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Davids Boa Thread...or not!!

.... made the comment that the thing that bugged him was David was always making these new threads with pictures of his snakes and saying look at me.

I'm doing the WIR this week. I'm on day 4 and so far have 60+ threads from people posting their "look at me/look at my snake" photos. Not one of them are from David. Looking back at my other WIRs, only one or two at the most of the photo threads belonged to David. Just thought I'd add a little accuracy to anyone who claims that David is the only one posting these kinds of threads. It's a snake forum, aren't we all pretty dang happy and proud of our animals? Heck, there is one very active member here who doesn't even own a single snake...no one tells this person s/he shouldn't be here.
Lori, out this person. Who among us doesn't own a snake?

Edit to add: I just changed to a new browser and all of a sudden for the first time in years my spell check works. I am so happy.
Lori, out this person. Who among us doesn't own a snake?

Oh noo....I've resigned as a judge/jury member. Besides, the person is very popular and should be just as welcome as anyone else. Including David.
OK, so it a s/he and s/he is popular. I'm going to have to think about this for a minute.

Edit: or at least as popular as David.
I like the members that have no snakes......
At least they may comment on my morelia....
You guys don't realise how hard it can be on a cornsnake forum and not talk cornsnakes.... LOL
You must spread some reputation around before giving it to LBoz again.

David's not bad. He WAS bad. But the amount of improvement he has made since his first forays in this forum are fantastic. Does anyone else remember the copperhead thread he was involved in when he had like...20 posts or something? THAT David was an obnoxious little twerp. That David is long gone and hasn't shown his ugly head in quite some time...

New David is still just 16. He's gonna have a tantrum occasionally. We ALL have a tantrum occasionally. There isn't a member among us that can honestly say they have never overreacted or had a knee-jerk reaction to something someone else has posted. It happens. We are a passionate lot. David is no different.

Actually that's not true. David is different. He hasn't had half the experiences as most of us, nor half the time to mature and grow into the hobby. He also has twice the enthusiasm as most of us, and at least as much knowledge as the best of us, proportionally speaking.

I think David gets more garbage than he deserves. I think there are some people that wait for an opportunity to bring up his past behavior or use his enthusiasm against him. Of course, I don't mean to imply that New David is by any means perfect. He has a lot of growing up to do. But he's 16. e's supposed to have a lot of growing up to do...

Just my humble opinion...
So I just read this off of RTB. If I'm the only person that sees a teen that is learning from their actions and maturing... then wow. I was very impressed with this post by David. Isn't that where maturing comes from? Learning from past mistakes?

He mentioned Morti in the post. Wonderful guy. He should stop by here sometimes.....
....I was SOOOOO confused when I first saw this thread back...I didn't realize that today was the day he is welcomed back. I hope to see David around, I enjoyed his posts when they were of an enjoyable nature. I hope he will be happy to be back, and that he will be received with the same good feeling.
I also hope for Pie tonight after supper. I guess today is a very hopeful day.
Also...what does sarcasm punctuation look like?
If you were not sarcastic with that post, then you are genuinely feeling suspenseful about Davids return? I'm sure he will be happy to know that he was missed. Thats nice of you. Any other interpretation is kind of mean...and not necessary. He's had his lumps for now.
Anyway...I already feel kind of silly for posting in this zombie thread (a dead thread come back to life? zombie thread? i got a giggle...lol).
Happy Welcome Back Day, David. I hope to see you soon.