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His first live one!

No, and I wouldn't call you a troll either! I am not trying to suck up or be nice. I am just being honest.

We blew it and some of aren't above admitting we took it too far or tried to get our opinion across in the wrong way. For that I do apologize for

Personally, I do hope you stay. There really are a lot of people on here that are nice and have a wealth of experience in keeping not only corn snakes but many other species as well.
So abusive language and threats towards others earns me a ban. Since we are taking about opinions, and this goes for everyone, you don't shove your opinion down peoples throats.probably not the best thing to do. I'm going to take an hour and decide Barry's future. I think I'm going to start a new post similar to kony 2012. Lets save Barry. I want all of your "opinions" on how to save Barry, and don't hold back, his fate is in your hands.
Before you do that, I know it may mean nothing or something but I'm sorry if I took it to far. I was trying to add something funny to a situation that I was not aware of the extent. I hope that you do stay. I also hope that you take to heart what most of these people will do to save an animal they don't know, barley heard of and who has a owner who may be irritating.(no offeness meant.).

Again I am truley sorry I posted that, I was ignorant of the situation and had no idea it may come to you giving up your snake.
I'm not sure where this is going?? you say that you realized feeding killed prey is better, then talk of selling him or letting him go into the wild??? Now you want US to decide your snakes fate??

I get that your angry, but it almost sounds like this is now being taken out on the snake instead of the people who angered you!!

If you truly don't want him because of something someone said, send him to me!! He'll have great home and no matter how badly anyone here or on other forums "pisses me off" he would still have a home!!
I am done. I tried and now you use the "fate of your snake" to progress this further. I understand you are mad and have every right to be but using the life or death of your snake at your own hand is beyond bizarre to me. Really tho, I hope that you dont kill your snake out of anger caused by a bunch of people you dont know.

You can always log out of the forum and never log back in.
So abusive language and threats towards others earns me a ban. Since we are taking about opinions, and this goes for everyone, you don't shove your opinion down peoples throats.probably not the best thing to do. I'm going to take an hour and decide Barry's future. I think I'm going to start a new post similar to kony 2012. Lets save Barry. I want all of your "opinions" on how to save Barry, and don't hold back, his fate is in your hands.

my last 2 cents, regarding the Kony 2012 comment
I hope you people understand that it has to come to this to get you to be understanding of other people. Who knows how many users have not come back cause of your judgements!
We understand that completely. Some of us have apologized to you for our judgement. Most people have a tad thicker skin and have stuck around and have become contributing members of this community. We are all only human, we make mistakes. In the heat of emotions things are said. But it takes the bigger person to apologize and to accept apologies.
I hope you people understand that it has to come to this to get you to be understanding of other people. Who knows how many users have not come back cause of your judgements!

OK umm enough with the "SNAKE FATE".

Many people use the excuse "drastic things have to happen or it has to come to this in order for people to understand"

That is what most dictators say to MAKE people understand they are going to do something drastic to show that they are right? Is that really the way to go about things?

NA thats not how it works.

1 - You made the post with the live feeding
2 - Members expressed their thoughts and yes some more than others
3 - You took alot out of context or found it offensive

BUT GUESS WHAT??? Its a forum at the end of the day, either you take the advise or you don't.

But NEVER use an animals fate as an escape goat. SPECIALLY when you know for a FACT you won't harm it or let it go as there was a young voice in that video that most likely is attached that that pet snake now.

CALM, THINK and then THINK again.
Well then. Legion just showed the bad side of live feeders. The issue is, many people will think you are like him. The fact that he gets a sexual thrill from this is disgusting. There are responsible live feeders, and you guage are trying your best for your snake to get a good life out of this. But Legion gives us snake fans a bad name, and people got upset and angry at you because they thought you got that thrill from it.

I don't think he took anything out of context! There were downright rude and nasty comments made, and half the time he wasnt saying a word. Forthermore, anyone only apologized for being nasty after he divulged that he would no longer feed live! That makes me think some people think it's OK to insult others who don't share their opinion.

That being said..

One of the most admirable qualities in man is to accept apologies gracefully; afterall, apologies come from places of kindness, no matter the context in which they're said!

Also, to dangle your pets fate over those who insulted you serms melodramatic to me, and will only bolster their original negative opinion of you.
No, you weren't. You were simply a guy asking a question and some people don't have the social skills to properly discuss contentious issues. However, even as a play to be heard, threatening the life or well-being of your snake put you on the same level as those you are railing against. Be better than that!!

You don't have to take anyone's advice on how to feed your snake, you know that!! But reacting in the way you did kinda put even my nose out of joint, and I am HARD to offend!!

Just remember that on ANY FORUM there are going to be those who attack, and those that explain. YOU just need to figure out which ones to talk to and which ones to ignore.

Personally, those who cannot treat my questions and concerns with respect are completely ignored as if they are not even a part of the forum and I learn from those with social skills. It has worked very well for me and I am on 3 different forums!

give it a shot!!

To the OP I watched the video and read this thread. I do feel that you snake is not a good candidate to eat live especially since he takes f/t. I had a king that I fed live to because that is all that she would eat and even with her doing it right 99% of the time she got bit once while I was watching. So I agree with the others here that f/t is best.

I do apologize that you felt attacked and are angered right now. I really hope that you don't take it out on the snake. It is not his fault. Everyone has learned from this, I think.

I thought you guys knew better than this.

TBH I am sick of seeing these. These stupid pictures keep getting posted in threads that I don't think the original purpose was to troll and they just get everyone even more riled up. Please I am begging you don't place these in a thread that there is a doubt that the OB isn't a troll.
Look, we apologized. Several times. You are the one going on. I thought you cared about him for real but if you get so angry that you threaten to kill him over people online then you shouldn't have him. Please do sell him.
I know you are better than this. I could tell by the way you talked on the video that you loved him. But now you are getting freaked out. Please calm down. After apologizing and offering advice you are still angered. We have no more to offer. I completly have forgiven you for some of the things you said to close friends, and I offered a sincere apology to from all of those who are too stubburn to do so and myself. Don't get angry at your snake over this. Please, do not insult us, for people had calmed down but if you insult us we will defend ourselves. Some of the people in this forum who are argueing will not be the grown up and stop the insults so please do so yourself.
And yes. Barry is adorable. I know you really care for him. You are being a responsible owner here, I noted the changes in that picture. You have learned all you could so now there is no reason for the argument to go on.