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Obama Youth?

Don't forget to mention that the words "holy" and "Christian" are ONLY synonomous in the minds of Christians, and that the words "holy day"(aka holiday) can be applied to a day that is sacred in any religion...not just Christianity...

I've been trying to give you reputation for some of your various posts for the past 2 days now...and even after giving other people rep I still get "you must spread some reputation around before giving it to tyflier again"

so you'll just have to do with this friendly pat on the back for now :)
I'd heard of Christian isolationists - never met one before.

If Christianity is for Christians only, how does one spread the word, so to speak?
You're writing some really good stuff here Chris! ( I couldn't give you any more rep either)My question is:
If you aren't a Christian then just tell me to have a good day or say nothg, what is wrong with that?
How exactly would we all go about identifying who is practicing what religion?
Whose definition of 'Christian' should we use?
IT'S THE THOUGHT THAT COUNTS Not bowing to anyone's specific religion and how they expect others to approach them.
You're writing some really good stuff here Chris! ( I couldn't give you any more rep either)...

I've got 2 brothers, both Protestant Ministers. Several Aunts and Uncles on both sides...Protestant Ministers. My younger brother even spent 5 years as an overseas missionary in Zambia in his 20s. I grew up "in the church", and was as devout as any 14 year old boy could be expected to be.

I moved out, read some books, experienced some different perspectives, and formed my own opinions starting at 15. I've been debating religion and religious holidays for a long time...
Show me the Birth Certificate that says Jesus Christ, son of God and Mary, was born on December 25 in Bethlehem, and I'll buy this.
Wow! I just had a revelation reading this, and it might not have even been the intent you meant.

*this is in no way comparing Obama to Christ, but...*

Your post made the light go on for me about the silliness in accusing Obama of being some immigrant, and deceitful human being. As well as the "Anti-Christ" and Hitler comparisons. How is it that people want nothing short of a time machine to dispel their worst accusations against Obama, yet some have done so while claiming to be in gods image. I'm not trying to ridicule religion, but how can people be so hellbent to disprove Obama, yet they treat the very Bible that they live their lives around as fact. This seems to be a huge hypocrisy to blame to label those who agree with Obama as "blind supporters", while also making outrageous and untruthful claims against him. Yet the very scripture they read doesn't receive the same meticulous dissection for truth, that's why they call it faith. I have faith that Obama is honest about his motives, birthing records, etc... And I am no more of a blind supporter for that than someone who has never questioned their religion. There is no proof, other than faith and scripture, that the Bible is correct. I respect peoples right to have this faith, and I admire the overall message it carries, and hope it brings. However, I find those who unequivocally denounce Obama, yet preach the "word of god" as absolute fact, are certainly being hypocritical.

Anyways, just my $.02 again. No religious or political debate needed, I just interpreted Tyfliers post my own way, and felt the need to expand upon my thoughts.
Wow! I just had a revelation reading this, and it might not have even been the intent you meant.

*this is in no way comparing Obama to Christ, but...*

Your post made the light go on for me about the silliness in accusing Obama of being some immigrant, and deceitful human being. As well as the "Anti-Christ" and Hitler comparisons. How is it that people want nothing short of a time machine to dispel their worst accusations against Obama, yet some have done so while claiming to be in gods image. I'm not trying to ridicule religion, but how can people be so hellbent to disprove Obama, yet they treat the very Bible that they live their lives around as fact. This seems to be a huge hypocrisy to blame to label those who agree with Obama as "blind supporters", while also making outrageous and untruthful claims against him. Yet the very scripture they read doesn't receive the same meticulous dissection for truth, that's why they call it faith. I have faith that Obama is honest about his motives, birthing records, etc... And I am no more of a blind supporter for that than someone who has never questioned their religion. There is no proof, other than faith and scripture, that the Bible is correct. I respect peoples right to have this faith, and I admire the overall message it carries, and hope it brings. However, I find those who unequivocally denounce Obama, yet preach the "word of god" as absolute fact, are certainly being hypocritical.

