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Davids Boa Thread...or not!!

You know I was reading the pied thread when it was very first written. And yes David did go back and edit his post. He was asking if anyone thought his snakes might have a pied gene. It was immediately assumed by one of his fans that he was looking to get rich. He went back and edited the post to emphasize the point that he was not looking at it from the money standpoint but was interested in the gene. What happened after that was beyond his control because the detractors had gathered in number by that time.
Good grief! I stayed up an hour past my bedtime to try to figure out what happened around here while I was doing my Sunday chores, and this place seems to have turned into something worse than the worst reality television show ever created! I feel ill...:puke01:
but... but he specifically asked initially if it would make her worth more. :/

And still though, that thread DID continue talking about the genetics of the trait.
but I do follow his antics and he wears me out more than any one else on this forum.
Maybe that's your, and everyone elses, problem . . . :shrugs: Seems to me that Alan gets along with him fine . . . :shrugs:

Just sayin'

The nice thing about being an adult . . nay, being a human being . . . is I have the choice to ignore, or not.

No, jlindp, I think you're right. It was him who posted that thread, and it kind of shocked me too. He didn't seem like such a bad guy in that thread, and then he turns around and does this. It really makes you think about the people you "know". Scary, huh?

Ah, yes! That's him. Thanks for helping. And that's so weird that he did it... and yes, a little scary, indeed. :(
Wade - his original post that Mike has saved somewhere (to my understanding anyways) did say he wanted to know if she was pied so he could make more money breeding her. When the money factor was brought up he went back and edited his original post to exclude the portion about money so people wouldn't "think" that was what he was in it for....
Pied thread, Schmied thread. Danny posted a thread (about a year or so ago) asking about Pied's long ago and what they'd be worth. Didn't see him getting bashed about it . . .

Okay, random question time! I've been following this thread pretty loosely and probably can't say anything that hasn't already been said, but...

Is the guy, the phisher, in question...the one who posted those lovely outdoor shots? The same thread with the "Squirtle" picture? 'Cause if so, he seemed like such a decent guy, it's kind of a shame and a little unnerving that I could have been fooled so easily. :[
Maybe that's your, and everyone elses, problem
But see - I do this with a lot of people. There are other people on here I may not necessarily like but I still find interest in what they post. In David's case however, because I do choose to see what kind of hornet's nest he is going to stir up next - I see his constant childish behavior. I CHOOSE to normally not get involved in it and if I do, it is usually in an adult/non combative manner. Basically just telling him he needs to learn to listen to people with more experience... but he never does. He continues to ignore those with more knowledge than himself and just continues the "poor david" routine when they don't agree with him. Just because I follow it, doesn't mean I participate in it.

Pied thread, Schmied thread. Danny posted a thread (about a year or so ago) asking about Pied's long ago and what they'd be worth. Didn't see him getting bashed about it
Maybe he wouldn't have been bashed if he would have left his original post alone instead of trying to make people think he had a different intent than he really does. If he stayed truthful. People bashed because it was pointed out that he retracted his original motive. He was being deceitful. Leading people to believe he was in it just for the knowledge when in fact there was proof that he was in it for the money. If he is - fine - just be honest about it. Don't lie to us. What is that going to do but piss people off?
No, not him, but I appreciate your attempting to answer my question! :} It was the thread with the picture of the bridge...the lamps were colored but everything else was in B&W...

Maybe I'm just crazy.


No, jlindp, I think you're right. It was him who posted that thread, and it kind of shocked me too. He didn't seem like such a bad guy in that thread, and then he turns around and does this. It really makes you think about the people you "know". Scary, huh?
No, girlie, you're not crazy. See, CodeRed found it. I'll have to investigate him (Mr. Q) later......... :laugh:

Just trying to give David a hand at the moment.
I tend to avoid (at least commenting on) threads posted by or about David, and uh, this thread is a pretty good example of why. They almost always seem to end up like this. I'm not trying to bash him, but he is the common denominator. Hey, I'm a big girl though, I can't get along with everyone, and so I mostly ignore David. I'm not going to debate whether or not he should be banned. I don't think my personal feelings about him are a good enough reason to ban him, no. That said, if he goes, I probably won't miss him all that much. Of course, the same could be said of some of the other people busily ripping each other to shreds in this thread. I think everyone does need to chill out, already. It's just the freakin' internet.

Just my 2 cents though. Make of it what you will.
Basically just telling him he needs to learn to listen to people with more experience... but he never does. He continues to ignore those with more knowledge than himself
He is badgered and bullied constantly. By adults. Period. Maybe not you, but by enough others that it sickens me.

I'm not hanging my hat on David. I'm not defending David. I could care less about David. I've ignored David and the threads that the losers who hate David decide to derail. I'm embarrassed.

Steph, I get what your saying, but I disagree. Look at Davids posts from a year ago, their page counts, and the comments people made- Davids and others responses.
I think I'll pass on that if you don't mind. I was out of town then and I'd just as soon only go on what I've seen since I've been back. I know myself, and seeing worse than what I've seen will not make me more tolerant, but less. But I take your word for it.

. . . but a few forum members can't help themselves and thats whats really sad to me.

I agree, and it is ridiculous when it happens. Absurd, and I can't believe those people aren't embarrassed. And I also agree that, in large part, there's nothing wrong with his threads or his posts anymore, but it was just a few days ago where I thought, "Hmm. He's being totally dishonest here," and it was just a few days ago that he threatened to move and lock a thread if Mike didn't leave off giving him a hard time. Not behavior I think fitting for a forum owner, and not perfectly sweet and innocent in my book, as it seems you're sort of intimating he is these days.

