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Davids Boa Thread...or not!!

What I'm trying to figure out, is how it was known to be Queztacoytl, that hacked Davids account, before Rich posted that it was? Was there some sort of premonition? Did David figure it out before hand and how so?

Something isn't adding up, or I haven't gotten all the facts, I'm guessing?

I appreciate that, Wade. I happen to know that you don't think that lesbians are men-haters. Given that knowledge, I thought your comment toed the line as far as possible without crossing it, and therefore I didn't address it in this thread (which was about something else entirely). But, now that it's come up, I'll say that I would personally appreciate it if, when you argue with a gay person, you avoid tactics that exploit stereotypes that we already have to struggle against in everyday life. Leaving those tactics out may deprive you of the fastest ways to infuriate your opponents, but I'm positive you have many, many other tools in your debate arsenal and that it won't be a handicap to you.

Thanks again for the apology. It was important to me.

You know what Steph, you and several others have commented now and you are all right. No question. As Robbie said it was a low blow. In my own defense I did not mean it to be a homosexual comment, it was directed at one person who I believe dislikes young people in general.

That said it was easily read as a homosexual comment and for that I apologize to anyone who was offended by that. It does not reflect my stand on homosexuals and it certainly does not reflect my feeling toward the homosexual people I know here and in real life. I’m as sorry.
You're right and I realized as soon as I posted that I had said it differently than I meant it. I meant that it was hurtful and ignorant and intolerant, whether Wade meant it or got caught up in the heat of the moment or whatever, but that, were I gay, I wouldn't take nearly as much offense to that as I would to something more blatant like a slur or something incindiary like that. I've been accused of being gay in the past because of my behavior towards women and been shunned and lost friends because of it, WHEN I WASN'T GAY OR EVEN BICURIOUS, just had a strange sense of humor, and I know how much it pissed me off that people treated me different for something they perceived me as being, so I can imagine in a minuscule way what people who are really gay must go through every day. All I'm saying is, I wouldn't take nearly as much offense to being insinuated as a man-hater than I would to being called a dyke or something similar.
Chillax Pepper. And I say that in the most affectionate, fatherly way. :D

Don't pull an "old David" and try to make this all about you. And I am sure that is not your conscious intention. :D ;)
There is an inconsistancy to David that causes me to question really his sincerity with people and what his down the road goals really are.

What I hope David gets out of all this latest goings on is that some time to sit back and do a little self reflection may not be such a bad thing.

Agreed. Some time to reflect and mature are my vote as well. Perhaps a year would be harsh, but 3 months would give enough time to really let him think. Perhaps 3 months of read only. *le sigh*

Anyway I know that Rich will make the best decision, one not clouded by emotions, and for that I know we are all grateful.


As for Wade's comment. Thank you for apologizing. I shall pass it along. However, you have a tendency Wade, to shoot off your "fingers" before thinking sometimes. You call others out for baiting...but that sir was a baiting move non-par. And sadly I see a lot of that from you lately.
You and I have had our moments. You can say touching, thoughtful things and hurtful things that make me both shocked and tearful. You are as inconsistent as the boy you so love to protect.
Wayne, I think David PMd him, or someone else did after the thread was posted and moved....by that time David's posting ability was turned off until Rich could look into the matter. At that point he saw that the IP of the poster didn't match David's. As an admin, you can easily see who in the forum uses what IP, and the IP in question was the Quetz kid.
Tara, I'm glad you read my appology. I'll refrain from responding to the rest of what you said.
You know what Steph, you and several others have commented now and you are all right. No question. As Robbie said it was a low blow. In my own defense I did not mean it to be a homosexual comment, it was directed at one person who I believe dislikes young people in general.

That said it was easily read as a homosexual comment and for that I apologize to anyone who was offended by that. It does not reflect my stand on homosexuals and it certainly does not reflect my feeling toward the homosexual people I know here and in real life. I’m as sorry.
I figured this was the case or else why would he have specified young men?
Chillax Pepper. And I say that in the most affectionate, fatherly way. :D

Don't pull an "old David" and try to make this all about you. I am sure that is not your conscious intention. :D ;)
Believe me when I say I don't want attention, least of all the attention my comment is getting right now. I'm very much NOT homophobic nor do I hold any prejudiced views on homosexuals afaik, my comment was just worded extremely differently from what I meant to convey.
Wayne, I think David PMd him, or someone else did after the thread was posted and moved....by that time David's posting ability was turned off until Rich could look into the matter. At that point he saw that the IP of the poster didn't match David's. As an admin, you can easily see who in the forum uses what IP, and the IP in question was the Quetz kid.