Anyways, just my $.02 again. No religious or political debate needed, I just interpreted Tyfliers post my own way, and felt the need to expand upon my thoughts.

No...you interpreted that first short paragraph perfectly. It was intended to ring of the Obama Birth Certificate debacle. It would have been easier to just say, "No, Christmas is traditionally pagan, not christian", but I thought I'd make mention of the birth certificate...I like subtlety...
No...you interpreted that first short paragraph perfectly. It was intended to ring of the Obama Birth Certificate debacle.

Funny you mentioned that in this thread.

I do not have the transcript in front of me, I am looking for it so that I can get an exact quote, but when he was addressing the students, he said something along the lines of: "when I was 8 and living in some country, my mother couldn't afford to send me to school with the American kids". Why did he refer to them as "the American kids" and not "the other kids" or "the other American kids", why "the American kids"? Perhaps because he did not consider himself American?
Funny you mentioned that in this thread.

I do not have the transcript in front of me, I am looking for it so that I can get an exact quote, but when he was addressing the students, he said something along the lines of: "when I was 8 and living in some country, my mother couldn't afford to send me to school with the American kids". Why did he refer to them as "the American kids" and not "the other kids" or "the other American kids", why "the American kids"? Perhaps because he did not consider himself American?

Yea...I know...I heard about that. Such a shame.

I wish Obama would get smart and never make a slip up in his speech. Than he could be a good pres'dent like dat dere good ol' Bush, right? He was dang gummed smart, he din't never make no mistake in his talkin' words. "Fool me once...you can't fool me again" Boy howdy, I tell ya' if'n da people in dis country was half as smart g0-dubya bush, we might be able to take over the world! Den we could get rid ALL the foreigners and kick everyone out of america 'ceptin' for americans. WOOHOO!

Really? A supporter of Bush wants to bring slips of the tongue into question? Are you, a supporter of G.W. Bush, seriously sitting in front of your computer questioning the "hidden meaning" behind a simple grammatical error during a speech? That takes some guts, don't it? "Your" president made more speech and talking errors than I ever recal hearing from a president...but this one fits your twisted and nufounded vision, so you leech onto it.

Nice...If nothing else...you're determined. Determined to find something, ANYthing, even the tiniest little SHRED of hope that Obama won't be president. Give up. It's over. For at least 3 1/2 more years, you will have no choice but to live under the tyrranical regime of a democrat. a BLACK democrat **gasp** The Horror!!
Nice...If nothing else...you're determined. Determined to find something, ANYthing, even the tiniest little SHRED of hope that Obama won't be president. Give up. It's over. For at least 3 1/2 more years, you will have no choice but to live under the tyrranical regime of a democrat. a BLACK democrat **gasp** The Horror!!

After picking up hints in some of the posts I think I see an underlying message here? Obama is the new Hitler and is going to create a superior black race, or a superior minority race? White people need to be ready to fight because the Obama superior black race is going to implement their welfare system. That is going to ruin educated white people because they are the only ones who work for a living and they'll be the only ones footing the bill? Maybe I'm off base, but that's kind of what I'm picking up?
After picking up hints in some of the posts I think I see an underlying message here? Obama is the new Hitler and is going to create a superior black race, or a superior minority race? White people need to be ready to fight because the Obama superior black race is going to implement their welfare system. That is going to ruin educated white people because they are the only ones who work for a living and they'll be the only ones footing the bill? Maybe I'm off base, but that's kind of what I'm picking up?

It has nothing to do with race. What he is trying to do it redistribute the wealth from the workers to the non-workers. Color is irrelevant. References to Hitler (again for those that can read) is pre-war policies that turned the country from a "democracy" to a dictatorship. Ditto for Castro references for the most part.

Obama seems to hate all Americans - whether black or white (although he sure seems to be nicer to Muslims than Christians) - if they are successful. Race isn't the issue. Success is what is being penalized. He calls it LUCK - I call it working hard and striving for a better life.
I wish Obama would get smart and never make a slip up in his speech.

