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Davids Boa Thread...or not!!

He's getting bullied right now and isn't present in the conversation.

He's being talked about here, that much is certain, but he's not being bullied.

Agreed. No one here is bullying the boy. We are talking about him.

Also ... I kinda have to go along with the post about one person being responsible (for one reason or another) for so much of the drama. I am not a mod here thank god, but I don't even want to know how many reports are made from his posts and threads. By him or against him. But I imgine it's pretty high. The amount of work he creates for the leaders of this forum is shameful.
No, Dinah, it's because your first snake is quite a bit different than your umpteenth snake, with 3 more coming next month and 5 new lizards and on and on.

But honestly it doesn't really matter anymore. What's done is done. Q is gone and David is still here, albeit in read-only mode.

And how is this different from a lot people in the herp world? Have you seen how many crested geckos I've acquired in the past 2-3 weeks? I post threads on them and pretty much any other snake I get. I have over 200 reptiles here. Does that make me bad because I get more and post pictures of them? Do you think I am annoying because I post of my new animals?

Dinah is right in her post that this topic is about the person who hacked Davids account. Whether or not any one thinks David to be an attention seeker or not is completely irrelevant to this thread.
Really everybody can't you all see how ridiculous you are being?

Excellent post, Dinah.

If a tree falls in the forest, and no one is there, does it still make a sound? If David starts a thread, and you don't read David's threads, can they still bother you?


The Bleeding Heart
Excellent post, Dinah.

If a tree falls in the forest, and no one is there, does it still make a sound? If David starts a thread, and you don't read David's threads, can they still bother you?


The Bleeding Heart

Excellent analogy Nanci!
Excellent post, Dinah.

If a tree falls in the forest, and no one is there, does it still make a sound? If David starts a thread, and you don't read David's threads, can they still bother you?


The Bleeding Heart

Ah the sound of reason that so many apparent adults on this forum don't understand. Thank you Nanci!
Good morning everyone, I see I didn’t miss anything while I was getting my beauty sleep.

I’ve just been reading David’s Pied thread. Here is a link for those of you who haven’t read it.

I’d like to challenge some of you to read it and just follow the progression and see who was the antagonist. Who created the problem? Who maintained the problem? I’m sure I can make a list of people who are right now saying “I don’t need to read it, I know what happened”.

David opened a thread and asked about the pied gene. He did also ask if this made his snakes worth more money. (none of us have ever wonder that). First response was from Mike criticizing him for being too money conscious. Hector sent him a PM and on his advice David edited the original post to emphasize the point that he was asking from the stand point of the genetics and not money.

You go read it. He would get an occasional serous answer but for the most part he would get slammed from every direction. He repeatedly tried to get the thread back on track and the high holy protectors of all that is good and right would not allow him to. He was polite to his detractors. He was patient with those whose only propose was to disrupt. If any of you had been treated in a similar fashion you would have had a slobbering fit.

BULLCRAP PEOPLE. You are a bunch of sanctimonious jerks. I can’t believe the behavior of people claiming to be adults here. I am ashamed of my association with some of you. I am disgusted. There is nothing you could say to justify your behavior. Nothing.
I read the thread over again. Mike was firm in his posts, and rightfully so since the edit completely changed the tone of the post which, from the initial wording was mostly about money, and a little about how he could expect the trait to be inherited so that he could learn how that would affect the amount of money made.

He changed it after some advice to be purely about genetics, *after* Mike told him to simply enjoy his animals rather than worry about how much their worth. Mike subsequently bowed out of the 9 page thread on page 3.

Nancy then charged in, and yes, was exceedingly rude by her second post. Having read through all the way to page 9.... She was the *only* person being truly negative, while others were simply being cautionary, and politely so at that.

I don't see how that is getting slammed from every direction. :/ I also don't see how that makes more than one person a sanctimonious jerk.
What classifys a corn to be "pied sided"? I have a bloodred that has some white on her sides and a very light color is she pied? Is it genetic or line bred? If I breed her with her brother who has not white on the side I would have granites, fires, hypo bloods and bloods all het pied! Would that make me more money or would I have to prove her out. It is giveing me a head ache thinking about it.....someone explain. The pics of the corn are uploading now..

OK here is his original unedited opening post. I highlighted the only mention of money. He then went on several times to say he was not interested in the money and explained why he edited it and Hector also posted to explain why he edited the money part out.

Mike then made 3 posts complaining about the edit. He said he wouldn’t post any more and David said .

OK Mike

OK, like I said I don't care either way I just want to learn about the pied gene itself

Mike, lets not start an arguement.

You can see what a snotty kid David is being.

Hector tries to post a couple of helpful comments, as does Mathew (Blue Apple Herps) We are all the way up to post 18 before you chime in Shiari. You were helpful.

