He will join us or die
I agree whole heartedly with this. Full blown socialism can't support itself. I don't believe our version of capitalism can support itself either though. I think 9/11 exposed serious cracks in our financial system. I believe Bush and republicans filled the the cracks with money. It was a false economy then and is a false economy now. The cracks keep getting bigger and Obama is following Bush and republican parties idea of fix it with money instead of fixing it for real. It just keeps taking more and more money to fix. The more they try and fix it with money the worse the economic reset is gonna be. In our version of capitalism politicians, republican or democrat, don't allow a reset when poor financial decisions are made. I don't think the American public can handle a true fix. It's gonna happen anyways but the public wouldn't allow an elected leader to allow this reset.
This "garden variety depression" we are in started while Bush was in office. Bush and republicans were preaching "the fundamentals of the economy are sound" while Hank Paulson and Benny B. were in emergency meetings with congress telling them Americas economic system would collapse any day. I'm sorry but you don't get much more right wing republican conservative capitalist then Hank Paulson. Call me gullible, but I believe Hank and Benny were telling the truth when they said our entire economic system was on the brink of collapse.
Republicans and Democrats get their followers all worked up and mad at the other party in public, but behind closed doors I think they are making out with each other!
I also agree with most of what you have said. Two differences though.
1. I do not think Bush is solely responsible for the current financial crisis no more than I think Obama can be the single person to repair it. The financial crisis has been brought on by Americans in General...which leads me to our second difference.
In my opinion a true fix would mean hefty percentage in the middle class would have to give up their status and become poor.
2. We may have the same thought and you just didn't complete the statement, but I agree that "middle class" Americans are the biggest contributor to the current financial situation not because they are middle class but because they tried to live outside of thier means. Of course many lending agencies were way to willing to lend when they knew the borrower couldn't repay the money and yes the government should have regulated the lending more, but that would go against my beliefs. I do not want government to step in and say "let us tell you how to run your buisness". I digress.
I think the problem is that we didn't regulate ourselves. Too many lower and middle, middle class Americans went out and financed big screen TV's, tricked out golf carts, 4-wheelers (never understood needing a 4 wheeler when you do not hunt and live in a housing development), computers, multiple cars and houses they couldn't afford (intrest only loans). Too many people want to blame government for alot of their problems but the fact is, they created them. My family lives within our means (my income). If we can't afford it on what I make then we don't have it.
So, in closing for this thread, I still distruct Obama, our senators and house leaders, I distrust many of the big corporations and I distruct nearly everyone I meant on a personal basis, BUT, I would rather trust the country being ran on less federal control and more on individual state control.