Right. If you lie, you have to be smart enough to stick with your lie and not change the story. That's rule #1 right after...DON'T LIE.

For the record, I thought it was BS that people claimed he wasn't born in the US. After the FAKE one was spread around and then they STILL refused to show the real one then some unknown guy (a Odumbo supporter that we never heard of) says, "I've seen it, so nobody else needs to!" Add in that he's spent something like 13 or 18 million dollars fighting to have to show it instead of just showing it....and I have to ask, "What the heck?"

Again, I still don't completely buy in that he wasn't born in America, but he seems to be doing everything possible to make Americas really believe that he might not have been. It would have been cheaper for him to bribe people and get a fake one subbed in than fight showing it this much! LOL.

Oh...and stop thinking that just because "we" hate Obama's policies, that "we" loved Bush or his policies. I hated MANY of Bush's policies, too. I just agreed more closely with many others than with anyone else's. The guy spoke like an idiot, and that drove me insane. Until we get libertarians in power (waht a dream!), the cookie monster is a better candicate that one that wants to redistrubite the wealth.

We haven't had a decent president since maybe the good Roosevelt. FDR was, of course, one of the worst things to happen to our country at that time.........and Reagan would count as one of the best ever except for the "war" on drugs (make civilians the target of a domestic WAR can't be a good thing) and similar liberty taking actions. Still, he was pretty darn good compared to his recent peers.
Right. If you lie, you have to be smart enough to stick with your lie and not change the story. That's rule #1 right after...DON'T LIE.

For the record, I thought it was BS that people claimed he wasn't born in the US. After the FAKE one was spread around and then they STILL refused to show the real one then some unknown guy (a Odumbo supporter that we never heard of) says, "I've seen it, so nobody else needs to!" Add in that he's spent something like 13 or 18 million dollars fighting to have to show it instead of just showing it....and I have to ask, "What the heck?"

Again, I still don't completely buy in that he wasn't born in America, but he seems to be doing everything possible to make Americas really believe that he might not have been. It would have been cheaper for him to bribe people and get a fake one subbed in than fight showing it this much! LOL.

Oh...and stop thinking that just because "we" hate Obama's policies, that "we" loved Bush or his policies. I hated MANY of Bush's policies, too. I just agreed more closely with many others than with anyone else's. The guy spoke like an idiot, and that drove me insane. Until we get libertarians in power (what a dream!), the cookie monster is a better candidate that one that wants to redistribute the wealth.

We haven't had a decent president since maybe the good Roosevelt. FDR was, of course, one of the worst things to happen to our country at that time.........and Reagan would count as one of the best ever except for the "war" on drugs (make civilians the target of a domestic WAR can't be a good thing) and similar liberty taking actions. Still, he was pretty darn good compared to his recent peers.

You have to give FDR some credit however when it came to the policies and socialist organizations he implemented. They were supposed to be TEMPORARY institutions, not permanent and advantageous like they have become.
Funny you mentioned that in this thread.

I do not have the transcript in front of me, I am looking for it so that I can get an exact quote, but when he was addressing the students, he said something along the lines of: "when I was 8 and living in some country, my mother couldn't afford to send me to school with the American kids". Why did he refer to them as "the American kids" and not "the other kids" or "the other American kids", why "the American kids"? Perhaps because he did not consider himself American?
We're back to this? "He wasn't born here" spiel?
I am absolutely convinced that If there was a time machine and you could personally go back to the foreign country of Hawaii and watch him being born, you still wouldn't believe it!
you still wouldn't believe it!
you still wouldn't believe it!
you still wouldn't believe it!
We're back to this? "He wasn't born here" spiel?
I am absolutely convinced that If there was a time machine and you could personally go back to the foreign country of Hawaii and watch him being born, you still wouldn't believe it!
you still wouldn't believe it!
you still wouldn't believe it!
you still wouldn't believe it!


