Roy Munson
New member
Not sure where I fall on this one yet, but I'll at least address a few things that I have decided on...
...Unfortunately he has made some decisions and run this country in a way that has created even more polar feelings and has shown that he is obviously not the "messiah" we were all promised. What is even more unfortunate (and I say more because I think we all forget that although the President has more media pull, the legislative branch carries the biggest stick on the hill) is that he has a blind herd of sheep that is going to do and vote for just about everything he says in Congress. Be it a liberal or conservative agenda, this country always seems to run best when there is a split in agenda between the President and the Congress. Maybe that's because nothing gets passed and the government grinds to a halt like it should? Hmmmm....
You've made a lot of points. I can't address them all right now. In short: the media suck, and they have for a long time. I agree that things run best when there is more balance between the power and influence of the two major parties. But I don't remember being promised a "messiah." I never expected one. I may be somewhat disappointed in Obama, but its not because I was looking for an infallible savior.