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Davids Boa Thread...or not!!

The pied thread was not about if it was worth more money or not. Like Nanci said - any of us seriously in this for a business of course are interested in the financial aspect of any morph. What caused the uproar was that he edited his original post to make it look like he wasn't in it for the money - thus being disingenous. If he is in it for the money - more power to him - a lot of people are. If he is in it for the knowledge - more power to him. Just don't jerk us around and try to make us believe something that isn't true.

And I have to agree with Stephanie - it seems there are only a small number of people who seriously "bash" on him constantly. More people try to politely point him in the right direction or share the correct information with him or "teach" (for lack of a better word) him how to handle himself better on the forum. It is his responses to those people that irritate me. He belittles them, tries to "prove" he knows more than they do - when he in fact does not, and his constant ignoring of advice posted by people older and wiser than him. Regardless if it is reptile related or how to handle himself as an adult. He keeps saying how he wants to be treated as an adult but then acts like an immature brat over and over and over again.

Yes - I will admit that he has grown some over the time he has been there - but I keep seeing him take one step forward and two steps back because he still disregards the advice given to him and putting his foot in his mouth time and time again. Now that he has the edit button - he tries to make himself out to look like a saint by adjusting his responses based on what people say back to him which is again - being disingenous. He has even called ME names on the forum. No - I did not report him. I am not that petty for something that minor. And it was for a post I had made once again trying to tell him about respect and listening to people with more knowledge than him. I did not call him names or berate him in any way.
He has some good people that stick up for him, people I consider my friends, but I can't help but wonder when that blind faith is going to bite them in the butt. I am sorry, there are only so many "redo's" I can give any one person and in my book he has used up more than his share based on the kindness of our community. I would never tolerate his kind of behavior from my own kid so why should I have to tolerate it from some kid I don't even know on a forum.
Like I said before, I may read his threads just to see what he is doing, or if he is annoying someone again, or passing along incorrect information again or whatever....just because I read them does not mean I respond and if I do I always try to be polite and instructional, not rude or condescending.
You know what they say, everyone loves a train wreck. That's why I think a lot of people end up looking at David's latest threads.
Wade, I went back and re-read the "pied" post. Thought maybe I missed something there you were referring to. When I read the thread for the first time, and I saw Mike's post regarding money, my first thought was who mentioned anything about money??? By the fourth post I realized the thread had been editted. I can see Mike's frustration in posting in David's threads if the questions to his answers are altered.
From my own perspective though, usually what David has posted a thread about looses its context on or shortly after the first page. And I do agree that a lot of times it isn't even David's fault. I see people bringing in their own personal battles and letting them manifest themselves in his threads, which only serves to re-enforce with David that this is acceptable adult behaviour. I can understand why a lot of people have a dislike for David. Some people don't let go of past transgressions so easily. But every once in a while, David does revert back to his old self, and people are quick to jump on that. Consistancy I guess would be the key to David's maturing. That includes consistancy from his mentors.
BULLCRAP PEOPLE. You are a bunch of sanctimonious jerks. I can’t believe the behavior of people claiming to be adults here. I am ashamed of my association with some of you. I am disgusted. There is nothing you could say to justify your behavior. Nothing.

You are obviously too perfect for this board, but good news! You can always use all that self righteous energy to flounce and that will "totally show us"!

I mean, the fact that there is a good large chunk of people here who disagree with you should tell you that maybe you aren't 100% right. No one is in this thread, it's like, a ship of fools.

(ya, I know that assessment includes me. Like the rest of you here, I just can't stay away)
Then you're not looking very closely. I, for one, am not angry, haven't been angry, am not expressing my opinions here out of spite, do not feel that it is childish to express the opinions I am expressing, and am completely and totally in control.

I’m not “messing with” anyone. But if, in a thread, your assertions were logically inconsistent (in my view) with your actions, I would call you out on it, too. I have with plenty of other people.