And for the record, I also agree that he doesn't DESERVE to be banned at the moment. I'm just saying I'm not going to speak up on his behalf to get him out of this mess or any other. From what you say, maybe he deserved to be banned before, or for longer than he was if he was. Dunno. :shrugs:

Congratulations David!!! I honestly, do not, know, a single, other, 16 year old kid, that has been able to rile up this may 21+ year old people in my entire life. Ever. Way to go kid!

He gets his account hacked and pretty much proven that BS gets posted in his name and he's still the bad guy!! Way to go human race.

Well surely no 16-year old has ever had the opportunity to rile me up before, as I would refuse to hang out with/see/listen to an immature 16-year old in any real-life situation. Immature 18-year olds are bad enough, and I only do that when I'm paid to. As I said before, he's not the only bad guy here, and he's definitely not a bad guy because of the "Unexpected" thread. Well, he's not a "bad guy" at all, probably. But he is at issue, here and now, for a long list of times he has conducted himself in such a way that, all together, ultimately made the "unexpected" thread believable, even for those who know him and like him. All of those things were him.

If I stole from the corner store every Friday for a year and didn't get caught, and got arrested and locked up for stealing from there next Tuesday even though I actually paid for my purchase that day, is that really just? Well technically, no, but karmically (sp), it sure as hell is. The phrase "you reap what you sow" actually assumes a time lag between when you perform an action and when you pay for it.
He is badgered and bullied constantly. By adults. Period. Maybe not you, but by enough others that it sickens me.
I am not disagreeing with that point Brent. There are some people on here that I do think get a perverse kind of satisfaction from attacking him. But they are a small number of people. There are more people that try to give him constructive criticism and it is his belittling of those people (people like me) that makes me angry. He can be a big boy and ignore those few who do attack him and learn to listen to the ones actually trying to help and he would be fine. And maybe if he would start listening instead of arguing or crying foul all the time - then those bullying him might start to leave him alone as well.
Pied thread, Schmied thread. Danny posted a thread (about a year or so ago) asking about Pied's long ago and what they'd be worth. Didn't see him getting bashed about it . . .


He didn't get bashed. Mike was perfectly civil. Since when does disagreeing with the way someone handles something = bashing?
I wish I could rep you, Drizzt80, but I'm all out for the night. If what I see happening to David around here were to happen in schools, I'm pretty sure most parents would be outraged. While some people may think he deserves it, he gets ripped on so much that it goes beyond just trying to teach him. It becomes a bashing, where everyone hates on David, until others start sticking up for him, and then it becomes an all-out brawl.
It's kind of disgusting, and more than one time I've had to leave a thread and just stay out of it, because I don't want to post my opinion and get involved. I'll do it tonight, though, because I'm sick and my mind isn't working right. And I'll think about this tomorrow and think of how stupid I'm being, but I won't regret it. I think things are going a bit too far in how people are being treated around here.

Just my opinion.
A 16 year old punk kid is drop down dragged out beat down by adults on this forum every day. And it's cool? Not buyin' what any single David detractor is sellin' at this point. Good luck with that.

For the parents in the house, if this was your 16 year old kid and adults were treating him this way in real life . . . You'd have something to say.

I'm sickened by more than just the Vikings loss this evening. I shouldn't have come on here.

Couldn't have said it better my self.

We as ADULTS should be teachers here, on this forum, as well as in life. This forum is to share and educate. Not chastise those that are a bit annoying or we don't like. In life, as adults, we have choices. One of those choices is to ignore some one we don't like. If I don't like what a thread is about, I have the choice not to post in it, just like every one else. Or I can be childish and post some snide remark to prompt responses. David is 16 and still a child any way you look at it. He has grown over the past year and has done very well to try and change his ways. But certain people could care less and only judge him by his past or the fact he's a kid.

He knows more about the care of reptiles than any kid I've ever known. I would much rather David ask questions here than not at all. He has the heart and passion for this hobby that we as adults should embrace and nourish. His generation are the ones that will be continuing to fight for this hobby and other animals later in life. Banning him for an entire year is too much IMO. Not that my opinion matters much.

I tell this to my kids all the time--You can't like every one and not every one will like you. It's just the way of life. Just ignore the ones you don't like and be good to the ones you do.
And maybe if he would start listening instead of arguing or crying foul all the time - then those bullying him might start to leave him alone as well.

Hahaha! Even when he doesn't cry foul or argue, he still gets bullied. He's getting bullied right now and isn't present in the conversation. I can only give the kid credit for being brave enough to still want to learn openly on this forum. If it were me, I'd have been devastated that there are threads specifically about me where people discuss how awful I am and try to learn about the hobby I've come to love through another resource.
Hahaha! Even when he doesn't cry foul or argue, he still gets bullied. He's getting bullied right now and isn't present in the conversation. I can only give the kid credit for being brave enough to still want to learn openly on this forum. If it were me, I'd have been devastated that there are threads specifically about me where people discuss how awful I am and try to learn about the hobby I've come to love through another resource.

Honestly, from what I know about David, he loves it! The only thing that is bugging him right now, is that he can't put his own 2 cents in. That's probably the hardest part for him for him to swallow. ;) :blowhead:
