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Davids Boa Thread...or not!!

Q called David Wayne so David assumed. Rich is the one who confirmed the assumption.

Steph, I get what your saying, but I disagree. Look at Davids posts from a year ago, their page counts, and the comments people made- Davids and others responses. Then look at more recent threads, page counts, Davids and others responses. David used to be REALLY rude, immature, and plain ridiculous; but now he has taken a "think what you want attitude", and held his tongue. Drama still surrounds David, but he isn't the one starting it unless starting a thread and being David constitutes being bashed- he doesn't bash back these days out of fear sticking up for himself will earn him more disdain. That too me is reminiscent of an abusive relationship.

I am not nor did I mean to call you out- I see you guide David and not using words to injure and provoke him; but a few forum members can't help themselves and thats whats really sad to me. I am going to be honest and say a few people actually make me wonder if they get gratification from harping on David each and every time he posts. Is like people wait to jump on him to give their ego a high five once a day, and its as if not more immature than ANY behavior he has displayed here.

I believe, but do not know Rich's consideration in banning David has more to do with the constant drama that surrounds him, and not the actual nature of his postings on this board. If I were a forum owner and heard about some 16 year old riling people up daily because they didn't like them the thought of banning may cross my mind too, but if people would just word their posts a little more carefully and keep unnecessary inflamatory comments in their heads instead of on the board his posts would get a lot less attention, and cause a lot less grief. People feed off one anothers nasty comments to David and generate so much negative attention, and yet he may be banned just to cure a headache others perpetuate:(

I can't give you anymore rep.
Thank you, Lori.
Wayne, I don't know how, or if I can (I've never tried) look up an IP address. It is a numerical string of numbers like 999.999.9.99, denoting the address of your own personal computer, from which you send out data, and if you have those numbers, there are several sites on the internet where you can plug them in and pinpoint the physical address on, say, a map of the US.

I definitely understand that. Danielle started this thread, prior to Rich Z posting that he knew for fact is was Queztacoytl that hacked the account. I wasn't sure how David or Danielle got that information. It wasn't really disclosed at the beginning of this thread. And if David figured it out prior to Rich Z doing the hard work, then how did he do that. It's not like the forum is going to send him a message saying something like, "Sorry but Queztacoytl at IP address **** **** **** is already logged in on this account, try again later"

To me, without knowing all the facts, the whole thing seemed a little fishy. Almost like he had prior knowledge of the fact that his account was hacked and by who.

Please excuse my ignorance!

A 16 year old punk kid is drop down dragged out beat down by adults on this forum every day. And it's cool? Not buyin' what any single David detractor is sellin' at this point. Good luck with that.

For the parents in the house, if this was your 16 year old kid and adults were treating him this way in real life . . . You'd have something to say.

I'm sickened by more than just the Vikings loss this evening. I shouldn't have come on here.
The butthead called Davids cell phone twice to relish in his deed before Rich had verified the address. My OP said to Q if you did this.....I called him out waiting for an explaination from him as to his guilt or innocense.
A 16 year old punk kid is drop down dragged out beat down by adults on this forum every day. And it's cool? Not buyin' what any single David detractor is sellin' at this point. Good luck with that.

For the parents in the house, if this was your 16 year old kid and adults were treating him this way in real life . . . You'd have something to say.


Oh I agree that some members on here are very critical of him. Down right rude actually and I have gone to bat for him on a couple of occasions. I've also seen the other side of it, when he has said some things WAY out of line. But what do you really expect from a 16 Year old KID? :shrugs:

The butthead called Davids cell phone twice to relish in his deed before Rich had verified the address. My OP said to Q if you did this.....I called him out waiting for an explaination from him as to his guilt or innocense.

Thank you very much for clarifying that! You are a dear! ;)

A 16 year old punk kid is drop down dragged out beat down by adults on this forum every day. And it's cool? Not buyin' what any single David detractor is sellin' at this point. Good luck with that.

For the parents in the house, if this was your 16 year old kid and adults were treating him this way in real life . . . You'd have something to say.

I repped you too, Brent.
I definitely understand that. Danielle started this thread, prior to Rich Z posting that he knew for fact is was Queztacoytl that hacked the account. I wasn't sure how David or Danielle got that information. It wasn't really disclosed at the beginning of this thread. And if David figured it out prior to Rich Z doing the hard work, then how did he do that. It's not like the forum is going to send him a message saying something like, "Sorry but Queztacoytl at IP address **** **** **** is already logged in on this account, try again later"

To me, without knowing all the facts, the whole thing seemed a little fishy. Almost like he had prior knowledge of the fact that his account was hacked and by who.

