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How do you feel about God.

Blind faith can and often does prove deadly. Look at the folks who tried to catch a ride on hale bop. Holy Crusades, witch hunts, one does not have to look far. I don't mind people having some pretty far out beliefs. I do mind when those blind beliefs can so easily make their followers commit suicide, rape, murder, etc. and feel justified in doing so. I'm not afraid of any god. I am afraid of what people will do in the name of their god.
Carpe, I challenge you to show me the stats on your current argument. Because it seems like you just pulled it out of your rectum.
I should like to add. That truly believing in something, shows in the way you live your life. Saying that you believe in something does not mean you are religious. It makes you a liar.
I should like to add. That truly believing in something, shows in the way you live your life. Saying that you believe in something does not mean you are religious. It makes you a liar.

Your first request, does not go unnoticed. I will gladly provide you with that information. As for this comment however, I do believe in many things. I just try not to believe in things blindly. For instance, I believe that you don't have to spank children to get them to behave. I've never spanked my kids and they are very well behaved. I believe in empathy. I believe in compassion. I believe in love. I believe that we have this one life and then we cease to exist. I believe these beliefs make each and every moment more important than if one believed that one would live for an eternity and be forgiven for past transgressions by some almighty higher power. I believe that worrying about sinning or going to hell is not the right reason to do good. I believe that a just and caring god would not care if you believed in him or not. That god if she/he existed would be above caring what we believed about him or her as long as we tried to live the best life we could. If we lived with compassion, empathy, caring, love for one another... that would be enough for any just god.
Mind you, there are studies showing that you don't have to spank children to get them to behave. There are even countries that have outlawed spanking. Just like you don't have to beat an animal to get it to behave or learn. I don't believe these things blindly. That is the difference, there is a world of difference between believing things blindly and learning and applying knowledge. Sweden is one such country that has banned spanking, but there are 30 countries that have banned spanking. Sure, some hold the belief that spanking is necessary to have well behaved kids. The research simply doesn't show that however to be fact. It is another unfounded blind belief many have however. Just like the belief that you choose whether to be straight or homosexual. I don't hold that blind belief either. I never chose to be straight. I was born that way.
Blind beliefs such as spanking is the only way to have well behaved kids is detrimental to a child's emotional well-being. Children need to be nurtured, not tortured.

Chasten thy son while there is hope, and let not thy soul spare for his crying.
Proverbs 19:18

Prov 13:24: He that spareth his rod hateth his son: but he that loveth him chasteneth him betimes

Proverbs 23:13: Withhold not correction from the child: for if thou beatest him with the rod, he shall not die.

People hold onto these beliefs blindly though. Religion instills in these rules as fact and people continue to beat their children even though the research is there that shows you don't have to beat your children to get them to behave. Thankfully, at least 30 countries are enlightened enough to have done away with this erroneous belief.
Whoever strikes his father or mother shall be put to death. Exodus 21:15

I don't know about you, but how many of us could ever believe that?

All who curse their father or mother must be put to death. They are guilty of a capital offense. Leviticus 20:9

I can't honestly imagine any of my children cursing me or hitting me as I have never shown them this is okay by doing this to them. We have only shown them love, compassion, and empathy and that is all they know how to respond with when dealing with me. I am proud that we have a child in college, one in the military, and one who is about to enter her teens. I think we have done a good job and we did it all without religion or blind beliefs. I am happy that my children gladly offer to volunteer to clean up highways, feed the poor, etc. You can be good without god or blind beliefs.
Mind you, there are studies showing that you don't have to spank children to get them to behave. There are even countries that have outlawed spanking. Just like you don't have to beat an animal to get it to behave or learn. I don't believe these things blindly. That is the difference, there is a world of difference between believing things blindly and learning and applying knowledge. Sweden is one such country that has banned spanking, but there are 30 countries that have banned spanking. Sure, some hold the belief that spanking is necessary to have well behaved kids. The research simply doesn't show that however to be fact. It is another unfounded blind belief many have however. Just like the belief that you choose whether to be straight or homosexual. I don't hold that blind belief either. I never chose to be straight. I was born that way.


Actually,Apparently, all you have to do is threaten them with "God is watching you"

They did a story on this...... "Did We Create God" with Morgan freeman narrating. it was on the discovery channel.
1st "study" did not mention whether or not those in prison "found" religion once in, or claimed to have that belief while committing the crime... Many stories about people turning to religion once locked up.

A quote from the author of the second "study" you posted,
I don’t mean to use the numbers to say that being religious MAKES you commit crime… but i think it’s fair to conclude that being religious DOESN’T PREVENT YOU FROM BECOMING A CRIMINAL!
I agree with this quote, because being religious does not stop you from being human.

Your third "study" is extremely biased, and that is pointed out in the first comment at the bottom of the article, in much better words than I could come up with.

Actually, Using these types of statistics (From the first and second "studies") does not really show very well. I could just as easily pick and choose prison stats for various large cities to prove that minorities commit the majority of violent crimes in the nation. When you use statistics for such a large area, especially for making a point against anything, be it religion, or minority, or whatever, and the majority of the people in that area are a certain way. It is easily understandable that the majority of the prisoners in that area will reflect the population. So please, try again. Because you are not changing my mind on the situation...

Also, if you are wondering why I keep saying "studies" instead of studies, it is because the articles that you have posted are not actually studies, but full of opinion by the authors... And, the first one is actually a wikipedia type article, which would be laughed at by any college professor that I have ever had.
Blind beliefs such as spanking is the only way to have well behaved kids is detrimental to a child's emotional well-being. Children need to be nurtured, not tortured.

Chasten thy son while there is hope, and let not thy soul spare for his crying.
Proverbs 19:18

Prov 13:24: He that spareth his rod hateth his son: but he that loveth him chasteneth him betimes

Proverbs 23:13: Withhold not correction from the child: for if thou beatest him with the rod, he shall not die.

People hold onto these beliefs blindly though. Religion instills in these rules as fact and people continue to beat their children even though the research is there that shows you don't have to beat your children to get them to behave. Thankfully, at least 30 countries are enlightened enough to have done away with this erroneous belief.

Every spanking I received was well deserved. I would not be who I am today without having been punished for my actions. And, I can assure you that the punishments fit the crime ever time. Beating your children are different. My parents were just as fast to spank me, as they were to reward my good behavior, and were always there for me when I needed to be nurtured.
Every spanking I received was well deserved. I would not be who I am today without having been punished for my actions. And, I can assure you that the punishments fit the crime ever time. Beating your children are different. My parents were just as fast to spank me, as they were to reward my good behavior, and were always there for me when I needed to be nurtured.

I believe you believe this. Some people who are raped and beaten also believe that this treatment was well deserved. Some even empathize with their captors and take up their cause. There are of course studies on this as well.