for saving me some time! I love you, man!
Michael, what Wade said:

Michael, you need to know what you are objecting to. If you haven’t read the bible and don’t know what it says about the Anti-Christ, how can you get so upset. Nobody called Bush the Anti-Christ because he doesn’t fit the description in any way. Bro. Obama does, in many ways. I have never considered Hitler as the Second Coming and I think very few have. I am not a religious person so I don’t really get too excited one way or the other, but I have read the bible and I do know what it says. You apparently have not and are upset about what you think it says.