Wow... the thread became heated.
Errr... just wanted to say... I am not a Cornsnake fan(well, I'm kind of am now) but I have posted nothing but Boas for a decent while...(couple of years?) and I was never pointed to the door...(Well, that mostly true anyways, hehehe).
I mean... sure, this is mainly a Cornsnake forum... and it's very plainly visible... the Photo Gallery is for Corns only... whilest Boids are "general chit-chat"
... and I'm really OK with that...
But why should a person be considered a troll for wanting to talk about something he likes?
I mean... it's a bit frustrating, I'd imagine, to reach a point where you see a forum with people you'd like to talk with( and I imagine that's the main reason for posting to begin with... too much thought, I think, is being put into every post of his to make me think differently)- only that the topic you happen to like is shared by a minority....
I mean... Gha, he's not advocating abortions or the Neo-Natzi movement... he just likes hybrid snakes.
So... there are like... TONS of threads with Corns only in'em... why not focus on those?
Even if he's very passionate about hybrids and posts them all the time... he's just one guy, I assure you, he's not hindering the entire forum.
Can you tell me for a fact that over 50% of the people here advocate pure corns only, to the fullest extent? No Ultras, no ultramels, no beast, no single morph that was EVER blamed for being of hybrid origins?
Even if you did manage that, it would take an administrative decision to re-form which topics are OK and which are taboo.