Alright everyone... I had a long post typed, and I felt like it needed to be said. But for the sake of not having my brother banned (we share the same CPU), I have decided not to type it. It was necessary to me, but I don't feel right jeopardizing my brother being banned alongside because of my actions.
Ryan, just know that I did have some real talk for you
! You're message to me was not only wildly arrogant, but it was disrespectful to EVERY member on this site.
You truly have no clue about how round the world really is, so it's not worth my time to try to tell you.
SO PLEASE... FOR THE LOVE OF GOD... STOP SENDING ME MESSAGES!!!!! You can pretend that your self worth is as high as you want (like you did in the PM to me), but I frankly don't give a rats @$$. I don't need the breakdown of your credit score (seriously, I don't care at all), what bills you pay (again, wasted your time even typing that to me), or how great you feel you are.
You lack compassion, humility, and many other PRICELESS traits that are far more worthy than you know!
Have a good day folks! You guys have shown me a level of humanity that I admire more than anything, so I thank you guys for that!!!