A lot of the David proponents in this thread are accusing the David detractors here (if I may break us down in such an admittedly over-simplified way) of holding against him all kinds of things that we have not spoken about here and may or may not individually be holding against him. There are both implications and outright statements that lump those of us who are expressing our feelings in this thread in with the people who regularly seem to get a kick out of lambasting him for no reason at all. That position is completely untenable, as some of us who are speaking out in this thread have never conducted ourselves in that way.

I was never trying to imply that EVERYONE is angry and spiteful or that anyone in particular is angry, just that a bunch of people clearly seem to be. If that description does not fit you then, then I wasn't speaking about you :).

You are totally welcome to disagree with me now or in the future, I have never read a post from you specifically that wasn't well written, level headed, and and thought through. Just be ready, I also tend to think things out (even if I end up typing my thoughts poorly) so if I say something crazy and you want to debate that is something I am able to hold my own at (at least usually... I do have 2 kids running around so sometimes my focus is interrupted and it can occasional result in me not thinking as clearly as I normally do LOL). But I have a feeling that I, like you, know how to enjoy a debate without it getting all cluttered up with negativity and arguing so if anything I look forward to the day :cheers: I just am not convinced that everyone here can keep a debate civil and separate from hurt feelings.

Honestly I am neither a David proponent nor am I a David detractor. In posting it is easier sometimes to speak in broad terms but please know I do not make assumptions or have opinions about people based on some grouping they may or may not fall in, everyone here is an individual, and should only be judged on what they themselves say or do, so please know that I am not trying to lump everyone together no matter how clumsily I may word my points.
Consistancy I guess would be the key to David's maturing.

Expecting consistancy from a teenage boy is about as realistic as expecting weather not to fluctuate.

As for him editing his original post, he was PMd and ASKED to edit it by Hector. He TRIED to do the right thing so he wouldn't be seen in a bad light. People edit posts all the time....which is why the "quote" feature is so handy.
Expecting consistancy from a teenage boy is about as realistic as expecting weather not to fluctuate.

As for him editing his original post, he was PMd and ASKED to edit it by Hector. He TRIED to do the right thing so he wouldn't be seen in a bad light. People edit posts all the time....which is why the "quote" feature is so handy.

To clarify, I mean consistancy in being the "new David" as opposed to the old. That's the stigma David himself claims he is trying to shed. David himself mentioned in an earlier thread he wanted to get his name changed so he could do away with the past.
What caused the uproar was that he edited his original post to make it look like he wasn't in it for the money - thus being disingenous..

Hector PMed David and told him to remove the reference to money. If you're a kid, and the God of Pieds advises you to edit your post, are you going to tell him no?
David gets jumped for not taking peoples advice, yet when he does that same group of people are waiting in line to jump on him for taking someone's advice. Gosh people... make up your minds!
I also enjoy how some people are making such a fuss about him removing a sentence from his thread. Really??? Thats what is giving you all wedgies? How must you make it though the day? This isn't David made a "Racist Joke Tread" like some are making it out to be on par with. He removed a sentence that someone he looked up to advised him to remove because SOME people would take it the wrong way (aka find an excuse to tell him how awful he is). What a joke.
I also enjoy how some people are making such a fuss about him removing a sentence from his thread. Really??? Thats what is giving you all wedgies? How must you make it though the day? This isn't David made a "Racist Joke Tread" like some are making it out to be on par with. He removed a sentence that someone he looked up to advised him to remove because SOME people would take it the wrong way (aka find an excuse to tell him how awful he is). What a joke.

This thread in question is one example. This isn't the first time he has done it. He edits his threads (now that he has a shiney) when it suits his purpose to make himself look like a saint and that others are ganging up on him. That is my problem with it. He manipulates people and I cannot tolerate that from anyone regardless of their age.
This thread in question is one example. This isn't the first time he has done it. He edits his threads (now that he has a shiney) when it suits his purpose to make himself look like a saint and that others are ganging up on him. That is my problem with it. He manipulates people and I cannot tolerate that from anyone regardless of their age.

