recycling goddess
addiction addict
aren't you in florida? if i was there... i'd go to miami ink and get work done... those guys ROCK!!!
Oh that's definitely the right place for it, looks great! And very easily covered should you need to!desertanimal said:Thanks! I had actually never been tempted to have a head tattoo. I didn't really see the point, since my hair is thick. But, I found that little snake on a wine bottle and loved it so much I decided I had to have it as a tattoo. And some tattoos go better some places than others. I thought for hours about the best placement for it, and when I finally considered the back of my head, it just seemed like the right place. I'm really happy with it even though I never really see it, and it's Kristi's favorite one. But it really hurt a lot more than my others. I was glad it was so small when I was getting it!
Indeed, you'd expect the back of the neck to be hell but like you say the most uncomfortable part was holding that bent over position for so long.desertanimal said:Wow. I would imagine that the back of the neck would hurt. The back of my neck is very sensitive, like when someone whispers on it or kisses it! There were two things about tattoo that were uncomfortable. One is that I had to sit with he chin on my chest with the artist pushing down on the back of my head to have it done. That just isn't a comfortable position for me for any length of time. If it had been a bigger tattoo, I would have asked if we could change positions. Second, the skin definitely hurt more than my other tattoos. Every time he would get ink and start again, I would get goose bumps everywhere. It is convenient to be able to cover it up with longer hair! So far I don't have any I can't cover with clothes or a longer haircut just in case I want to for an interview or something. The ink stayed fine. I think maybe because it was so small it didn't bleed much. I don't know why. My body usually bleeds more with edges than with fill, so my tribal stuff will usually bleed the most because of the high proportion of edges. I'm glad I didn't lose ink and have to do it again.Post of a pic of that dragon when it's done. Or did you already?
recycling goddess said:oh wow, do i ever like that!!!
did it hurt much?