Please excuse my ignorance!

No, I apologize for the unnecessary maladroit explanation. It is my understanding that Rich baited person "Q" with PMing, and isolated the IP address himself. Rich posted something to that effect.

The 'other' issue, of David's banning, has to do with moving threads in and out between gerneral chit-chat and his sub-forum. Locking and unlocking threads. Editing, re-editing, and over-editing threads. Et cetera.
Discussed here:
A 16 year old punk kid is drop down dragged out beat down by adults on this forum every day. And it's cool? Not buyin' what any single David detractor is sellin' at this point. Good luck with that.

For the parents in the house, if this was your 16 year old kid and adults were treating him this way in real life . . . You'd have something to say.

I'm sickened by more than just the Vikings loss this evening. I shouldn't have come on here.

Brent, I can't rep you sorry. I've already pleaded to the parents and they said they think that is the way they like to treat kids.
The butthead called Davids cell phone twice to relish in his deed before Rich had verified the address. My OP said to Q if you did this.....I called him out waiting for an explaination from him as to his guilt or innocense.

How old is this idiot?

And why do you, Danielle, think he did it? Just my counselor/psychology/clinical curiosity asking.

Note to self : remind David not to give his cell phone number out to people who can't spell "quetzalcoatl".
Okay, random question time! I've been following this thread pretty loosely and probably can't say anything that hasn't already been said, but...

Is the guy, the phisher, in question...the one who posted those lovely outdoor shots? The same thread with the "Squirtle" picture? 'Cause if so, he seemed like such a decent guy, it's kind of a shame and a little unnerving that I could have been fooled so easily. :[

For the parents in the house, if this was your 16 year old kid and adults were treating him this way in real life . . . You'd have something to say.
No disrespect to you Brent - you and I usually agree on most things. But if my 16yr old son (and yes, I actually have a 17yr old son so I can speak from experience) acted like David does on this forum every day - I would be telling my son to learn some manners. David continually disrespects people here who are older and wiser than him in more than just snakes. I do not post often in his threads nor in response to threads about him, but I do follow his antics and he wears me out more than any one else on this forum.

I do think that banning him for a year may be too strong a punishment since this latest issue was not of his doing, but as pointed out by others - just a day prior he was all over the board with his "pied" thread so it is not like he has changed that drastically. And it is not just threads he starts. Any thread he responds to - he tries to pass himself off as the "end all/be all" of snake knowledge (among other things) and belittles others who have differing opinions or calling foul that everyone is picking on him if they disagree with him. Not everyone bashes on him. Some try to point out the errors in his through process or his logic - but because they don't just blatantly support his incorrect information - then they are "ganging up on him" and I am sick to death of the David Pity Party.

I would tell my son to think before he speaks (types for forums), respect his elders or those with more insight/knowledge than himself, and if he didn't like how he was being treated then to log off.....

Edited to add:
My biggest concern is that he is growing his collection quickly. He needs guidance at this point and if he is cut off from the people and knowledge of this forum, those animals could potentially suffer.
Wayne - it doesn't matter because he doesn't listen to the advice given to him by more knowledgeable people than him anyways. That is part of the problem - why people jump all over him. They try to give him advice but he already knows everything and gets mad because people aren't coddling him and agreeing with his incorrect information.
For the record, as a main offender of the "jump on David" train, sometimes when he posts, it just rubs me the wrong way. There's a couple other members that bug me like that, but they don't post a new thread or post drivel all over the forum every 30 seconds. For the most part, David makes me giggle, when he's not posting a new animal thread. If he posted the nonsense stuff in the DYK instead of starting new threads all the time, I don't think there'd be nearly as much response from most of the "bashers". Just my 2 cents on that topic.
Okay, random question time! I've been following this thread pretty loosely and probably can't say anything that hasn't already been said, but...

Is the guy, the phisher, in question...the one who posted those lovely outdoor shots? The same thread with the "Squirtle" picture? 'Cause if so, he seemed like such a decent guy, it's kind of a shame and a little unnerving that I could have been fooled so easily. :[

I think you are thinking of Chris (Tyflier) and no it's not him... if that is who you were thinking of.
I think you are thinking of Chris (Tyflier) and no it's not him... if that is who you were thinking of.

No, not him, but I appreciate your attempting to answer my question! :} It was the thread with the picture of the bridge...the lamps were colored but everything else was in B&W...

Maybe I'm just crazy.