I'm still a little confused but thanks for clarifying. :cheers:

All I'm saying is, I wouldn't take nearly as much offense to being insinuated as a man-hater than I would to being called a dyke or something similar.

Not so for me. After all, I AM a dyke; I am NOT a man-hater. The first indicates that the person who's screaming it from the window of a passing car doesn't like something that's true about me. Meh. Who cares. Not I. The second claims that I, myself, have irrational, indiscriminate hatred of half the population. That is much more offensive for you to say to me than you telling me you don't like who I sleep with.

Since the inappropriateness of the original comment was acknowledged and apologized for, I find it very positive to have had the opportunity to discuss exactly why that stereotype is so offensive. We're all ok with the stereotypes that have some truth. But that one is both patently false and claims that all lesbians are bigots.
I'd like to say my peace here, and I hope that this doesn't instigate any disagreements.

I completely understand with keeping a level of order in this site, and sometimes David bends the limits a little bit. But I don't blame him anymore than myself, for sometimes being out of line, seemingly arrogant in my beliefs, and having a slight disregard for authority.
I can see where the constant flow of negative attention can be obnoxious, and at times quite the workload for moderators, to have someone like David sometimes testing the boundaries (who's threads/posts often gather controversial debates). But he is not usually the prime reason for the negative discussion, and I believe his threads shouldn't be blamed as the catalyst. Certain people have a tendency to become infatuated with his threads, although they are sometimes the ones to complain the most about them.
I sometimes feel like the "adults" know better, so they can use their knowledge and experience to fly under the radar, and David sometimes gets setup a little bit into an argument that he doesn't know better to control.
I don't blame either party, as the adults are just trying to reinforce what they think are good values, life lessons, and husbandry practices, and David is just sharing the information that he believes is true for him.

I guess what I'm saying is this... I don't mean to question the integrity of this site, and I understand that involving Rich into the "he said, she said" is unfair to him. But this situation came as the result of a suspected hacker, and this was found out to be true. So I'm not sure that a banning of David is the right thing to do, and it comes a little bit out of left field. He must feel awful, having his "coins" removed, being hacked, and to add insult to injury, being banned.

If my opinion is worthless, than feel free to disregard it. But if it could be taken into consideration, I would strongly wish to have no banning on David for this. I have had my fair chances to grow on this site, and I believe that I have. I see that David (although much younger, and much differently) has been trying to do the same. I think that it would show a great understanding, as well as do more good than harm, to allow David to continue on as a part of the forum members.
Just a suggestion, this is directed at Rich. Maybe this would be a good topic for a poll from David's peers here to decide his fate. Just a thought since we all have a range of opinions on it. I will state, I do think a year is a bit harsh though.

P.S. I have tried repping a few people regarding their posts, but I handed out too much reps today and am cut off :(
Not so for me. After all, I AM a dyke; I am NOT a man-hater. The first indicates that the person who's screaming it from the window of a passing car doesn't like something that's true about me. Meh. Who cares. Not I. The second claims that I, myself, have irrational, indiscriminate hatred of half the population. That is much more offensive for you to say to me than you telling me you don't like who I sleep with.

Since the inappropriateness of the original comment was acknowledged and apologized for, I find it very positive to have had the opportunity to discuss exactly why that stereotype is so offensive. We're all ok with the stereotypes that have some truth. But that one is both patently false and claims that all lesbians are bigots.
I guess I didn't think about it that way. Sincerely sorry.
YIn my own defense I did not mean it to be a homosexual comment, it was directed at one person who I believe dislikes young people in general.

That said it was easily read as a homosexual comment and for that I apologize to anyone who was offended by that. It does not reflect my stand on homosexuals and it certainly does not reflect my feeling toward the homosexual people I know here and in real life. I’m as sorry.

I believe that, and it makes me feel better still. And apology already accepted, at least by me.
Congratulations David!!! I honestly, do not, know, a single, other, 16 year old kid, that has been able to rile up this may 21+ year old people in my entire life. Ever. Way to go kid!

He gets his account hacked and pretty much proven that BS gets posted in his name and he's still the bad guy!! Way to go human race.

