"Oh, he's a nice guy, but he can't teach." LOL. Yeah, right.
Although some people can't teach, my first response is usually, "S/he can't teach or you can't learn?" This is why I like COllege - I can say, "don't you have a book?" and look at THEM silly until they answer. My policy when i student comes talk to me is to ask them (1) have you reviewed the notes and (2) have you read the sections of the book that pertain to the portion of the notes that are troubling you? If they have, then I try my best to remove any confusion they still might have. If they have not, I grab the book and the notes and SHOW them which sections deal with their questions, lightly try to explain it in a more simple way, send them on their way to reaad the book and notes, and give them instructions to COME BACK and talk to me about it again after they read and think about the simplified explaination I just provided.
Again, I loved reaing your post. I can't agree more - it is the teacher's fault and not the student who doesn't TRY to learn. They expect a good teacher to get the knowledge into their braid via diffusion. Hmmm, I never thought about that expression, but some of these kids really do have an area of low concentration of knowledge in their heads.....lol.
Never saw myself as enjoying teaching but I have to admit it would be a fun thing to do later in life
The more I do it, the more I love it, P. I could see you doing it. I think you'd do a decent job, too. Kudos for enjoying it. My fiorst teach was in high scool. I tested out of Freshman physical sciences, and then I took all the sciences pretty early in high school. By my last year, I had taken all the physics, inorganic chemistry, environmental science, etc. I was bored. I took frehman physical science as a joke because I liked the instructor (Coach Harry Williams) a lot. It was fun. One day, he made a joke that I should be able to teach it, and I joked back, "No worse than you, Coach." He called my bluff and told me to get my butt up there then. After that, he'd just tell me to lecture when he was tired. I because the "unofficial teacher's aide" and graded exams and everything for him. Coach really did more to lean me towards teaching than anyone else. Him and mom grew up together, and so there was a lot of familiar friendship to make the relationship even more enjoyable for both of us. Coach is in administration now, but I used to go to the old high school and visit him when I was in town - just like I did parents and grandparents. Anyway, teaching IS a good feeling, isn't it, P?
"Just because you got a crap education and cannot get a job does not mean that every student in America gets a crap education"
I might be wrong, but I read that as the plural "you" and not the singular "you," Michael. Not trying to defend Mike or speak for him, but I know I've vbeen mistaken mroe than once for attacking someone personally when I meant the grammatically correct plural you....and not the individual.