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How do you feel about God.

These are meta-analysis studies... and many studies going back 60-80 years.... they don't tell you much? I totally understand your bias though. It is often hard to know when and where to draw the line when choosing to spank. Why even put yourself and your children through that if you don't have to? Faster is not always better. There are many more studies out there for you to look at. A cursory glance at a few studies does not help as much as an indepth study of them and really trying to see both sides of the argument.


The research is out there that shows that spanking is detrimental to a childs well-being. 30 countries have outlawed spanking and with good reasons. You can have your blind beliefs, just don't expect those that actually research to follow those blind beliefs. People have been beating animals, raping, murdering, killing in the name of their god, etc. for a long time as well. It doesn't make these acts right however.

I think every time a kid does something wrong they need to get a good hard whopping. How can we remove their independence and curious spirit if we don't spank it out of them? I'm sick and tired of bratty kids who think for themselves and think they should have human rights or something. I mean who do they think they are not minding every single word their maker tells them and thinking they can avoid the pain of a belt? How are they ever going to grow up to be mindless, brainless well behaved members of society if we don't beat the free thinking independence out of them? How are we ever going to make them work for us and go to war and kill for us if we don't first remove their natural independence and free thinking with a little pain therapy?

Someday they will grow up and tell your how important getting hit was and how much they needed it. And how much they love their parents for hitting them. And they'll set their own bratty kids in line with the same love.
I think every time a kid does something wrong they need to get a good hard whopping. How can we remove their independence and curious spirit if we don't spank it out of them? I'm sick and tired of bratty kids who think for themselves and think they should have human rights or something. I mean who do they think they are not minding every single word their maker tells them and thinking they can avoid the pain of a belt? How are they ever going to grow up to be mindless, brainless well behaved members of society if we don't beat the free thinking independence out of them? How are we ever going to make them work for us and go to war and kill for us if we don't first remove their natural independence and free thinking with a little pain therapy?

Someday they will grow up and tell your how important getting hit was and how much they needed it. And how much they love their parents for hitting them. And they'll set their own bratty kids in line with the same love.

I couldn't agree with you more. I think at least one reason many people in the USA approve of spanking so much is simply because the infallible bible is full of references telling parents its okay to spank children. Its even okay to beat them to death if they curse or hit you in some religions.

For every one that curses his father or his mother shall be surely put to death: he has cursed his father or his mother; his blood shall be upon him.
Leviticus 20:9

Now, I'm no god, but I could not consider myself a moral human if I ever did this or made a rule to that effect that others should abide by.
My kids can be brats. I have spanked them and disciplined them. However, I have always given them just as much love as I did disciplined. I taught them morals and values and to open minded to life. I think I did a pretty damn good job. However, once they turn 18, they are on their own. I can only hope that I taught to be outstanding, caring adults.

I even have a special needs son who suffers from a lot of different issues. He is one of the most kindest kid out there.
Ok ok ok.... Sure I get it! But seriously.....what does beating your child have to do with god...aliens....and the whole "where did we come from? " of it all?
Lol, just kidding....

So... The OP's original question was: "what do you think of god?"

I think God must surely be of alien origin.
Ok ok ok.... Sure I get it! But seriously.....what does beating your child have to do with god...aliens....and the whole "where did we come from? " of it all?

So... The OP's original question was: "what do you think of god?"
There is a reason bible believers call their god "Father." It's the exact same abuse mentality. Only the "the Fathers" belt is called hell. And they like nothing more than placing the fear of the Father in you. Fear him, or get the belt.
It all apart of how to make human robots 101. Just another brick in wall.
There is a reason bible believers call their god "Father." It's the exact same abuse mentality. Only the "the Fathers" belt is called hell. And they like nothing more than placing the fear of the Father in you. Fear him, or get the belt.
It all apart of how to make human robots 101. Just another brick in wall.

Says someone that is truely ignorant of spiritual belief...

Joining many of my friends now.
Says someone that is truely ignorant of spiritual belief...

Joining many of my friends now.
I'm not talking about yours (or anyone Else's individual "spirituality") I'm talking about a message in ONE particular book. I can quote it if you like, but I don't think that's necessary.
Ok ok ok.... Sure I get it! But seriously.....what does beating your child have to do with god...aliens....and the whole "where did we come from? " of it all?
Lol, just kidding....

So... The OP's original question was: "what do you think of god?"

I think God must surely be of alien origin.

What does spanking have to do with gods, religion, blind belief... if one reads the bible for instance, there are many references to spanking and even beating a child to death if need be for disrespect. So, religious beliefs about what is considered okay or moral definitely affect how we treat our children. That is the relevance. Religious beliefs can and have even impacted how we treat members of the opposite sex as well as those that practice same sex relationships... one need only open up and study religions to see this.
There is a reason bible believers call their god "Father." It's the exact same abuse mentality. Only the "the Fathers" belt is called hell. And they like nothing more than placing the fear of the Father in you. Fear him, or get the belt.
It all apart of how to make human robots 101. Just another brick in wall.