Congratulations David!!! I honestly, do not, know, a single, other, 16 year old kid, that has been able to rile up this may 21+ year old people in my entire life. Ever. Way to go kid!

He gets his account hacked and pretty much proven that BS gets posted in his name and he's still the bad guy!! Way to go human race.


Couldn't agree more.
I, for one, do not think David should be banned. I realize that some of his behavior as of late, regarding his personal forum, is a factor in Rich's decision, but maybe him losing that forum and his contributor status, is enough. I think he may get the point? Or at least I can only hope that he does?

Sometimes, when dealing with my children and their occasional bad behavior, taking their toys away is enough to get them to realize that their behavior is out of line. It helps them understand that if they do things, privileges and fun stuff goes away. I think that approach with David will work.

If he steps out of line again, then put him in time out (banning him for a period of time). My biggest concern is that he is growing his collection quickly. He needs guidance at this point and if he is cut off from the people and knowledge of this forum, those animals could potentially suffer.

So lets think of the animals, please.

Congratulations David!!! I honestly, do not, know, a single, other, 16 year old kid, that has been able to rile up this may 21+ year old people in my entire life. Ever. Way to go kid!

He gets his account hacked and pretty much proven that BS gets posted in his name and he's still the bad guy!! Way to go human race.


Partially it! There was some other stuff going on that from what I can understand, Rich is taking into consideration in this matter.

What I'm trying to figure out, is how it was known to be Queztacoytl, that hacked Davids account, before Rich posted that it was? Was there some sort of premonition? Did David figure it out before hand and how so?

Something isn't adding up, or I haven't gotten all the facts, I'm guessing?


Wayne, I think David PMd him, or someone else did after the thread was posted and moved....by that time David's posting ability was turned off until Rich could look into the matter. At that point he saw that the IP of the poster didn't match David's. As an admin, you can easily see who in the forum uses what IP, and the IP in question was the Quetz kid.
Thank you, Lori.
Wayne, I don't know how, or if I can (I've never tried) look up an IP address. It is a numerical string of numbers like 999.999.9.99, denoting the address of your own personal computer, or router, or laptop, from which you send out data, and if you have those numbers, there are several sites on the internet where you can plug them in and pinpoint the physical address on, say, a map of the US.
Kinda fun if you have nothing else to do. Mr. Sarcasm. :laugh:
Q called David Wayne so David assumed. Rich is the one who confirmed the assumption.

Steph, I get what your saying, but I disagree. Look at Davids posts from a year ago, their page counts, and the comments people made- Davids and others responses. Then look at more recent threads, page counts, Davids and others responses. David used to be REALLY rude, immature, and plain ridiculous; but now he has taken a "think what you want attitude", and held his tongue. Drama still surrounds David, but he isn't the one starting it unless starting a thread and being David constitutes being bashed- he doesn't bash back these days out of fear sticking up for himself will earn him more disdain. That too me is reminiscent of an abusive relationship.

I am not nor did I mean to call you out- I see you guide David and not using words to injure and provoke him; but a few forum members can't help themselves and thats whats really sad to me. I am going to be honest and say a few people actually make me wonder if they get gratification from harping on David each and every time he posts. Is like people wait to jump on him to give their ego a high five once a day, and its as if not more immature than ANY behavior he has displayed here.

I believe, but do not know Rich's consideration in banning David has more to do with the constant drama that surrounds him, and not the actual nature of his postings on this board. If I were a forum owner and heard about some 16 year old riling people up daily because they didn't like them the thought of banning may cross my mind too, but if people would just word their posts a little more carefully and keep unnecessary inflamatory comments in their heads instead of on the board his posts would get a lot less attention, and cause a lot less grief. People feed off one anothers nasty comments to David and generate so much negative attention, and yet he may be banned just to cure a headache others perpetuate:(
I wish when I was 16 I knew as much about snakes as he does. Heck I wish when I was in my early 20's and bought my first snake I knew as much as he does. He's freaking 16... give the kid a break. Does he know everything... no. You get mad at him for acting like a teenage boy. Big whoop... he is a teenage boy. When I was 16 I was an obnoxious little snot. For his age, I am actually fairly impressed with his behavior. On more than one occasion he actually acts more mature than a few of his seniors on this site. Does he hunt down specific members post just to ridicule them? Well in my eyes that is pretty immature.

Is he perfect... no. Can he be full of him self and immature... yes. What isn't fair is he is the only one on here that gets called out and ridiculed about stuff we all have done.