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Davids Boa Thread...or not!!

I get a kick out of the fact that a thread about David, turns into a discussion about Deanos right "arse" cheek. :shrugs: Seems fitting! :sidestep:

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Well, sorta? :crazy02: I think it took a left somewhere, though! :eats02:


Oh, it must have been around Albuquerque. :grin01:

I get a kick out of the fact that a thread about David, turns into a discussion about Deanos right "arse" cheek. :shrugs: Seems fitting! :sidestep:

Waynd, I think this...for me...is the Number 1 post on this thread.

I.e., this thread has now been wayned. There is munsonated, wadinated, and now wayned. LOL.
So I just read this off of RTB. If I'm the only person that sees a teen that is learning from their actions and maturing... then wow. I was very impressed with this post by David. Isn't that where maturing comes from? Learning from past mistakes?

Hey Viper-dude! I am your age and I too love hots. My favorite being Taylor's Cantil and Forest Cobras. But you need to understand a few things. Venomous snakes are no joke. About a year ago I was on this board with cerebral rectitus. I did'nt want to listen to these stupid adults! They don't know me! I though I was the king of the world but in reality when you look past your own ideas and look at what these people are saying it really make's sense. I was mad at Morti when he banned me and I bugged and tormented hhim. Now my friend who was banned with me is no longer my friend. He now is keeping hots (I think last time I talked to him he was getting one soon) He also has over 100 T's and scorps. Sounds cool right? He is keeping them in a not so legal way. He also is very foolish with them. I went out and I back off with hots. There is too much at stake! Thats what you need to relize. You are 16 you have so much life ahead of you! Wait a while! I used to HATE corns when I wanted hot now everyone on this site PM's me corn genetics questions AND I have 4.3 corns and maybe an Abbott's Okeetee Sunkissed (Hypo B) in less than a month. Yep I am a corn snake gangster now! But I can see why you don't like corns. Look at this snake:

It's called a Radiated Ratsnake. They come from Asia and they are amazing! They grow a few inches over 6 foot and they are aggressive. They act about like a cobra and they even have a hood! They are great alternatives and you can free handle them!
Look at it this way, you need to change obviously. Morti asked me to talk to you because of my past issues here. You are a smart guy, do what makes sense. You have so much life in front of you don't ruin it now by getting a hot!

Well, I arrived here after David had been here a while, and when kerfuffles arose I got curious & went & read old Snakemaster24 threads. I think he's done some growing up, and the post from RTB reads to me like authentic ~new~ David. I think I've said it before -- I like him. He has the vices & virtues of being 16, but he's a decent kid in the process of growing into a decent adult.

Edit: I read the boa thread. It did NOT read like David to me. It read like someone imitating David in his earlier phase.
Well, I arrived here after David had been here a while, and when kerfuffles arose I got curious & went & read old Snakemaster24 threads. I think he's done some growing up, and the post from RTB reads to me like authentic ~new~ David. I think I've said it before -- I like him. He has the vices & virtues of being 16, but he's a decent kid in the process of growing into a decent adult.

Edit: I read the boa thread. It did NOT read like David to me. It read like someone imitating David in his earlier phase.
I was here before David arrived.... He made an impact, to say the least..
I also argue with David and back him to the hilt on other occasions..
David has a knack of annoying when he makes public posts and endearing when you chat privately with him......
He's a very bright boy and his knowledge is right out there for his age...
I think what separates David from a lot of keepers on here is the fact he is prepared to be bit by a snake and it holds no fear for him,and because of this he has been advised not to get certain species, so he gets defensive.
He also had one or two ghosts that have now been exorcised.
I'm sure when he comes back he will still be the same David, but more mature and able to deflect the negativity in a positive way..
I would hope that when he gets back we will all let him make a new intro and get to know him again.....
Day one so to speak.
I don't think anyone can argue that David did some growing up in the past few years. He has and he has come a long way. But, like every other child who gets a little out of sorts, I think he needed a little time out. To, as Rich so eloquently put it, "reflect upon his actions as of late."

The Boa thread brought on by the "fake" David, brought to lite some other behaviors that were a little less cordial.

I realize that David is a kid. I don't like how people tend to jump all over him and give him a hard time. I have gone to bat for him on an occasion or two. But, I have also seen some behaviors
that made me take a step back from him.

