I'll break it down so you can understand it...
I'm pretty sure I addressed points that were all in this thread as this post was directly after your post attacking Bush. I then stated that I felt his tactic were justifiable as we never had another terrorist attack after 9/11. I then gave an example using a specific situation.
We still haven't had any. The three from the past couple weeks were all caught. Tough to be a terrorist bombing when you get caught before anything gets bombed. And don't kid yourself into thinking the three this month are the only ones since 9/11/01. I fear it has very little to do with Bush OR Obama, and has more to do with a global view of the US...particularly, this being a good time to attack, sionce the country is so obviously divided...We are being viewed as weak because of our internal struggles.
In the same rant I'm addressing above, you also said that Bush was violating Human Rights and using patriotism (this may have been a little earlier) to shut people up and throwing people in jail under the impression they were terrorists. NBC HATED Bush and I don't think they were ever imprisoned or deprived of their rights to free speach on the matter.
First...I NEVER stated that Bush put people in jail or Gitmo for talking out against him. I said he put people in Gitmo and POW camps because of their religous beliefs, the color of their skin, and/or their country of origin. And he did. A LOT. That's what "Racial Profiling" is all about, and if you think it didn't happen during the Bush administration...you're more blinded than I thought. Unfortunately, in the U.S., this is a violation of your Civil Rights, and a direct violation of the Constitution of the U.S.
This is where I probably confused you, I should have put a paragraph spacer here to alert you that I was changing subjects a few different times to address different topics and to point out that you need to present sources if you're going to present facts, you never do. So, I have taken the liberty and done that above.
My sources are the news. Cnn, msnbc, FOX, The Daily Show with Joh Stewart, The Colbert Report...I watch all of them. If you did, you would know where my referances are. I don't hide the fact that I spend very little time searching and scouring the internet for referance material. I think it's a waste of time, just to debate with someone, to run around looking for articles. When I have posted direct numbers, I (usually) post the Poll referance that I used, even if it isn't a direct link, I mention when and where I heard/saw it. You don't have to like my manner of citing sources for it to be valid...but whether or not you like it..."I saw it on msnbc" is citing a source...
Finally, I addressed your comment about the fact that its all because Obama is black and he just needs a good ole white boy name. It's crap and I'm guessing you can decipher that from the post above.
I never said that. I said if he was NOT black, and he did NOT have such an obscure and obviously Muslim name, there wouldn't be as much trouble. And it's true. If it weren't, than his birth certificate, citizenship, "terrorist ties", religious loyalties, and even his patriotic loyalties would not have been questioned to even 1/10 the degree they have.
Sorry...I don't have a resourceful poll to provide you with for that one. It's purely conjecture on my part. But when every negative thread, at some point, mentions his "ties to terrorists", his love of the Muslim Religion, or his race...it's tough to deny that it has a LOT to do with why so many people distrust him. But you can keep trying, if you'd like...I know you will.
Now, that wasn't too difficult was it and it all seemed pretty relevent to the post you had just made above it...
No, it wasn't difficult. But as I said above...it doesn't make any sense, and it's irrelevant. So I ignored it. But if you insist...
As for the emotional thing... not really...
I don't buy that for a single second, and neither does anyone else reading this thread.
I had some fun with Dale last night. Didn't really get emotionally into it but it was a nice break from editing photos and writing a pretty good sized paper on the Comparison between the Japanese invasion/occupation of Taiwan and Manchuria... it was cut and dry and I needed a laugh. The names were just a better way to get under his skin

It's a forum, I like to have fun with it
At least when I got emotional and had emotional responses...I was man enough to own up to it as an emotional response. I didn't apologioze for it, I remain unapologetic, and I still stand behind my emotional tirades, come hell or high water. That's called taking responsibility for my words. Try it.
One last thing, PEAOYTON...a great and wise man once said, "Those who are willing to give up their Freedoms in exchange for security, deserve neither." I could be wrong, but I believe it was attributed to Benjamin Franklin. It has also been said, "It is better to let a thousand guilty men go free than to imprison even one innocent man." I have no idea who gets credit for that, but it rings true...just as true as good ol' Benjamin Franklin, the Traitor and terrorist(gotta love history). I don't care WHY the Bush Administration tried so hard to dissolve my Civil Liberties and suppress my Civil Rights. I care only that it DID...and it almost succeeded.
I refuse to "agree to disagree" about this. You claim indoctrination and similarities to Hitler, than try to bow out, as if your accusations were all a joke and in good fun. BS. For almost 8 years, I listened to the Bush administration tell me to trust them, they would protect me, while they slowly but surely stripped away my Civil Rights. For almost 8 years, I was told that if I didn't support the President(not the troops, not the war on terrorism, not the people fighting and dying...
the President), I was unpatriotic and anti-American. For almost 8 years, I was forced to sit idly by while the Bush administration stole from the people(private profits, and public debts), started wars based on lies that were KNOWN to be lies, used fear and hate mongering to control the citizens of this country, and stripped us all of our most basic Constitutional Rights, all under the guise of National Security and the War on Terrorism.
And now you expect me to just sit here, and "agree to disagree" when people are up in arms over words that were never spoken, ideals that were never stated, and claims that are unnjustified? You expect me to sit here and casually accept your right to compare Obama to Hitler, all the while justifying the most totalitarian President we have ever had? Why? Because some teacher made up a cute little song, trying to give the kids a sense of positivity in a world full of fear, terror and uncertainty?
Son...you must be out your mind...
And I won't call you Skppy. I prefer PAEOyton... This way I know it's close...