I a question following a story that happened to me with my snake. After a long road trip, my parking lot to my apartment was full so i had to park way over across the other side of it and this parking lot was HUGE! my apartment was on the third floor which happens to be the top floor. As i was taking my things upstairs to my apartment my friend who was helping me unload the stuff out the car happened to put my heavy suitcase on top of my snake issac's plastic traveling tank causing the sides to bend out allowing Isaac to escape. When i got back to the car i saw this and looked for him inn the tank and when he wasn't there i looked everywhere in the porch black (being it was midnight), all around the car, under the car, I the parking lot, the grass, literally everywhere and i couldn't find him. Heartbroken i cried for three days checking every so often outside during this time and no snake. On the forth morning i went outside to the balcony/ porch being that i don't smoke inside my apartment, and i was shocked to see issac! my front door, on the floor of the porch there he was! Dazed and excited i scooped him up, fed him and put him on my bun where he wraps around my hair scrunchy one of his favorite spots. This little guy somehow made it across this huge parking lot, and up three flights of stairs to my front door. My question is how? How did this tiny corn snake do this? All the way to my door, and does this mean he loves me as much as I love him? I'd really love to know how he did this miraculous thing, finding me up three flights of stairs to my front door from across this big parking lot? If anyone knows please tell