Serpent Mound Monk
You gonna knit a sweater? lol
You gonna knit a sweater? lol
Well, a white hating president has made racism more of a PROBLEM now than it has ever been in my adult life. Bringing the sides together? Ha! He has done more to make race an issue - and MAKE the problem worse - than anyone else. He definitely acts like the biggest racist to hold office in the last 50+ years. Shrug?
Well, a poor man hating educator has made poor men more of a PROBLEM now than it has ever been in my adult life. Bringing the sides together? Ha! He has done more to make poor men an issue- and MAKE the problem worse - than anyone else. He definitely acts like the biggest poor man hater to teach in the last 50+ years. :shrugs:
WOW!Obama seems to hate all Americans - whether black or white (although he sure seems to be nicer to Muslims than Christians) - if they are successful. Race isn't the issue. Success is what is being penalized. He calls it LUCK - I call it working hard and striving for a better life.
DOUBLE WOW!!Well, a white hating president has made racism more of a PROBLEM now than it has ever been in my adult life. Bringing the sides together? Ha! He has done more to make race an issue - and MAKE the problem worse - than anyone else. He definitely acts like the biggest racist to hold office in the last 50+ years. Shrug?
A video posted on YouTube appears to show a New Jersey elementary school class being taught to sing praises of the "great accomplishments" of President Obama.
The video shows nearly 20 young children taught a song overflowing with campaign slogans and praise for "Barack Hussein Obama," repeatedly chanting the president's name and celebrating his accomplishments, including his "great plans" to "make this country's economy No. 1 again.
The video identifies the kids as students at the B. Bernice Young Elementary School in Burlington, N.J., with taping taking place last June.
The song quotes directly from the spiritual "Jesus Loves the Little Children," though Jesus' name is replaced with Obama's: "He said red, yellow, black or white/All are equal in his sight. Barack Hussein Obama."
Among other lyrics, touting a fair-pay bill Obama signed in January: "He said we must be clear today/Equal work means equal pay."
The author of the full lyrics is unknown, but a woman -- possibly a teacher -- can be heard in the beginning of the video correcting and helping a student who has forgotten the words.
The office of the superintendent of Burlington Township School District did not provide comment or confirmation to that the songs were recorded at B. Bernice Young Elementary when contacted by phone Thursday.
The video was originally posted Sept. 6, two days before Obama made an address to the nation's schoolchildren in which he praised the American education system as the best in the world and urged students to stay in school.
"At the end of the day, we can have the most dedicated teachers, the most supportive parents, and the best schools in the world," Obama said.
The accompanying video is linked in the actual article.
In the first line, white is the last color mentioned...the last, it doesn't matter if the only reason it was written that way was to make the word 'white' rhyme with the word 'sight' in the next line. It's an obvious attempt to denigrate all white people thereby proving that Obama is racist.He said red, yellow, black or white
All are equal in his sight
Mmm, mmm, mm!
Barack Hussein Obama
Second, white people are second? It's only listed second there because we all know there are no blue peoples...or are there? I can see Russia from my bathroom...And we stand for all Americans under the great Red, White, and Blue!
Pinko commie scum propaganda...Equal work means equal pay
need I saw more...Barack Hussein Obama
We all know what "hooray!" means...It's German for " I wasn't born in Hawaii, I was born in a Middle Eastern desert in the belly of a beast"we all doth say "hooray!"
health care propaganda...again...All are equal in his sight
To sing praise to a president that has only been in office 9 months, and really has not accomplished a whole lot, is rather creepy and disturbing imo.
Singing praise to a deity that millions have worshipped for centuries....
singing praise to the country that you are a citizen of.....
It may or may not be indoctrination...but it is understandable.
To sing praise to a president that has only been in office 9 months, and really has not accomplished a whole lot, is rather creepy and disturbing imo.
Especially since I was raised in an era where presidents are to be laughed at on Saturday Night Live.
It really is scary that some of these people are "teaching" our children. You get the point, no one has called the man Hitler, or a Nazi. But some of the blind following is scary.
I'm guessing you don't sing "The Star Spangled Banner". After's not really about a flag, it's about an ideal. and singing the praises of those ideals would certainly be indoctrination...
I'm guessing you don't sing "America the Beautiful".'s not about some land, it's about an ideal...or indoctrination.
Do you say The Lord's Prayer in church? What about ANY sort of prayer...morning, night, before meals? Indoctrination...
What I find incredibly creepy is how quickly people flock to a bandwagon, at any chance they have, to put down Barack Obama for actions over which he has no control. In this video...who was leading the class? Who was in the background helping the kids with the words? Who is the administrator that aproved the song, the curriculum, and the teacher that taught the class? I don't know eithert, but I'm willing to bet it wasn't Barack Obama.
Give the guy a bath in whitewash and a good old fashioned American Name, like Jethro T. Bush, from Outtanowhere, North Carolina, and you can sing and speak whatever praises you want. But a filthy black with an incomprehensible name doesn't deserve a lick of support.
So basically you think that singing the praises of a president that has been in office for mere months is the same as singing the praise of a dieity that has been worshipped by MILLIONS for CENTURIES....and singing the praises of a country....
I never blamed Obama for this, but I do think that he has a number of rabid followers that may even consider him a deity.
As far as people singing Bush's (George or Jeb...don't think there is a Jethro) praises...when did THAT happen???
When did ANY president have the adulation that Obama seems to have?
Really? You really believe that no one has called the man Hitler or a Nazi? Did you even read the title of the thread? It's called "Obama Youth?". You should know...YOU started the topic. And if the phrase is not a DIRECT implication and comparison of Obama and Hitler, than no such thing ever existed.
Not only that, you and others, have repeatedly and continually referred to Obama as a socialist, and you refer to the garbage that you THOUGHT he was going to say to kids, and a stupid little song that ONE teacher taught ONE classroom as "indoctrination". More and more implications, accusations, and comparisons to Hitler directly (based on either lies or blown out of proportion snippets posted just to give you cannon fodder for your arsenal).
Blind following is scary on both sides of the fence. Problem're following SO blindly that you can't even remember the name of YOUR topic, and the words that YOU USED in THIS THREAD!! THAT, my friend, is BLIND. You're so blind that you can't even see your OWN misinterpretations and ridiculous accusations for what they really are. You honestly and truly believe that you are absolutely justified in this kind of rhetoric. THAT is scarier than ANYthing I have seen from Barack Obama and G.W. Bush combined...
Mike, while a 'direct quote' may not be in this thread. The title you chose for this thread is "Obama Youth" it is a clear reference to "Hitler Youth". Please don't backpeddle and try to say that isn't what you inferred, If you're going to make threads with antagonizing titles, have the decency to admit it.Please, use direct quote, where have I called Barak Obama a Nazi, or where have I called him Hitler. Use a direct quote, link to the post I made, feel free.
Give the guy a bath in whitewash and a good old fashioned American Name, like Jethro T. Bush, from Outtanowhere, North Carolina, and you can sing and speak whatever praises you want. But a filthy black with an incomprehensible name doesn't deserve a lick of support.
Mike, while a 'direct quote' may not be in this thread. The title you chose for this thread is "Obama Youth" it is a clear reference to "Hitler Youth". Please don't backpeddle and try to say that isn't what you inferred, If you're going to make threads with antagonizing titles, have the decency to admit it.
but did he say that obama was hitler by saying obama youth?