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  • Oh, sweet! I burned mine up doing sand washes for my tanks. I got a "Cool Mom" ornament and the book "I, Alex Cross". I'm loving that Matthew can read now! Last year I got a "Cool Uncle" tape measure. LOL!
    Belated Christmas wishes to you and yours Terri! Hope you are having a wonderful holiday with lots of festive cheer!!! Love and best wishes from across the pond, Sue xoxo :D
    Merry Humbug to you, Terri! I'll probably be lying in a gutter somewhere by midnight, but I'll raise my brown paper bag in a toast to you and yours!
    Damn, I keep forgetting to get that stuff!! Oh well, they have more than enough to keep them busy, at least for the next 24 hours or so. ;)
    Merry Christmas, Terri! We haven't talked for a bit, so I don't know your plans, but I hope they're fabulous!! xoxo
    Better than: "Hello God, It's me, Brooksi."

    (From a pedant TO a pedant: I realize that book titles should be underlined, not bracketed in quotation marks. But I'm on a friggin' mobile device!)
    I am visiting... but I was only wondering if you would be willing to probe my '06 if I bring him by? He was sold to me on craigslist as a male, but who knows? Would you mind terribly?

    P.S. Also, if you're not busy, can you show me how to pop?! I really want to know I'm scared of breaking them.
    Ha! That's why we have seat belts...and air bags...and cell phones....and....

    Ok, you might have to come and get us! ;)
    It's absolutely miserable here, but only wet, not frozen. Apparently we're getting hit tomorrow. No worries, the Expedition is fearless!!!
    We DO have snow! It's fantabulously beautiful!!!!
    Ping! You raaaang?? What are you doing? I'm cleaning up after hurricaine Lucas in my living room. How's the mural coming? I sent the message to my niece, but she hasn't been on FB all week. Silly college student...probably studying or something. :p

    p.s. I can never remember if the ping means I call you or you call me. I'll just flip a coin. Wait for the results! ;D
    That's so awesome that Ben liked it so much. I love seeing live performances. Have you ever gone to see STOMP? Another of my favorites. I think my boys would love it.
    And it's been a few years since I've seen Phantom...another on my list of must sees again. And RENT..and...and....
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