I want David to return and be a valued member of this community. I know he could be and look forward to it. But at the same time, I'm going to enjoy this little hiatus. :cheers:

I was here before David arrived.... He made an impact, to say the least..
I also argue with David and back him to the hilt on other occasions..
David has a knack of annoying when he makes public posts and endearing when you chat privately with him......
He's a very bright boy and his knowledge is right out there for his age...
I think what separates David from a lot of keepers on here is the fact he is prepared to be bit by a snake and it holds no fear for him,and because of this he has been advised not to get certain species, so he gets defensive.
He also had one or two ghosts that have now been exorcised.
I'm sure when he comes back he will still be the same David, but more mature and able to deflect the negativity in a positive way..
I would hope that when he gets back we will all let him make a new intro and get to know him again.....
Day one so to speak.

OMG Mike, that IS David !!
In public he is an annoying little git.
In private he really is not a bad kid at all.....
I don't think anyone can argue that David did some growing up in the past few years. He has and he has come a long way. But, like every other child who gets a little out of sorts, I think he needed a little time out. To, as Rich so eloquently put it, "reflect upon his actions as of late."

The Boa thread brought on by the "fake" David, brought to lite some other behaviors that were a little less cordial.

I realize that David is a kid. I don't like how people tend to jump all over him and give him a hard time. I have gone to bat for him on an occasion or two. But, I have also seen some behaviors
that made me take a step back from him.

I want David to return and be a valued member of this community. I know he could be and look forward to it. But at the same time, I'm going to enjoy this little hiatus. :cheers:


Wayne I find it interesting you would choose that one post to link to. I’m sure you saw David being snotty, like he sometimes has been. Did you also notice that Nancy was being very condescending and talking down to David before he made that snotty response.

I hope when David comes back people will give him a chance to blend. If he gets hit by a lot of posts like this he probably will get angry. I probably would, and so would you Wayne.

If we all would like to psychoanalyze David, I think David is a young man that is very proud of his snakes and his knowledge of snakes. I think he looks up to many of the people here and would like to be excepted. I think he is young enough that he hasn’t learned how to shine without appearing to show off.

I had to laugh, some where up above in this thread Robbie made the comment that the thing that bugged him was David was always making these new threads with pictures of his snakes and saying look at me. This is coming from the guy who creates a new thread or two or three every day with pictures of his snakes and saying look at me.
Let the thread die already!!

Wayne I find it interesting you would choose that one post to link to. I’m sure you saw David being snotty, like he sometimes has been. Did you also notice that Nancy was being very condescending and talking down to David before he made that snotty response.

I hope when David comes back people will give him a chance to blend. If he gets hit by a lot of posts like this he probably will get angry. I probably would, and so would you Wayne.

If we all would like to psychoanalyze David, I think David is a young man that is very proud of his snakes and his knowledge of snakes. I think he looks up to many of the people here and would like to be excepted. I think he is young enough that he hasn’t learned how to shine without appearing to show off.

I had to laugh, some where up above in this thread Robbie made the comment that the thing that bugged him was David was always making these new threads with pictures of his snakes and saying look at me. This is coming from the guy who creates a new thread or two or three every day with pictures of his snakes and saying look at me.

I'm not doing this to hit him with a bad post. I would like to see David come back. I think this should be a fresh start.

I wrote my little post above, with the two referenced threads, because I am a little tired of a few people singing his praises. Almost acting like he is some little angel that can do no wrong, because he is a kid. Sorry, but when my kids act up, they get a time out. And YES, I KNOW, He is not my kid. I also know that he isn't always the one that starts or keeps the nonsense going. Kind of like this thread.

Again, I'm not meaning this as a bash David or his followers thread. I'm also not going to sing his praises. He is just a kid. A kid that seems to attract a considerable amount of drama.

That's all I really have to say about this. In fact, I'm going to try to spend the remainder of his absence not thinking or talking about him. I really have "badder fish to fry!"

David, if you are reading this, I really look forward to your return. Please understand that I have no ill feelings toward you, in any way. I don't care what has happened in the past, any longer and I would like to move forward.

I'll talk to you on the 25th of Feb! Stay safe and stay warm!



Edit: PS. Nancy can do anything she wants. I have NO SAY over that. Isn't that right, Miss Moderator Nancy!!
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Wayne, I don't think saying he has the vices & virtues of being 16 is saying he's an angel. I thought it was attempt to be accurate. Honestly, I like him, but I don't know ANYONE who's an angel, 16 or 60. Goodness knows, I"m not one, and given that, I'm not sure I would recognize one.
The answer that david gave to the other guy on RTB forum........ The other guy is Viperlover and he gets a heavy time on a separate forum.... I linked david to him via FB as I thought David could help him with the life experiences he's had.....
Thats what I meant.....
It such a small word