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Cant wall on water but from what Im reading here it does seem I have the amazing ability to see throw this entire lake of bull

Paul, have you ever gone through serious depression or known someone who has? Depression does crazy things to your own personal perspectives.
Some times, you snap out of it and other times you just are not seeing what is going on around you.

People here are willing to help the man to clean up and get the help he needs. They are willing to rehab and help these animals for him. Once Robbie is back on his feet and animals are doing better, yeah. i like to to see him get back into this. But I will give you this, if it becomes a cycle and a bad habit well, I will not be there for support the second time.
That person who offered to take the mojave was me. And I'm female, BTW.

As it is, Robbie is not logging in here. He posted critters for SALE here. At this time, we wait. If nothing changes, we act.

I'm in Ohio. Robbie is in Florida. I can't just go over and MAKE him fix it.

Once again, my point. Angry, antagonistic posts aren't gonna fix anything, so why do it?
You know what trickster, I have lasted from 2007-2010. I got up went to work, got on with life, every night I was sad and cried, but I never neglected my 30 Animals, never let it get the best of me. You want to talk depression? THERE ARE STARVING KIDS IN AFRICA*and other places 'round the world* DYING EVERYDAY. THEY have a reason to be depressed, NO family. People lkive on the street with NOTHING. They have reasons to be SEVERELY depressed. We here living in North America with enough money for clothes on our back shelter and SNAKES have no reason to be so depressed as to let things die. "Depression" crap may work on some of you, not on me.
I don't think much will fix it - not even cyber-support. As much as I hate to say it.

Seems like a severe issue for someone to not have control over their own animals. Seemingly so because we all treat them like they were our own kids.
I've always thought of snakes/lizards etc being much easier to care for then dogs and cats.

Who knows. Just seems like if this were the case with anybody else who didn't have his reputation that most people would be pouncing on him to point out his flaws and cast him out.
Depression needs a REASON justifiable to others?

Mayhap your ability to diagnose WHO is allowed to be depressed should be discussed here?

So break-ups, job issues, emotional and mental upheaval no longer things that can trigger the PHYSICAL AILMENT that is depression?

Come on. Do some research into mental illness. Just because others have it worse then you doesn't magically make depression go away!

What would the authorities do, honestly? Other then promote bad press, possible euthanasia of animals that may not need it, and an ADDITIONAL traumatic experience to someone exhibiting the signs of the mental and PHYSICAL condition we call depression?
Just so you guys all know. Robbies internet got turned off yesterday. Hence probably why he's not responding to any of this since his last post.

Paul-dominic, I don't know a thing about you, but I'd be willing to say and am saying you are an idiot.
Seemingly so because we all treat them like they were our own kids.

Aint it the truth a lot of us few our animals as our little babies, he let his little babies rot away in cages and die, your love and support wont bring back those dead animals, you people in his area or in the US calling the proper authorities would atleast sabe the rest--but screw it lets try the love and lets wait for more to die.
We're the people that can help him AND the animals. He just has to SHIP THEM TO US.


Overwhelmed happens. If he's bringing people into his home, he's ASKING for a change. Many of us are just NOT THERE, and this is the best avenue.
Oh and to people who are going on about depression, Shut up and stop being a bitch, depressions no excuse for letting animals die so stfu about it.

You're absolutely right... it's no excuse. But it can be a reason. I don't know everyone here as well as most. In this "family" I'm like the cousin from out of town that no one really remembers. But I do know the kind of depression that is being described. It's not the "life sucks and I don't care" kind of thing. It's not a choice. It's the kind of illness that makes you physically unable to do the things you need to do, or even the things you want to do. The kind of illness that glues you to the couch watching the same show that you don't even like over and over, where you are so immobilized that you can't even bring yourself to stand up and get a drink even after being thirsty for four hours. For no reason... you want to, but you just can't, and you think it's your fault because maybe you're lazy or just a bad person and you hate yourself because of it. And you know something is wrong but you're terrified of anyone finding out because you think it's all your fault... but it's NOT your fault. It is a real illness and you cannot just make it go away.

I have no idea if this is what Robbie is going through. All of this information is secondhand to me. But if he is, then as terrible and inexcusable as his actions may be, he genuinely may not have control over them. It is scary but it is real. It is very difficult to understand if you have not experienced it, and I hope you never have or will.

An intervention for such a state is terrifying for the person involved but unfortunately necessary for acceptance and to start getting help. That being said though... the effectiveness could be ineffective in such a public and open setting. I do not want to get into my life, but let's just say... there's a relevant reason why I've been gone for five months. Bringing something this out for the world to see, I'd come up with any kind of excuse to deny my problem and defend myself.

Anyway, I wish the best of luck to Robbie and all parties involved. I doubt I could be of any help, but I'm here if you need me.
No one chooses to have a mental illness or disorder.... but I think it is our personal responsibility as human beings to do something about animal cruelty when we see it. It's our obligation to report abuse....the snakes can't ask for help.
Which is why we are here ASKING him to rehome the animals.

Who better to rehab a bunch of snakes then snake people?

Just saying.

I'm giving him 2 weeks. Then we flail at more direct measures.

But that's just me.
I don't even know where to start with you. I really don't. So I guess I'll go post by post.
I literally cannot believe what I'm reading here...Is this some kind of damn joke? After seeing all that you guys have seen, read what you've read you're still posting you love Robbie? You CARE about Robbie? CRAP! Its a damn shame Robbie here doesn't seem to LOVE or CARE about his animals.