Birfers have been long discredited. And the fact is, Obama did release his birth certificate. But, of course, birfers are claiming it's fake. Like you said, there's is nothing anyone can say to dissuade these people because their claims aren't based in reality.
We're back to this? "He wasn't born here" spiel?
I am absolutely convinced that If there was a time machine and you could personally go back to the foreign country of Hawaii and watch him being born, you still wouldn't believe it!
you still wouldn't believe it!
you still wouldn't believe it!
you still wouldn't believe it!

I have never claimed to be a "birfer" just pointing out some inconsistencies.
Right. If you lie, you have to be smart enough to stick with your lie and not change the story. That's rule #1 right after...DON'T LIE.

For the record, I thought it was BS that people claimed he wasn't born in the US. After the FAKE one was spread around and then they STILL refused to show the real one then some unknown guy (a Odumbo supporter that we never heard of) says, "I've seen it, so nobody else needs to!" Add in that he's spent something like 13 or 18 million dollars fighting to have to show it instead of just showing it....and I have to ask, "What the heck?"

Again, I still don't completely buy in that he wasn't born in America, but he seems to be doing everything possible to make Americas really believe that he might not have been. It would have been cheaper for him to bribe people and get a fake one subbed in than fight showing it this much! LOL.

Oh...and stop thinking that just because "we" hate Obama's policies, that "we" loved Bush or his policies. I hated MANY of Bush's policies, too. I just agreed more closely with many others than with anyone else's. The guy spoke like an idiot, and that drove me insane. Until we get libertarians in power (waht a dream!), the cookie monster is a better candicate that one that wants to redistrubite the wealth.

We haven't had a decent president since maybe the good Roosevelt. FDR was, of course, one of the worst things to happen to our country at that time.........and Reagan would count as one of the best ever except for the "war" on drugs (make civilians the target of a domestic WAR can't be a good thing) and similar liberty taking actions. Still, he was pretty darn good compared to his recent peers.

Why should he have to show it? Did anyone demand to see Bush's? What about Kennedy's? Hell, when was the last time ANYone demanded to see the birth certificate of ANY person running for office?

See...it's not really about the birth certificate. It's about one more non-issue being made into a HUGE ordeal to take the American people away from supporting Obama. OK. Do your worst. But please...there are PLENTY of legitimate reasons to criticize Obama, his plans, and his policies. There are LOADS of GOOD reasons to dislike a LOT of what he says. So why do you, and so many other republicans, focus on the issues that AREN'T ISSUES??

For example...there are a LOT of issues with the medical reform bill that can be legitimately debated, and legitimately argued about as being wonrg or hurtful. But you chose a segment that doesn't exist to shout about.

There are plenty of reasons to thinmk Obama might not be equipped to do the job expected of him. But you chose his BIRTH CERTIFICATE?!?

KJUN...I know you are an intelligent dude. Why are you falling for this garbage? Why are you not out there getting infuriated over something REAL instead of getting so bent out of shape about the stupid little made-up stuff that these pundits keep throwing to you?

...Obama seems to hate all Americans - ...[/quote}
Really? Let me clarify it for you. Obama doesn't hate all Americans...just yuo. Feel better now?
Oh, and also just for the record...Just because I despise Bush and his entire administration, and I firmly believe that the majority of republican pundits are midly retarded at best does NOT automatically make me an Obama-loving, neo-socialist, liberl, tree-hugging hippy, just like hating Obama doesn't mean you loved Bush. So if you don't waent me to lump you in with the coal...don't do it to ayone else. Just another example of "respect me, and I won't respect you" coming from your camp, I suppose...
Why should he have to show it? ...
While I am NOT a "birfer" I can answer this one question. (and to avoid the old argument from a past thread, having a requirement and showing proof of meeting that requirement are not one in the same, this was not directed at you tyflier)
US Constitution Article II section 1 said:
No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.

Before he enter on the Execution of his Office, he shall take the following Oath or Affirmation:--"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.

