The Rule Of Thirds.
I on the other hand... <doing some quick math>... am not! But darn close! Crap, I feel old all of a sudden.
Welcome to my world.
I on the other hand... <doing some quick math>... am not! But darn close! Crap, I feel old all of a sudden.
That's... creepy, Wade.
For all you mathematicians, 57 isn't old. I'm just starting to come into my prime.
A few shots of me and the furry beast, taken last Saturday......
If you have a look at breed pages for 'show' labs and 'working' labs, you'll see their body type is different too in the different lines.Excellent pics!
Over here pure labs look different, is yours pure or is there something a bit longer haired influence in his genes?
I had a look at some kennels, comparing field trial, pet and show labs. There's a lot of variation, more than I'd realised. If you google Bodhisattva labradors, you'll see some of Bo's relatives!
...you are only as old as you let yourself feel.
Bruce you have no excuse to feel old! I have seen you in person and you are pretty darn good lookin' and sure don't look your age! It's a shame you are taken ... I know several girls on here would be after you if you weren't.
To everyone else... you are only as old as you let yourself feel. In which case Jazz is about 5. j/k Jazz
I love putting faces to the names...