I am honestly sickened by your guys responses. You found dead animals, mites, lethargic animals and you say you love this guy? Is this the way we should treat people who abuse animals? With love? Holy CRAP!

And its "ok" because he is "depressed"? Well if a mother becomes depressed and she neglects her child, doesnt feed it or give it anything to drink and it dies--is that alright? Are we gonna FIX that with Love and support? I mean thats what Robbie here did, he just let animals die around him, instead of giving them up or anything like that he let them sit there with empty bellies dehydrated as mites feasted on their blood and they died. Robbie doesn't deserve any love, he KILLED animals Then he bought 6 more snakes.

Hey Robbie, I dont love you and you're a ing idiot.

PS: Im not moved by anyones love or this "caring" forum, you're all ridiculous.
When all is said and done, animals are animals and people are people. It's sad that so many of his animals died from neglect, but anyone who's seen any of Robbie's discussions on husbandry knows it's not because he doesn't know how to care for them, which can only mean he just couldn't. Your sympathy for someone going through an extremely difficult part of their life is shocking and I dearly hope you receive exactly the same amount the next time you're in a touch spot.
Oh and to people who are going on about depression, Shut up and stop being a bitch, depressions no excuse for letting animals die so stfu about it.
Depression is a mental illness, not just "bawww I feel sad today". It completely overtakes a person and causes their thoughts to be altered. It's not "being a bitch" and frankly I'm outraged that you'd say that such a debilitating (in some cases) issue is so petty.
I think the best way to help Robbie is to send the authorities over to his house, I just read someone offered to TAKE a Mojave BP from him and he said "He'd give the guy a good price". Sounds to me like Someone doesnt think he needs to be hellped or doesnt want help.
What would they even do? Most people would probably think that's normal husbandry for reptiles... the general public still holds strong to the idea of snakes only eating once a year, you know.
Cant wall on water but from what Im reading here it does seem I have the amazing ability to see throw this entire lake of bull
It's not bull at all. It's concern for a friend or even in most people's case just a general e-acquaintance in a time of need.
You know what trickster, I have lasted from 2007-2010. I got up went to work, got on with life, every night I was sad and cried, but I never neglected my 30 Animals, never let it get the best of me. You want to talk depression? THERE ARE STARVING KIDS IN AFRICA*and other places 'round the world* DYING EVERYDAY. THEY have a reason to be depressed, NO family. People lkive on the street with NOTHING. They have reasons to be SEVERELY depressed. We here living in North America with enough money for clothes on our back shelter and SNAKES have no reason to be so depressed as to let things die. "Depression" crap may work on some of you, not on me.
Again, depression is not "crap". If you're so much more concerned with the troubles of children in Africa (by the way, Africa is not the 'starving black kids' continent people seem to think it is... many places are like that but there are also many prosperous places as well, and furthermore there are people starving and dying on the streets in North America, too.) then go join the Peace Corp or whatever Canada's equivalent is and go spend your time there, instead of antagonizing a man in a terrible state of affairs over the internet.
Aint it the truth a lot of us few our animals as our little babies, he let his little babies rot away in cages and die, your love and support wont bring back those dead animals, you people in his area or in the US calling the proper authorities would atleast sabe the rest--but screw it lets try the love and lets wait for more to die.
Again, in the end they are just animals. They died of neglect and that's terrible, but they were neglected because their owner is in a very difficult point in his life. Your opinions are really not welcome here and if they're so important for you to express you should do it in PM, rather than forcing everyone to read through your vitriolic drivel.
Which is why we are here ASKING him to rehome the animals.

I just wish he was not trying to SELL them at normal price when we know they are not in prime condition. I hope if Robbie is still watching this, he realises that rehoming the animals is the priority...not making money.
I just wish he was not trying to SELL them at normal price when we know they are not in prime condition. I hope if Robbie is still watching this, he realises that rehoming the animals is the priority...not making money.

That was why I worded it as I did.
Again, in the end they are just animals. They died of neglect and that's terrible, but they were neglected because their owner is in a very difficult point in his life. Your opinions are really not welcome here and if they're so important for you to express you should do it in PM, rather than forcing everyone to read through your vitriolic drivel.

The thing is - I think most people on here just don't think it's a valid reason to neglect caring for animals - even as they keep buying more.

I don't know Robbie personally. I'm viewing this "issue" as I would with any other person in the hobby doing the same to their collection.
No its not Corey.

There are a lot of things I would like to say but sadly I can't get to a computer, just my phone. And it would take far to long to type it all out on my phone. But I will say this. You all wanted him to do something about his pets, he has put them up for sale and has made arrangements for homing on others. what else would you like him to do? Give away several $1000 worth of snakes.

You all talk about how depressed he is yet I see a number people that call him friend airing dirty laundry on a international level. There is a reason an "intervention" is done in the privacy of a home. Mostly because if done wrong, as this one was, it can be disastrous. I'm sure that's going to do wonders for his depression. You all talk about how he doesn't take care of his pets but no one mentions how he went without food for himself because he took an animal to the vet. Magic has had the hair issue since he had fleas. The flea issue is under control and has been. The hair just hasn't grown back. Kiyoshi, the green rat, has been wheezing since before he came into possession. And was taken to the vet for it. Even they said its just something with the snake cause medication didn't do a thing. The rack in discussion was purchased from a highly respected breeder, and housed full adults before Robbie purchased it.

I am sure you all mean well, and a good number of you have shown care and concern, but there was a better place and time to do this.

I do have more to say, but like I said I'm on my phone. Please excuse any grammatical errors.
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