"You can't have your pudding if you don't eat your meat."
I think it's in a book.

I'm feeling spiritually uplifted already. Drunk on God or something.

{Edited}, to maybe get a chance at the after-life, if there is an afterlife.
Last edited:
I want to know what the bible really says. Not any translation, but the original words... But to do that I would have to learn another language, and while I would love to do that, it will probably be too hard for me to grasp anyways. Since, the bible is up for interpretation. Why else would we have so many different Christian religions?
I want to know what the bible really says. Not any translation, but the original words... But to do that I would have to learn another language, and while I would love to do that, it will probably be too hard for me to grasp anyways. Since, the bible is up for interpretation. Why else would we have so many different Christian religions?

Not to mention you'd have to fight through powers that be to get to the scrolls.

Something's are just not ment for civilians to know.

Big brother knows best! ;)

Dang cell phone & auto correct! Which oddly enough...is almost never correct???
What does spanking have to do with gods, religion, blind belief... if one reads the bible for instance, there are many references to spanking and even beating a child to death if need be for disrespect. So, religious beliefs about what is considered okay or moral definitely affect how we treat our children. That is the relevance. Religious beliefs can and have even impacted how we treat members of the opposite sex as well as those that practice same sex relationships... one need only open up and study religions to see this.


Was kidding? Even said so!
I want to know what the bible really says. Not any translation, but the original words... But to do that I would have to learn another language, and while I would love to do that, it will probably be too hard for me to grasp anyways. Since, the bible is up for interpretation. Why else would we have so many different Christian religions?

You know Outcast that is a very good point. Back in the day only Priest could read the bible and then come the king james version which was translated by a bunch of spiritual leaders.

I had sat down my mom and grandma when I was about 17 and started asking all kinds of questions about the bible. I was confused because my step mom and dad made me goes to a kingdom hall of Jehovah Witnesses. Anyways, my mom said that in the very first sentence of Genesis that the translation for the create could of meant several things such as create or reorganize and others. Now plug in reorganize to that sentence and it makes a bit more sense and could explain how dinosaurs lived before humans ect.

Now I still dont know exactly what I believe personal but anything is possible in the large scheme of life.
I agree Rich. The vatican knows more than they let on about what was really stated in the original texts.

I think I saw someone mention the books that were not allowed into the bible. I believe that at least a few of these books were being written at the same time they were putting the bible together, and a couple were even written after the bible was put together.

I do agree with those of you stating that the Bible is a man made object. It is subject to the interpretations of those who read it. And, while I do not like organized religion, very much myself, I believe that spirituality can bind communities together.
There is also a reason the bible has two parts. The old and the new. Many things changed between the two. No longer were the practices of the old testament being practice. Jesus came to change that. Or something... I am not well versed in the bible. My husband is but he is at work so I can bounce things off his head. Although, I must say his beliefs have changed with age. No longer is he a devote Christian. His travels all of the world changed the way he saw things or viewed things. He is still educating himself in spirituality of all religions.
Any sufficiently advanced technology will appear to be magic to those ignorant of the technology. And I'm sure those entities able to wield such advanced technology will equally appear to be as gods to the uninitiated.

So why are there different religions? In ancient times, there were Gods (plural) referred to. Is there a valid reason for that? If the religions of today are all referring to the SAME God, then why the conflicts? And IF there is a God, why would he or she allow his people to kill one another based on minor opinions about him or her?

Modern man always tends to presume that we are smarter than the generations that came before us. But why would that necessarily be true? Suppose a cataclysm took place tomorrow wiping out all but a handful of humanity. What technologies would be completely lost that might never again be discovered by the survivors? What knowledge would be lost that could never be recovered? Would the subsequent generations necessarily be smarter than those of the past? How do you define "smarter" anyway?

The scary thing is that the universe is an extremely hostile environment. Stars explode. Galaxies collide. Black holes suck down everything that surrounds them. Pieces of broken planets and exploded stars are flying all over the place at incredibly destructive velocities. Look at the moon. Those are IMPACT craters. THIS is the universe we live in. It is cold, uncaring, and dangerous for anything living. This planet could be completely destroyed at any time by any number of quirks of this uncaring universe. I think this is much harder to come to grips with then creating an intelligent entity that doles out punishment and rewards based on behavior, to try to explain this in a way that feels more comfortable. Grasping the possible truth that you are alive today merely based on nothing more than pure luck is a pretty bitter pill to swallow.