Really? A 16 year old is manipulating people on here? If you honestly feel that... then wow. I'm sorry.. some people on here must have more serious issues than I originally suspected. It went from "Oh my how dare he reword a thread!" to "I am being manipulated by a 16 year old" :nope: Oh my life must be tough.
If there is anyone in here with a REAL life and not so wrapped up over one member that they have nothing better to discuss, please raise your hand......

Do you all REALLY want this site to be mostly about talking about other members?

:wavey: ...........................
Really? A 16 year old is manipulating people on here? If you honestly feel that... then wow. I'm sorry.. some people on here must have more serious issues than I originally suspected. It went from "Oh my how dare he reword a thread!" to "I am being manipulated by a 16 year old" :nope: Oh my life must be tough.

Did I say that I was being manipulated? No, I did not. But I am watching people I consider good friends stick up for this kid who is manipulating people into buying into his sob story all the time. Poor David, everyone picks on David, feel sorry for David....I am over it.
He disregards people, belittles people (myself included), passes out incorrect information, gets all "everyone is picking on me" just because people don't coddle and agree with every little thing he posts which is wrong, edits posts to make himself look like a victim and takes advantage of the kindness of some very good people here along the way doing all of this.
I have tried to be helpful to him on numerous occasions and all I have received in return is a kick in the butt from him.

I have already stated that this latest issue was not of his doing and that I agreed a year long ban IMHO was too long. In regards to him, coming from me, that is saying a lot. But I understand that this was not his fault. He did not do this. His account was hacked. All I am saying is I understand why people are up in arms about him and his behavior. It is a never ending vicious circle with him. He wears on my last nerve yet I have still tried to be helpful and point him in the right direction because I too believe that he could be a valued member of the herp community in general if he would get his head out of his butt long enough to listen and learn.

^ this entire thread
Just so you all know my decision concerning David, here is the email I sent him....


I have decided that instead of banning you for a year, I will keep you in the READ ONLY limbo state you are now in for 1 month. The caveat with this is that YOU will have to contact me when your month is up. I certainly won't remember, and this limbo state will not be lifted automatically. So it will be up to you to contact me on February 25th, to put you back as a regular registered member.

In the meantime, please learn how to stay out of the center of controversy by getting used to reading without feeling like you HAVE to respond to posts. Sometimes you can learn a lot more about yourself by practicing restraint then you can by jumping into too many pots just to stir them and make your presence known.

Rich Z.
Rich, thanks on behalf of David. That is, if there is a place in this puzzle for "thanks".
I do not presume to think so I am so important that I was any part of a group whose humble opinions you stooped to consider, after our having spoken in favor of leniency for him.

But I post these few words to acknowledge that I recognize and can appreciate your ongoing supreme wisdom in thought and act. It is a pleasure being a part of this forum, both from having the opportunity to learn from masters in the field and in the broad latitude you give us in the manner in which we express ourselves...on a variety of things.


And David : do not think I have embarked upon what will be a career in going to bat for you, because that is not the case. I would suspect that the bar will have been raised in expectations of/from/for you when you return. So use this brief time-out wisely and well.
Rich, thanks on behalf of David. That is, if there is a place in this puzzle for "thanks".
I do not presume to think so I am so important that I was any part of a group whose humble opinions you stooped to consider, after our having spoken in favor of leniency for him.

But I post these few words to acknowledge that I recognize and can appreciate your ongoing supreme wisdom in thought and act. It is a pleasure being a part of this forum, both from having the opportunity to learn from masters in the field and in the broad latitude you give us in the manner in which we express ourselves...on a variety of things.
Wow! Perfectly stated Eric. I as well wanted to post a "thank you" of sorts, but you nailed it.

I understand that our opinions may have meant nothing, and the "he said, she said" was unfair to burden you (Rich) with. But I appreciate the thought and understanding that went into this decision, and it shows me, once again, just how wonderful the site (and it's members) can be.
Rich, That is a great compromise thank you for really thinking about this one and giving him a chance around here:)