Thank you...I do like compliments about it but its the tattooist that deserves them...hes awesome at what he does which is pretty obvious huh lol...thanks again. xDThe tat really is impressive. I'm not a huge fan of ink, but THAT looks like a photograph has been placed on your arm. Very nice work.
Lol, i'd like to think so...she looks at peace don't you think? Very peaceful & if it doesn't reflect my personality then thats what i'm aiming for. =]This is very interesting picture.
Dose it capture your personality?'t wait until he starts my new one on the 1st April...this time its on my foot... =]Wow, Tang, that is a beautifully done tat..
Too true, I had mine done, and the clavicle..... Soooooo painful, but I am a wimp when it comes to pain... LOLOwww....I like foot tats...they're probably my favorite, but I KNOW they hurt. I had to hold a girlfriend's hand the entire time when she had a fairy placed. My fingers were bruised for weeks!! I would think that there and the sternum would be extremely painful places to have inked.
Lol I arm one did hurt but i've had both the inside of my wrists done & that really was lip biting pain so I just know i'm gonna hurt this time...i'll be fine though...i've had a 26 hour labour & 2 C-Sections so i'll breeze it lol... xDOwww....I like foot tats...they're probably my favorite, but I KNOW they hurt. I had to hold a girlfriend's hand the entire time when she had a fairy placed. My fingers were bruised for weeks!! I would think that there and the sternum would be extremely painful places to have inked.
Thank tattooist said that was his favourite part of doing it...he is actually going to finish it next year...we're gonna find her a husband which will go underneath her but he'll be looking up at her with his wings wrapped around my arm...I want to take my time looking for a guy though...he has to perfect just like her. =]TANG...... I do like the Tat... Especially the Celtic bands ..![]()
Chris, are your lobes gauged? If so, what size if I may ask.
I shot it in monotone, and bumped the contrast WAY up. I then adjusted the level to bring the whites back down in control, and added the Sepia tone aging, just because I like the look of it. I actually spent more time and effort processing that photo than I would have liked, but the end result is pretty decent, I think...I like how that turned out Tyflier very cool constrasty pic!
Hey my ears are gauged to 1/2 inch as well.. Well the bigger holes anyway..