I wrote this to continue a debate....but it mainly turned into a history review....lol.
The guy in your signature that you find so admirable as to publicly identify him with yourself ( hence 'your guy') Jefferson Davis wrote that gem.
Do you even realize that Ole Jeff Davis was AGAINST succession from the union? He urged for the preservation of the union. He only served once it happened, anyway, because he did believe that each state was sovereign. Since the constitution WAS designed as a treaty among sovereign states, can you blame him for that? You call the man who tried to keep the union together (until it split up against his wishes) and believed in the constitution according to its original intent a traitor? I have to ask - a traitor to WHAT exactly? Maybe he was a racist - I can't argue that. However, so was Lincoln....and probably ~99% of the whites in the US at the time. Even the whites running the underground railroad didn't generally consider the escaped slaves "good enough" to eat at the family table so to speak. Being against slavery and being a racist were NOT mutually exclusive.
With all that said, the man is in no way brilliant nor a good leader. He was a horrible micro-manager of people under him and within his country. He printed excess money to pay for bills ignoring run-away inflation. He put bad people in important jobs because he liked them. For the record, I'm still talking about Jeff Davis no matter HOW much this sounds like I am describing
Obama now. LOL.
Oh, and the brother-against-brother thing wasn't unique to that war of civil unrest. That seems to be the case in practically any such war. It'll be like that in the next one if things get that bad. (There I go again using an IF-THEN statement knowing full well that people will misunderstand it.....LOL.)
Now, since we're onto the bailout (not sure why we're there when this is a discussion of the ORIGINAL Obama speech. The revised one was very general and nothing new so I'd say thanks for the inspiration but I need to do some math)
BINGO. Some people claim, "See - there was nothing to get mad about!" but if there wouldn't have been the uproar, then there would have been. The revised speech was seemingly due to the public uproar. Personally, I'm PROUD of what Americans did to cause
Obama to change his speech. I haven't heard it (yet), but what I have heard about it makes it sound like a good speech. Great. The original intended one DESERVED the outrage, though. I'm proud of people that raised hell after seeing through his insidious plans.
Let's remember that the banks actually failed during the Clinton administration and the Dems (Barney Frank, the wiley old fart) offered to help them out AS LONG AS they gave out loans and housing loans to those who could not afford them otherwise. This is where every economist, businessman, and politician in the world should have gone, "Wait... what?" but they didn't. Banks decided to capitalize and make some money putting them at fault as well, but this deal should NEVER have been offered in the first place.
Shhhhh! Don't talk about the Fair Housing Act that led to this since the Democrats voted it in. Don't talk how "their" law made banks give loans to people with low pay and poor credit. Don't talk about how BUSH'S administration warned about this and the bipartisan Congress (might have been dominated by Dems by then - I'm not sure) ignored the warning. Don't talk about that. After all, IT IS ALL BUSH'S FAULT! Everything - even what the dems did - is Bush's fault. The Democrats passing the largest spending bill in history without even reading it is all Bush's fault. Bush screwed up a lot, but even the things other Parties did is HIS FAULT! Get that through your thick skull, P!
Couple people said:
A flat tax is an over-simplification that can not work in an overly complex society - like ours - unless you give up all hopes for equality in payments (and that usually ends up with pressure to overhaul the system into something new). Supporting a true flat tax just shows the lack of knowledge by the supporter. Wasn't Huckabee (spelling) pushing a sales tax? If so, that is not a flat tax. Again, flat taxes don't work. If you try to fix it with exceptions, then it is no longer a flat tax! Realize the "poor" will have to pay a higher percentage than they do now to cover for the lower percentage paid by the "wealthy" - unless the boost to the economy from such a system was LARGE and permanent. "Large" is an unlikely result, and no economy can grow permanently as long as resources are fintie...and all resources eventually "become" finite.
The sales tax might work. though. I'd like to see exceptions on food and medications (at least generic medications). In other words, no tax on the BARE necessities. Maybe even a lower tax on "utility" clothing or something. HOWEVER, the sales tax could generate as much money for the gov as the needed, and people that make more (who spend more) WOULD pay more. The "rich" wouldn't be able to buy exceptions. The poor wouldn't have to pay it. If they can't afford that TV with the tax on it, they just don't buy it. They don't REQUIRE a TV, anyway. People that DON'T want to support the regime could just NOT buy things. Save it, invest it, burn it, but more food - whatever. You'd KNOW what you were paying as you paid it. It wouldn't be stolen from you since you don't HAVE to buy luxury items, etc. Would it hurt some businesses? Sure - maybe. BUT if one takes home more money, then they can SPEND more money. It should come pretty close to balancing out in the end, anyway.