Mike comes back at post 21 to tell us again that he isn’t going to answer anymore. Thanks Mike.

That is the way it goes. How long would you last Shiari? How much crap would you take before you lost your temper?
If there is anyone in here with a REAL life and not so wrapped up over one member that they have nothing better to discuss, please raise your hand......

Do you all REALLY want this site to be mostly about talking about other members?
I'm pretty sure most, if not all of the _big_ breeders here aren't raising corns for altruistic reasons. Like it or not, the marketability of any cornsnake needs to be taken into consideration when breeding. Typically, rarer colors are more in demand, and garner higher prices. It isn't _wrong_ to be excited about the potential worth (and thus market for) of your foundation stock, based on a gene that snake may be het for.
I think David's been doing really well, and I emailed him once I knew it was a hack to say that while he and I don't get along (and we *really* don't get along), that I was glad it wasn't actually him because that thread had seemed like a disheartening return to immaturity as compared to how he's been lately.

What I've been trying to say is that you are making a lump of us... out of mostly one person. Sure, Mike wasn't exactly helpful to the new topic of the thread, and complained about the change in tone, but he wasn't actually nasty.

As to me, if people started going after me the way Nancy does to David *now*, well... I have this amasing ability to skim so I could look past those individuals. And if they kept chasing me, I also have this amasing ability to create a politely worded IM to the mods and the owner of the forum, explaining what I see going on, and citing the number of times it has happened and including examples.

If I was David's age... Well, I would have learned quickly what makes people upset and not posted that sort of stuff. I tended to not lose my temper when I was younger, but rather become sad. I would have gone to lurking and still reading, just not posting until I felt more confident in myself.

*edit* thread spawns replies too fast. Rich is right.
Wade, I don't know if you remember or not, but when I first signed on, people thought I was a bratty snotty punk, too. And all because of what I chose to name my snakes. Yes, I did lose my temper. Once. But what did I do then? I PMed a mod, and requested the controversial titles be taken down, or at least have the offensive portions of the names be removed, as a courtesy to other members because I didn't want the drama to keep going. How have I changed since then? I haven't posted the full names of my snakes in thread titles. It was an easy way to remove a seemingly trollish behavior. David's problem, as I posted before, seems to be his posting every 30 seconds about any nonsensical thing. It would be one thing if he was posting stuff like Tricksterpup and ForkedTung usually find around the web that really are interesting. But quite frankly, I don't think anyone really cared that he got a contributor badge. There was no need to make a whole thread about it, which is probably why it very quickly turned into, yet another, pointless thread. He could just as easily have posted in the DYK. Enough people read that, that his excitement would have been noticed.
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Really everybody can't you all see how ridiculous you are being? In 175 posts, how much everyone hates David is mentioned in at least half of them but only about a handful of times has anyone even mentioned the person who broke into another members account and started things this time. Really the account hacker is the person who was out of line this time not David, Quetzalcoatl is the one everyone should be angry with. FOCUS PEOPLE!!
Of course the account hacker was out of line. That person is now gone for a year. Not much to discuss there.

The idea that a bunch of grown adults cannot let things go and at the very least stop bashing the kid now that he has been sent away and now that he is unable to even defend himself is absolutely ABSURD. Whatever he has done in the past (no matter how rude or buttheaded it may have been) it is in the past, but right now in the present all I see is a bunch of angry spiteful adults picking on a kid who isn't even able to stick up for himself. How can you call yourselves adults when you are behaving just as childish as the child in question? I am not in any way saying David is an angel by a lot of accounts he has been a butthead but the only person who's behavior you can control is your own and a lot of you are doing a really bad job at controlling your own behavior and as a result you are acting just as bad as David is accused of having been. (emphasis mine)
Then you're not looking very closely. I, for one, am not angry, haven't been angry, am not expressing my opinions here out of spite, do not feel that it is childish to express the opinions I am expressing, and am completely and totally in control.

How is it ok for me to show off/brag by putting up a thread about my new animal but then it isn't ok if David does it?
It's perfectly acceptable for him to do the same. I believe Eric has clarified that what's at issue is his moving threads, closing threads, and threatening to do so when he doesn't like how conversation is going. Another issue for some of us, as we have politely expressed, is that we sometimes feel he's being dishonest/inconsistent.

In short nobody is going to mess with me because I know how to stick up for myself appropriately and so as a target I am not as much fun.
I’m not “messing with” anyone. But if, in a thread, your assertions were logically inconsistent (in my view) with your actions, I would call you out on it, too. I have with plenty of other people.

