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"Forget the Snakes! What do YOU look like?"

Naw! I don't think it really hurts. Just takes a long time to do. Or at least mine have never hurt.
It should only hurt if you go from a regular piercing up to a much larger size at once. Then THAT would hurt. I just go up a size every couple of weeks. I've gone from regular piercing(about a 16gauge) up to an 8 gauge since February. No real pain except when I found out that my left ear does NOT like plastic in it. That was pretty painful. They're pretty gauges, though and I was ticked royally when I had to take them out!

You can kind of see them here. I'm bigger than that now,though.
My left ear is at 1/2". My right ear is naked...

Sweet. I only went up to a 2. Enough to wear some cool jewelry, and still be able to hide it for job interviews need be (not that it really matters anymore anyway with my industrial, conch, and labret in plain sight.) I'm thinking of going up to 0, maybe. I already have all this jewelry for 2 though..

Here's my left ear. Industrial, conch, lobe. Unfortunately my industrial has been acting up lately, lots up bumping and swelling, time for soaks...I also now have a cbr in the conch.
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Sweet. I only went up to a 2. Enough to wear some cool jewelry, and still be able to hide it for job interviews need be (not that it really matters anymore anyway with my industrial, conch, and labret in plain sight.) I'm thinking of going up to 0, maybe. I already have all this jewelry for 2 though..

Here's my left ear. Industrial, conch, lobe. Unfortunately my industrial has been acting up lately, lots up bumping and swelling, time for soaks...I also now have a cbr in the conch.

I'm thinking a 2 is going to be my limit. I've been really wanting an industrial lately but I have freakishly small ears and I'm not sure how it would look. I would also probably want it in my left ear but that's by "fairy" ear. It's really pointed!
I'm thinking a 2 is going to be my limit. I've been really wanting an industrial lately but I have freakishly small ears and I'm not sure how it would look. I would also probably want it in my left ear but that's by "fairy" ear. It's really pointed!

The industrial has been my biggest pain in the butt piercing (I still wouldn't consider it *fully* healed, it gives me problems on and off, and I've had it for about 2 or 3 years)...but that aside I love it :D
I couldn't do that Industrial, but I have to admit, it's really sexy. Still looks owie, though. *shudder*
The industrial has been my biggest pain in the butt piercing (I still wouldn't consider it *fully* healed, it gives me problems on and off, and I've had it for about 2 or 3 years)...but that aside I love it :D

You're not the first one that I've heard that from. I've heard a lot of people have problems with the industrials. I really want to get my nippies pierced but hubs has put the nix on that one unless I can find a female piercer and they're really hard to come by around here!:p Not to mention I really don't feel like passing out and I know I will!
lol I had 3 holes in each ear.. my tongue done 2x and my Nipple done..and by far.. the nipple hurt the most! LMAO! I am thinking about getting my Lip done :)
lol I had 3 holes in each ear.. my tongue done 2x and my Nipple done..and by far.. the nipple hurt the most! LMAO! I am thinking about getting my Lip done :)

I love mah lip jewelry.

I'm paranoid about jewelry ruining my teeth/gums (it's the reason I took my tongue out, was aggravating my gums too much). So I never wanted a lip piercing even though I loved them so. Then I discovered the vertical labret and within a month I had it done. Healed very fast for me.
I had an industrial for awhile. Also had several other cartilege piercings in the ears, tragus, couple in my nostril, eyebrow...I still wear a 6g tongue ring, and wore an 8g Prince Albert for many years...not any more, though.

Cartilege piercings in general don't heal well. They rarely heal completely and are always susceptible to infection and irritation. That's why I don't have any cartilege piercings anymore. Too bothersome.

All the rest were just decorations. I took them out as the novelty wore off, but I love my left ear and my tongue bar. I've had my tongue at a 6 gauge for so long it feels really wierd when I take it out...close to 10 years at a 6 gauge, and close to 15 since I first had it pierced...
I and wore an 8g Prince Albert for many years ...

I get kind of queasy just imagining having any "bits" pierced. Even when I did my naval I couldn't look at it for almost two hours for fear that I'd pass out. The actual piercing didn't hurt at all, it was the clamp! I had cuts from it for over a week.

When I worked in the ER, we had a slow night and decided everyone should get a belly piercing. Everyone was piercing everyone else and tying them off with feeding tubes until they could get their jewelry. I'm sure we broke more than a few OSHA laws that night. :p