I DO support a sales tax. I do not support a true flat tax - I don't believe it is sustainable even in the short term.
OT: Do y'all realize that the division of the IRS that handles inheritance tax LOOSES money? it is negative. It costs us more to collect inheritance taxes than we make. If it was repealed, we could save money AND people could keep Daddy's earnings. Of course, the idea of the inheritance tax was NEVER for the revenue. The real purpose (which isn't hidden - this is not paranoia...just truth) should be pretty obvious to everyone.
why I find the outrage over the Obama speech a little overblown.
The outrage was over the parts he choose not to say....thankfully. I'm proud that it apparently resulted in a change. The speech he did give sounds like it WAS a good one...and I'm glad. I'm also VERY glad that a number of schools choose to educate their kids instead of showing it no matter what it said. The only time I EVER remember watching the "news" in school was when the Challenger blew up. That's about the way I think it should be, too......unless they are shown as comparisons (different speakers) in an unbiased social studies class.
Oh, and why did the "Great Emancipator" take two years to draft the Emancipation Proclomation? If the war was being fought over slavery, why wasn't that article drafted almost immediately after SC secceded? Not that you will, but dig and you will find that answer also. You can never trust ANY politician of ANY party.
Can I guess? I'd guess that it was because he really wasn't fighting to end slavery. Lincoln had no goals about ending it - he just wanted the FIGHT among the states to end - when he got elected. He himself said he didn't know what to do. He did NOT say, we will end slavery. Maybe it was partially because he himself had said "blacks are not the equal of white." Lincoln isn't the good guy history has made him look like. (FYI for those that don't know it, the great southern heros like Lee and Jackson didn't really support slavery - they just felt it was in God's hands to end. They fought because they couldn't go against their homeland - they did not fight to KEEP slavery as a policy. Before thinking otherwise, people that attack these guys should at least TRY to find out the slavery situation on Lee's farm when the war started......and what he had been doing years previously.)
Oooooo, and don't forget that the Emancipation Proclamation didn't free a SINGLY slave - and Lincoln new it. Read it. It freed slaves in lands owned by a foreign government (the CSA). It didn't free a single slave in the union OR in lands in the CSA that were currently under USA control. Repeat - Lincoln only "freed" slaves in an area that they had no governmental control over. Ha! If he really wanted to free slaves, why didn't he just say he was freeing them on ALL lands that were ever part of the USA whether in the state of rebellion or not. Think about that while chewing your cud.
The problem with the deomcratic party is tht they do not operate under the premisis of a "democracy". It is either their way or no way, maybe they should change their party name to the "dictator" party?
It sounds like you are referencing Ted Kennedy's replacement now....lol. Funny how the Dems want an election when republican is in charge and an appointee when the governor is a Dem. Wait - THAT IS BUSH'S FAULT, TOO! (I'm practicing to sound like a Democrat when the census man from ACORN comes by!)
Yes...based on lies and false "intelligence", which the Party in power KNEW were lies, false, and outdated, yet failed to mention until AFTER they were out of office and out of power.
When I see something in my sleep, I call them dreams.
Yes, deary. In order to drag our country out of the DEEPEST FINANCIAL PIT IN HISTORY...it took some cash. At least you got THAT part right...

That method NEVER worked before. Why should it have worked this time? (Doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result each time is insanity.) Something else has had to pull us out by our bootstraps. (Hint: FDR and war...........) Sooo, Bush spends money and it crashes us.
Obama spends money and it saves us. That makes sense! I get it now.
what I keep reading over and over again in this thread is, "I want change.
Come on. Where do you see the anti-Obama people saying they wanted this expensive change? I was pretty much happy with the status quo as a bare minimum. If I want change (and I do), it is the opposite of what
Obama is doing. I want less government. I want less spending. I want everything that costs less. ...and yes, I do want to pay for that...and I do believe it will be the best for the country in the long run. Realize that almost half of the people that voted did so in support of a platform basically supporting the status quo. Now, you say those are the ones screaming for change? The only change most of us seem to be pushing for is one away from Obama's run away printing machines!