To me it appears that because David can be difficult he has become the forum punching bag. It seems to me that there is indeed bullying going on in this forum but it does not seem to me that David is the bully. And it is really REALLY pathetic that a bunch of adults don't have anything better to do with their time than bully a kid.
I agree with this entirely, I simply don’t feel that that’s what’s going on in this particular thread.

I just don't understand how on a corn snake board with a ton of people who really like reptiles, how is it inappropriate to post pics of your snakes/reptiles?
Me either.

. . . but I don't even want to know how many reports are made from his posts and threads. By him or against him. But I imgine it's pretty high. The amount of work he creates for the leaders of this forum is shameful.
But unless you've been told by a mod how much work he does or doesn't create for them, you have no basis upon which to claim that it's shameful. Also, if posts get reported that are baiting him for no good reason at all, you can't lay that on his plate. I bet most of the posts that get reported these days are those, and the work created from those would not in any way be his fault.

Dinah is right in her post that this topic is about the person who hacked Davids account. Whether or not any one thinks David to be an attention seeker or not is completely irrelevant to this thread.
Dinah is right in that this topic WAS about the person who hacked David's account. But the conversation has meandered here and there, and its main topic has largely shifted, like many long conversations are wont to do.

I’ve just been reading David’s Pied thread. Here is a link for those of you who haven’t read it.

I’d like to challenge some of you to read it and just follow the progression and see who was the antagonist. Who created the problem? Who maintained the problem? I’m sure I can make a list of people who are right now saying “I don’t need to read it, I know what happened”.
I did re-read it before posting about it, and I agree that the way that thread got out of control was not David's fault. But I stand by my assessment of his lack of honesty in posting motivation. And if we were having a conversation about particular members who jump on him, I'd be saying exactly the same thing about snakemom (most recently, anyway). In fact, my comment in that thread was directed at both of them. No one here is criticizing him for wondering if his snakes might be worth more. We are criticizing him for the above-mentioned issues.

A lot of the David proponents in this thread are accusing the David detractors here (if I may break us down in such an admittedly over-simplified way) of holding against him all kinds of things that we have not spoken about here and may or may not individually be holding against him. There are both implications and outright statements that lump those of us who are expressing our feelings in this thread in with the people who regularly seem to get a kick out of lambasting him for no reason at all. That position is completely untenable, as some of us who are speaking out in this thread have never conducted ourselves in that way.

You go read it. He would get an occasional serous answer but for the most part he would get slammed from every direction. He repeatedly tried to get the thread back on track and the high holy protectors of all that is good and right would not allow him to. He was polite to his detractors. He was patient with those whose only propose was to disrupt. If any of you had been treated in a similar fashion you would have had a slobbering fit.
Oh Wade, you know full well that I would not have had any such thing. I don't slobber.

You are a bunch of sanctimonious jerks.
I could see how you would feel that way, and I'm ok with that. I think a few people here are naive enablers, and they also probably think I'm a sanctimonious jerk. I'm ok with people thinking that, and I don't hold it against them that they are naive enablers. I have a pretty consistent way of dealing with people, and it's not always the nicest and kindest possible way, but I've thought that through on more than one occasion and I'm ok with what might sometimes be the social consequences of my position (i.e., someone might think I'm a big fat jerk) that sometimes it is more appropriate to make public my opinions about what I see as a person's character flaws than it is to keep looking the other way and biting my tongue.

I am ashamed of my association with some of you. I am disgusted. There is nothing you could say to justify your behavior. Nothing.
I'm sorry you feel that way, Wade.
I’ve just been reading David’s Pied thread. Here is a link for those of you who haven’t read it.

That's it? That's the horrible post that caused so much dissention? Are you serious?? Good grief, WHO CARES if David wanted to know if his snakes would be more valuable as pieds?? Heck, how many new breeders DON'T secretely wish they could be the next Rich Z and be able to make a living off a hobby they love? He's not trying to come up with that uber rare, 3 headed snake or some ridiculous hybrid...he's excited, and he's 16. SIXTEEN, people. Who, at 16 DOESN'T want to make money??? Hell, I only just stopped breeding fish a year ago, and you bet I wanted to keep my strains pure and breed things that weren't readily available on the market. I didn't want to get rich, but offsetting the expense was an awesome thing. David isn't out there hacking into people's profiles (which I believe is aka identity theft if I'm not mistaken.) He's not trafficking drugs to the elementary schools or breaking into cars or homes or setting fires or shoplifting or molesting little girls/dogs/sheep...he's enjoying a hobby! My god, David's posts are like tossing chum into shark infested waters.

Does anyone know what's happening in Haiti today? And in case you haven't heard....THE COLTS ARE GOING TO THE "SUPER BALL"!!! - as declared by my 6 yo son, who was thrilled to be able to wear his "Clayton" Manning jersey to school today.