The Rule Of Thirds.
Ok, how do you put the text in between the pictures?
You have to have your images hosted at a different site like photobucket.com. Than you copy the direct link text provided by the host site, and paste it into the {img}{/img} code tags(use the square brackets, instead of curly brackets). Than you can put your images anywhere you want in the reply...
That's not true anymore. When Rich upgraded to the newer version of vBulletin, you can now use the [ attach ] [ /attach ] tags.
(Of course, there are NO spaces between the square brackets and the word "attach".)
"But jazz, what goes in between the tags?"
Glad you asked. The "attachment ID" goes in between the tags.
"But jazz, what's the attachment ID?"
After you've uploaded your photos, you'll see their filenames listed in the "Additional Options" section of the reply page. Put your mouse cursor over each filename; it's now a link. As with all links, you'll see a string in your browser's status bar. In this case, it will be along the lines of....
The attachment ID is the number represented by the "XXXXX" above. Enter that number between your tags.
For example, here's marilu.jpg, with the attachment ID of "70399" :

So there you go. Very simple. Very easy.