Wow! I just had a revelation reading this, and it might not have even been the intent you meant.
*this is in no way comparing Obama to Christ, but...*
Your post made the light go on for me about the silliness in accusing Obama of being some immigrant, and deceitful human being. As well as the "Anti-Christ" and Hitler comparisons. How is it that people want nothing short of a time machine to dispel their worst accusations against Obama, yet some have done so while claiming to be in gods image. I'm not trying to ridicule religion, but how can people be so hellbent to disprove Obama, yet they treat the very Bible that they live their lives around as fact. This seems to be a huge hypocrisy to blame to label those who agree with Obama as "blind supporters", while also making outrageous and untruthful claims against him. Yet the very scripture they read doesn't receive the same meticulous dissection for truth, that's why they call it faith. I have faith that Obama is honest about his motives, birthing records, etc... And I am no more of a blind supporter for that than someone who has never questioned their religion. There is no proof, other than faith and scripture, that the Bible is correct. I respect peoples right to have this faith, and I admire the overall message it carries, and hope it brings. However, I find those who unequivocally denounce Obama, yet preach the "word of god" as absolute fact, are certainly being hypocritical.
Anyways, just my $.02 again. No religious or political debate needed, I just interpreted Tyfliers post my own way, and felt the need to expand upon my thoughts.